Black lives matter

Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
I understand all that. Doesn’t mean you are correct though. And you are lucky all those black people are killing each other over pussy or $5 rather than be more ambitious and going out to the suburbs to fight the tyranny.

Oh you poor trump supporting idiots. You’re So ready to start a civil war over your Perceived oppression, which is made up in your heads, and So quick to deny blacks are being oppressed.

Meanwhile in at least 2000 anD 2020 we know whites threw away or tried to toss out black votes. You for sure did it in Florida in 2000 and you’re trying to again this year. Republicans

You are spewing out unsupported nonsense, you show anger and hate in your replies.

Still angry 20 years later........ :cuckoo:

Mean while you think it is lucky that blacks are killing each other at a 90% murder rate, than to fight a imagined tyranny, you broadcast ugly thoughts which pegs you as a hater.

You need to get psychological help.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
I understand all that. Doesn’t mean you are correct though. And you are lucky all those black people are killing each other over pussy or $5 rather than be more ambitious and going out to the suburbs to fight the tyranny.

Oh you poor trump supporting idiots. You’re So ready to start a civil war over your Perceived oppression, which is made up in your heads, and So quick to deny blacks are being oppressed.

Meanwhile in at least 2000 anD 2020 we know whites threw away or tried to toss out black votes. You for sure did it in Florida in 2000 and you’re trying to again this year. Republicans

You are spewing out unsupported nonsense, you show anger and hate in your replies.

Still angry 20 years later........ :cuckoo:

Mean while you think it is lucky that blacks are killing each other at a 90% murder rate, than to fight a imagined tyranny, you broadcast ugly thoughts which pegs you as a hater.

You need to get psychological help.
My White rich brother is the one who came up with that about blacks. We know many blacks are in prison right now just because someone looked at them funny. And we know white conservative Americans are ok with treating blacks like second class citizens. It’s a fact you do. I’m a white male I know many white conservatives. All of them are ignorant and greedy. And a lot of them are racist.

You saying the tyranny is imaginary is why blacks don’t vote gop. They know it’s not imaginary.

Sorry if you can’t handle the truth. We are lucky these oppressed angry black murderers are staying close to home and not taking it out on whites. I might be a liberal casualty of war. Get shot because of your ignorance and racist greed.

I don’t hide the fact I dislike conservatives. That’s what usmb is all about. Hater? Sure. I hate you guys. You need to die and not pass on your ignorance to your offspring. Evolve
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.
Could have been me but it misses a point. The police have become militarized in black communities. Unlike in our white communities.

Are you a gun loving constitutionalists conservative ccw carrier? What if you saw a car full of cops approaching you and they are going to tackle and handcuff you. I mean you conservatives who claim the government will never take your guns. How would you respond to that assault on you?
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?
Black lives always mattered. But they aren't the center of the universe and they cant victimize anyone anytime and get away with IT WITHOUT notice, Opps, blacks do stuff!
Wrong. Now all the crime numbers point to whites. This history of violent behavior in this country points to whites. So your racist rants show that you're ignorant.
Blacks commit 50% of the crime, yet are only 13% of the population. I know you know this, but you lie a lot.

Now it’s really only young black men and boys committing all this crime. So, something like 5% of the population (young black men and boys) cause a whopping 50% of crime. Time to quarantine these guys.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.

I have to ultimately agree moving forward if you are not following the officers lawful commands, you may be shot or accidentally killed. But also if I find the cops on camera we’re misbehaving or not handling the situation properly, we stop defending the cops who are in the wrong.

I saw a true story the other day about Detroit. White boy rick. In the movie they explain the corruption in the mayors office. Coleman young, and the corrupt Detroit police. Even without blm the Detroit police department probably needs to be reformed. No I don’t trust that police department. They don’t fuck with whites because that would affect tourism. Lots of suburban whites go to Detroit.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?
Black lives always mattered. But they aren't the center of the universe and they cant victimize anyone anytime and get away with IT WITHOUT notice, Opps, blacks do stuff!
Wrong. Now all the crime numbers point to whites. This history of violent behavior in this country points to whites. So your racist rants show that you're ignorant.
Blacks commit 50% of the crime, yet are only 13% of the population. I know you know this, but you lie a lot.

Now it’s really only young black men and boys committing all this crime. So, something like 5% of the population (young black men and boys) cause a whopping 50% of crime. Time to quarantine these guys.
We have quarantined them. I live in metro Detroit. Really safe place to live. I could drive 20 minutes and I’d be in a war zone. There are places in Detroit that are less safe than Afghanistan.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?
Equal under the law and long have been. Anybody of any race who believes members of their race deserve to be treated better than other races is racist and that makes BLM as racist as the KKK.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.
Could have been me but it misses a point. The police have become militarized in black communities. Unlike in our white communities.

Are you a gun loving constitutionalists conservative ccw carrier? What if you saw a car full of cops approaching you and they are going to tackle and handcuff you. I mean you conservatives who claim the government will never take your guns. How would you respond to that assault on you?

Your hypothetical scenario indicate you have no arguments to offer, getting desperate and ignoring the facts will hurt you every time.

Not going to discuss a non existent event, it is always a sign you have nothing left to argue about.

The Statistics of black on black murders needs to be addressed, need to deal with this ongoing tragedy. You fixate on rare cop shootings of mostly armed blacks some who pointed back at them.

That is what liberals do is ignore the significant black on black murder rate, is to shift from it to a dishonest narrative of rare cop on black shootings and loudly complain about it.

Your partisan hate is unproductive and stupid.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

That stat doens't matter to lefties when you talk about blacks in prison. They say more whites are in prison than blacks, yet ignore the fact that there are 7 times more whites than blacks.

So if the stat don't matter inside the walls it doesn't matter outside either.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.
Could have been me but it misses a point. The police have become militarized in black communities. Unlike in our white communities.

Are you a gun loving constitutionalists conservative ccw carrier? What if you saw a car full of cops approaching you and they are going to tackle and handcuff you. I mean you conservatives who claim the government will never take your guns. How would you respond to that assault on you?

Your hypothetical scenario indicate you have no arguments to offer, getting desperate and ignoring the facts will hurt you every time.

Not going to discuss a non existent event, it is always a sign you have nothing left to argue about.

The Statistics of black on black murders needs to be addressed, need to deal with this ongoing tragedy. You fixate on rare cop shootings of mostly armed blacks some who pointed back at them.

That is what liberals do is ignore the significant black on black murder rate, is to shift from it to a dishonest narrative of rare cop on black shootings and loudly complain about it.

Your partisan hate is unproductive and stupid.
Us liberals would love to address the high crime rates in black communities. On of the biggest problems is lack of economic opportunity. So when jobs come back from China and Mexico they need to go where jobs are needed.

Healthcare giants are doing this. One of the biggest problems senior citizen homes have is finding workers. So healthcare companies are moving their offices and hospitals and homes to the hoods. This was shocking for us to leave my white mom with all black people because we feared they would abuse her for being white but they treated her really well.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
I understand all that. Doesn’t mean you are correct though. And you are lucky all those black people are killing each other over pussy or $5 rather than be more ambitious and going out to the suburbs to fight the tyranny.

Oh you poor trump supporting idiots. You’re So ready to start a civil war over your Perceived oppression, which is made up in your heads, and So quick to deny blacks are being oppressed.

Meanwhile in at least 2000 anD 2020 we know whites threw away or tried to toss out black votes. You for sure did it in Florida in 2000 and you’re trying to again this year. Republicans

You are spewing out unsupported nonsense, you show anger and hate in your replies.

Still angry 20 years later........ :cuckoo:

Mean while you think it is lucky that blacks are killing each other at a 90% murder rate, than to fight a imagined tyranny, you broadcast ugly thoughts which pegs you as a hater.

You need to get psychological help.
Anger and hate or passion?
You're a LYING POS!!!!


But not JUST a lying piece of shit.

He, and News Vine are the manifestation of an enormous collective inferiority complex, where generation after generation of black racists have been trained to be useless and unproductive while blaming white people for the fact they do not amount to anything in life. When their seething hatred of whites is reflected back upon them in even the slightest, they seize upon that as evidence of massive white racism, as they lack the maturity necessary to indulge in any introspection or take any responsibility in life.

Black Lives Matter for all intents and purposes means "we don't want to grow up and he held responsible'
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd
....This was shocking for us to leave my white mom with all black people because we feared they would abuse her for being white but they treated her really well.

Typical racist democrat hypocrite.
Just being honest. ......

And the next second back to being a hypocrite, but still a racist.
Derailing another thread? Making this about me and not discussing the subject? Classic unkotare
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Those sure as Hell were not white supremacists that we saw on the news rioting and looting and destroying. Those were subhuman animals, operating under the name of Black Lies Matter. Defend these pieces of shit all that you want, but know that you •WILL• be known by the company that you choose to keep.
Like we associate you with white supremists [sic].

Show where I have associated with, defended, or supported white supremacism.

It should be easy, if you're not the craven liar that everyone knows you to be. Just post a link to anything I've posted on this forum, or if necessary, Google my name and see if you can find anything I've posted elsewhere, where I express any support at all for the idea that anyone is superior or inferior to anyone else on account of race.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

I'll add that I didn't even have to look to find a blatantly racist post from you. It was in this thread, not far after the one to which I was originally responding with this post.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able [sic] people

…and another, later in the thread…

This was shocking for us to leave my white mom with all black people because we feared they would abuse her for being white but they treated her really well.​

There, by your own admission, you admit to having assumed that these workers would misbehave, just because they were black.
Last edited:

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