Black lives matter

Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?
Black lives always mattered. But they aren't the center of the universe and they cant victimize anyone anytime and get away with IT WITHOUT notice, Opps, blacks do stuff!
Wrong. Now all the crime numbers point to whites. This history of violent behavior in this country points to whites. So your racist rants show that you're ignorant.
Blacks commit 50% of the crime, yet are only 13% of the population. I know you know this, but you lie a lot.

Now it’s really only young black men and boys committing all this crime. So, something like 5% of the population (young black men and boys) cause a whopping 50% of crime. Time to quarantine these guys.
We have quarantined them. I live in metro Detroit. Really safe place to live. I could drive 20 minutes and I’d be in a war zone. There are places in Detroit that are less safe than Afghanistan.
No. They like to commit crimes against other blacks. We need to protect them from these murderous thugs.
And we know white conservative Americans are ok with treating blacks like second class citizens. It’s a fact you do.

That generalization is a flat-out-lie, and you know it.

I feel safe in speaking for the majority of white conservative Americans in saying this, that no, we are not OK with anyone being treated poorly in any way, on account of race. We simply are not, and you know damn well that we are not.

That's just a bullshit excuse that LIbtARds such as yourself make for bad behavior, in which, sadly, too many black people disproportionately engage. You are not fooling anyone with it. There are plenty of black people who know how to behave like human beings, and I do not consider any of them to be unequal to us white people who also know how to behave as human beings. There are also some white people who act like subhuman filth, and I do not regard them as any better than black people who behave as subhuman filth.

It's about the content of one's character, not the color of one's skin. You want to make dark skin an excuse for bad character, bad behavior. That is a blatantly racist position.
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
Those sure as Hell were not white supremacists that we saw on the news rioting and looting and destroying. Those were subhuman animals, operating under the name of Black Lies Matter. Defend these pieces of shit all that you want, but know that you •WILL• be known by the company that you choose to keep.
Like we associate you with white supremists [sic].

Show where I have associated with, defended, or supported white supremacism.

It should be easy, if you're not the craven liar that everyone knows you to be. Just post a link to anything I've posted on this forum, or if necessary, Google my name and see if you can find anything I've posted elsewhere, where I express any support at all for the idea that anyone is superior or inferior to anyone else on account of race.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

I'll add that I didn't even have to look to find a blatantly racist post from you. It was in this thread, not far after the one to which I was originally responding with this post.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able [sic] people

…and another, later in the thread…

This was shocking for us to leave my white mom with all black people because we feared they would abuse her for being white but they treated her really well.​

There, by your own admission, you admit to having assumed that these workers would misbehave, just because they were black.
Yes I admit our white bias. You don’t admit it though why?
And we know white conservative Americans are ok with treating blacks like second class citizens. It’s a fact you do.

That generalization is a flat-out-lie, and you know it.

I feel safe in speaking for the majority of white conservative Americans in saying this, that no, we are not OK with anyone being treated poorly in any way, on account of race. We simply are not, and you know damn well that we are not.

That's just a bullshit excuse that LIbtARds such as yourself make for bad behavior, in which, sadly, too many black people disproportionately engage. You are not fooling anyone with it. There are plenty of black people who know how to behave like human beings, and I do not consider any of them to be unequal to us white people who also know how to behave as human beings. There are also some white people who act like subhuman filth, and I do not regard them as any better than black people who behave as subhuman filth.

It's about the content of one's character, not the color of one's skin. You want to make dark skin an excuse for bad character, bad behavior. That is a blatantly racist position.
And yet weve see cops have mistreated rich black celebrities and athletes not just poor blacks. Sure cops may also mistreat poor whites in Poor white neighborhoods but out where cops don’t treat us that way, they may treat a successful black suspiciously in my neighborhood just because he’s black.

Im a white living in white america and I know white cops tend to be racist. Not kkk racist but conservative racist. Where it’s ok to murder a black when he was selling loose cigarettes.

Remember the cops came hard on that woman’s home. A lawful gun owner in her own home she grabs her gun and looks out her own window. Cop murders her. You don’t see a problem here?
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
I prefer intelligence.
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
I thought the following explains a lot.

Which brings me to China, our number-one competitor. China doesn’t have a lot of blacks and Hispanics. It doesn’t have race riots. It’s not spending billions on “diversity.” It isn’t trying to turn unteachable Somalis and Hondurans into anesthesiologists. All the billions and all the incredible moral energy we waste on racial goose chases, the Chinese have used to build their country. Look at this comparison by the IMF of the sizes of our two economies. In 1980, just 40 years ago, China’s economy was one ninth the size of ours. It zoomed past us five years ago, and is set to keep sailing ahead.


Look up the longest bridges in the world. Four out of the top five are in China and the fifth is in Thailand.China has built a national network of high-speed trains. There is nothing like this thing in the United States.


The colored lines on this map are high-speed rail with trains that go up to 200 miles an hour. China has more miles of high-speed rail than all other countries in the world combined. And every mile went into service just in the last 15 years.


Has China neglected air travel? Nope. It has the biggest domestic air travel market in the world,and has plans to build 200 more airports in the next 15 years. But we’ll sell them the planes, right? Good luck trying. China has just introduced the C 919 – as a direct competitor with Boeing and Airbus. Twenty-eight airlines have already ordered 815 of them.

If it ever comes to a shooting war, believe me, the Chinese are already laughing at the idea of affirmative action or diversity and inclusion. They have a simpler goal: Build the best and toughest army in the world. We’re turning out social workers who carry rifles.

Our competitors are serious. They don’t let low-IQ people immigrate. They don’t rewrite their history or demonize their founders. They don’t coddle people who hate them. If anybody ever talked about building something based on afrofuturism, they’d put him in the nut house.

And the Chinese understand IQ. The Beijing Genomic Institute is leading the hunt for the genes associated with intelligence. And when they find them, the Chinese will use genetic engineering to make their people as smart as possible.

We can’t compete with China while we are bound and gagged and hobbled by terrible taboos about race. Pretty soon we won’t be able to compete with, heck, Brazil. And that’s why this is a taboo that could wreck our country.

The Taboo That Could Break America, Part III - American Renaissance
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
I prefer intelligence.
Well I’m sure the United States government on behalf of corporations negotiated the best they could and agreed to chinas demands. That meant it was worth it to those corporations. I didn’t give two shits about selling to China. In fact I can’t sell my product to China. The owner of my company had to open a China office. So again, this benefitted the owner of my company not workers.

And these corporations or the owners vote republican more than they do democratic.
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
I thought the following explains a lot.

Which brings me to China, our number-one competitor. China doesn’t have a lot of blacks and Hispanics. It doesn’t have race riots. It’s not spending billions on “diversity.” It isn’t trying to turn unteachable Somalis and Hondurans into anesthesiologists. All the billions and all the incredible moral energy we waste on racial goose chases, the Chinese have used to build their country. Look at this comparison by the IMF of the sizes of our two economies. In 1980, just 40 years ago, China’s economy was one ninth the size of ours. It zoomed past us five years ago, and is set to keep sailing ahead.


Look up the longest bridges in the world. Four out of the top five are in China and the fifth is in Thailand.China has built a national network of high-speed trains. There is nothing like this thing in the United States.


The colored lines on this map are high-speed rail with trains that go up to 200 miles an hour. China has more miles of high-speed rail than all other countries in the world combined. And every mile went into service just in the last 15 years.


Has China neglected air travel? Nope. It has the biggest domestic air travel market in the world,and has plans to build 200 more airports in the next 15 years. But we’ll sell them the planes, right? Good luck trying. China has just introduced the C 919 – as a direct competitor with Boeing and Airbus. Twenty-eight airlines have already ordered 815 of them.

If it ever comes to a shooting war, believe me, the Chinese are already laughing at the idea of affirmative action or diversity and inclusion. They have a simpler goal: Build the best and toughest army in the world. We’re turning out social workers who carry rifles.

Our competitors are serious. They don’t let low-IQ people immigrate. They don’t rewrite their history or demonize their founders. They don’t coddle people who hate them. If anybody ever talked about building something based on afrofuturism, they’d put him in the nut house.

And the Chinese understand IQ. The Beijing Genomic Institute is leading the hunt for the genes associated with intelligence. And when they find them, the Chinese will use genetic engineering to make their people as smart as possible.

We can’t compete with China while we are bound and gagged and hobbled by terrible taboos about race. Pretty soon we won’t be able to compete with, heck, Brazil. And that’s why this is a taboo that could wreck our country.

The Taboo That Could Break America, Part III - American Renaissance
Can’t disagree
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

How many examples do you need to see where cops behave as if white lives don't matter? I've seen enough.
They don’t kneel on the white dudes neck till he dies.

You're right, they just shoot him. More whites killed by police the last 4 years than any other race. Do white lives matter?

Whites make up 51% of the population. Blacks 10%. I hope whites lead in this category.

Your inner ugliness out in the open.....

What? All I said is if more whites have been shot by cops than blacks, one reason why is there are a lot more whites than there are blacks. That’s all I was saying.

But I will add that America has a poor white trash blue collar problem. Ignorant deplor able people

Who wrote this?

I hope whites lead in this category.

I hope people would stop fighting lawful police actions, then there would be a significant drop in being shot.
Could have been me but it misses a point. The police have become militarized in black communities. Unlike in our white communities.

Are you a gun loving constitutionalists conservative ccw carrier? What if you saw a car full of cops approaching you and they are going to tackle and handcuff you. I mean you conservatives who claim the government will never take your guns. How would you respond to that assault on you?
Just the opposite, they started to de-police years ago. Police are trying to not have any run ins with folks in the hood, and then crime rates go up.
You know who end up snapping and killing cops? Former soldiers. They went to the Middle East and defended this country, probably signed up because Obama was president, then they come back home and see black Americans being treated like second class citizens.

These ex military guys are well trained how to kill and they have ptsd

Blacks receive an advantage over all other groups when it comes to educational and employment opportunities.

If that is being treated like a second class citizen, can I have me some of that, please.
Nonsense. Maybe half the Fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. The other half don’t and continue to be all white, except for the poorest workers.

And there are still lots of republican hiring managers who deny their bias and only hire the most qualified, which usually means a white like you
China is eating our lunch because they don’t concern themselves with race, gender, sexual preference, political correctness, diversity, etc. We’re a dying empire.
Shouldn’t right prevail?

Who do you prefer us liberals or doing it China’s way?
I thought the following explains a lot.

Which brings me to China, our number-one competitor. China doesn’t have a lot of blacks and Hispanics. It doesn’t have race riots. It’s not spending billions on “diversity.” It isn’t trying to turn unteachable Somalis and Hondurans into anesthesiologists. All the billions and all the incredible moral energy we waste on racial goose chases, the Chinese have used to build their country. Look at this comparison by the IMF of the sizes of our two economies. In 1980, just 40 years ago, China’s economy was one ninth the size of ours. It zoomed past us five years ago, and is set to keep sailing ahead.


Look up the longest bridges in the world. Four out of the top five are in China and the fifth is in Thailand.China has built a national network of high-speed trains. There is nothing like this thing in the United States.


The colored lines on this map are high-speed rail with trains that go up to 200 miles an hour. China has more miles of high-speed rail than all other countries in the world combined. And every mile went into service just in the last 15 years.


Has China neglected air travel? Nope. It has the biggest domestic air travel market in the world,and has plans to build 200 more airports in the next 15 years. But we’ll sell them the planes, right? Good luck trying. China has just introduced the C 919 – as a direct competitor with Boeing and Airbus. Twenty-eight airlines have already ordered 815 of them.

If it ever comes to a shooting war, believe me, the Chinese are already laughing at the idea of affirmative action or diversity and inclusion. They have a simpler goal: Build the best and toughest army in the world. We’re turning out social workers who carry rifles.

Our competitors are serious. They don’t let low-IQ people immigrate. They don’t rewrite their history or demonize their founders. They don’t coddle people who hate them. If anybody ever talked about building something based on afrofuturism, they’d put him in the nut house.

And the Chinese understand IQ. The Beijing Genomic Institute is leading the hunt for the genes associated with intelligence. And when they find them, the Chinese will use genetic engineering to make their people as smart as possible.

We can’t compete with China while we are bound and gagged and hobbled by terrible taboos about race. Pretty soon we won’t be able to compete with, heck, Brazil. And that’s why this is a taboo that could wreck our country.

The Taboo That Could Break America, Part III - American Renaissance
Han Chinese have always seen themselves as the center of the universe. No matter how much money you have, or how good looking you are over there you still aint Chinese. If you some Chinaman giving his wife an ass whooping and you want to step in an help, as non Chinese person, try it and see how fast 20 Chinamen are on your ass.
There, by your own admission, you admit to having assumed that these workers would misbehave, just because they were black.
Yes I admit our white bias. You don’t admit it though why?

You're the one who openly admitted that you made adverse assumptions about how someone would behave, based on their race.

I do not make such assumptions. Most of the black people I've had occasion to deal with behave as well as white people. I have no experience, no reason, to lead me to assume, just because someone is black, that he is going to behave more badly than he would if he was white. I've known and associated with plenty of very fine people of all races. I've also had the misfortune of coming across various subhuman pieces of shit, of all races. I've had enough experience with every possible combination of these to know better than to make any assumption about any9ne's character, just on the basis of the color of his skin.

You openly have admitted to making such assumptions, and yet you're trying to paint me as the racist.

It's not “our” bias that you're demanding I acknowledge. It's •YOUR• bias, not mine.

And in a sense, you're using it to support the premise that white people, in general, are racist, which is not only wrong, but is, in itself, racist. So you're racist in both directions.
Yes I admit our white bias. You don’t admit it though why?

I'd be the first to admit you are quite stupid.

Does than make me prejudiced against whites?

I'll be the second.

Nothing to do with race. I know plenty of people—black, white, and of other races as well—who are much, much, much, much smarter than SleazyBozo will ever be.
But not JUST a lying piece of shit.

He, and News Vine are the manifestation of an enormous collective inferiority complex, where generation after generation of black racists have been trained to be useless and unproductive while blaming white people for the fact they do not amount to anything in life. When their seething hatred of whites is reflected back upon them in even the slightest, they seize upon that as evidence of massive white racism, as they lack the maturity necessary to indulge in any introspection or take any responsibility in life.

Black Lives Matter for all intents and purposes means "we don't want to grow up and he held responsible'
Please do not include me in your fantasies, especially when they are this inaccurate.

I'm essential, are you?
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