Black lives matter

Conservatives are worst than me. They refuse to even admit bias exists. That’s because they want to keep this advantage over the rest of society. In a country as diverse as America, conservatives want whites to stay in power. They want all the politicians in Washington and all the ceos [sic] to be white men. They think that’s the way things work best.

You republicans want us to believe because you’re good at hiding your hatred, that you in fact arent [sic] predjudice [sic] towards blacks, which we know you are.

Once again, you're a self-hating white supremacist, who makes the error of assuming that all white people, especially conservatives white people, are racists just like you.

And you're simply wrong. Most of us have nothing against anyone because of their race.

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I am called a racism by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
He’s saying you aren’t recognizing your white privilege. You didn’t do anything other than benefit from the racist system.

Bet if you were black you’d get it then.

That is a kind of you to show how stupid your statement is, since only race haters talk that way, somehow I am guilty because I am white.....

This is why some blacks stay at the bottom of the barrel, they are too busy hating and making up bogus rationalizations for it. They hate the very people who can help them succeed, that is the sad reality you ignore over and over.

Meanwhile there are many blacks who are wealthy and successful DESPITE the racist shit they faced because they continued to strive for success, that is what Hank Aaron did, as he explained that is what Willie Mays did, and Bob Gibson did, they never stopped trying.

There are two choices, go on hating whites while sitting on your ass, OR get off your ass and get on with building to success, by trying and allowing whites to help them.
A lot of truth to what you are saying. There is a lot of anti Semitic people out there and jews don’t let that hold them back. Someone may not hire them because they are Jewish but they aren’t asking us to do something about it. Although I do know a Jew who sued the company I worked for when being Jewish had nothing to do with it.

Blacks will say we broke up the black family. And there is some truth to that too but moving forward blacks need to put that shit back together themselves.

You need to read the book BOSS that covers Mayor Daley's long running racism and corruption, it was written by long time Democrat Mike Royko

Richard Daley was a repulsive racist.
Mayor Coleman young and kwami kilpatrick were two very racist and corrupt mayors in Detroit.
They prove im2 wrong. He says if the script was flipped, blacks wouldnt discriminate or be corrupt. They’d be better. Well Coleman young and kilpatrick blew that theory right up

There are obvious racists in every group.
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X


Blacks needs to stop fighting for reparations, it will NEVER happen, it is a stupid pipe dream.

Better to stop whining about small levels of racism, since that doesn't stop it anyway, there will always be racists out there, fuck them, get on with life!
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!

"All lives matter"? Not so in the mind of so many Trump Supporters and others who believe wearing a mask is an assault on their liberty.
Because more and more women, gays, non christians and people of color are being elected as democrats. You keep giving us only white rich old Christian men. And don’t bring us no Herman Cain tokens.

Further proof that the bigotry that you keep projecting on other is your own.

Sane people care about the qualifications of those who are elected, appointed, or hired into positions of importance; not their status as politically-correct minorities.

Only a bigot puts such minority status above actual qualification for any position.

And look where your brand of bigotry gets us. We had eight years of the most corrupt, incompetent, unqualified President that this nation has ever seen, elected because he was “black” (half-black, actually, and with no connection whatsoever to the heritage of most black Americans that is different from that of other Americans) rather than because he had any qualifications for the job. And now, it appears that your party is putting a fake-black whore in the Vice Presidency, not because she is anywhere close to being qualified, but because she's a woman, a fake-black, and she sucked the right dicks to get where she is.
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This OP is one of the BIGGEST liars on a site w/a ton load of liars.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
This is a lie. A racist lie. A white racist lie.

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Are 85 Percent of White People Killed by Other White People, Even Though We Never Hear About 'White on White Crime'? - Truth or Fiction?
Black lives matter is the issue here, and being that they don't factor in actual black on black death rate and only focus on how bad whites are all the time no matter what, sorta delegitimizes these puds. They are anti white communists and they are supported by the Chinese, they are basically fringe hate group that suddenly became popular. Like the Beatles or the hula hoop.
Given that 85 percent of all whites are killed by another white person and nobody pays attention to it, you should be very concerned. You made white on white crime an issue in this discussion because you keep talking about a high black crime rate as if whites don't have one. After all, if all lives really mattered to you, you would concerned. But this isn't about all lives, this is about you getting to freely flop out your racist bullshit. Bitch, you better go back and look at how women have been treated then thank us blacks for standing up to the white men you didn't stand up to. Because our fight for civil rights gave you more freedom and in fact, white women get the most out of policies developed during civil right. Yet white woman like you dare talk shit.

You keep calling me a racist, without a shred of evidence, do you do that a lot to other people?
That's what the self-loathing spooks do. They're beyond ignorant. They learned how to pull the white guilt card out instead of applying themselves to get an education and a skill to succeed in life.
Ok, here is a good starting point. Statistically we know that bias plays a factor in hiring. It must. Why else in a country as diverse as ours are so many executives in the boardroom white males? Where are the women? Blacks? Mexicans? Arabs? Asians?

And black people. We look at your poor black communities and just like we see in our poor white communities, the people in those communities aren’t helping themselves by having kids they can’t afford.

I don’t have kids. Never felt I could afford them. 6 years ago at age 44 I finally started making enough to have Kids, but I’m spoiled and selfish. Don’t want kids. Not worth the cost. Plus this planet is overpopulated so you’re all welcome. Anyways, everyone who’s poor most likely saddled themselves with children. That was their decision. I would have been poor for awhile too if I had kids 7 years ago. Working poor. Bottom line, anyone poor who has kids fucked themselves no matter their color.

But, we also see blue collar whites get all the good paying jobs. That’s because it’s not what you know it’s who you know. This is why diversity programs are necessary. White bias factors into hiring decisions.
Good points. Speaking of bias, you should write a letter to all the football and basketball teams and demand they hire more white and Latino players. They're really overloaded with Black players. It's not right and racist.
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X


Blacks needs to stop fighting for reparations, it will NEVER happen, it is a stupid pipe dream.

Better to stop whining about small levels of racism, since that doesn't stop it anyway, there will always be racists out there, fuck them, get on with life!
What is wrong with wanting more economic opportunity for the black community? Why would blacks be against diversity programs when 99% of corporate America is white men? You cons suggest that bias doesn’t exist. So why are women, blacks, mexicans, muslims, and asians so under represented in corporate America? I’m not saying it’s all because of bias, but bias plays a role. If blacks disagree, like Ben Carson and Herman Cain, they can vote republican.
I’m sure a lot of Germans said they didn’t hate jews but they also didn’t acknowledge that Jews were being discriminated against either.

That has got to be one of the dumbest invocations of Godwin's law that has ever taken place.
Well I would think a German born after ww2 is still embarrassed for what his forefathers did.

And even if your ancestors weren’t living in Germany during the war, if you are a German citizen you need to know your country has a nasty history. Well so does America towards minorities. Very nasty history. And that white privileg still exists today. And you being white benefit from it.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
This is a lie. A racist lie. A white racist lie.

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Are 85 Percent of White People Killed by Other White People, Even Though We Never Hear About 'White on White Crime'? - Truth or Fiction?
Black lives matter is the issue here, and being that they don't factor in actual black on black death rate and only focus on how bad whites are all the time no matter what, sorta delegitimizes these puds. They are anti white communists and they are supported by the Chinese, they are basically fringe hate group that suddenly became popular. Like the Beatles or the hula hoop.
Given that 85 percent of all whites are killed by another white person and nobody pays attention to it, you should be very concerned. You made white on white crime an issue in this discussion because you keep talking about a high black crime rate as if whites don't have one. After all, if all lives really mattered to you, you would concerned. But this isn't about all lives, this is about you getting to freely flop out your racist bullshit. Bitch, you better go back and look at how women have been treated then thank us blacks for standing up to the white men you didn't stand up to. Because our fight for civil rights gave you more freedom and in fact, white women get the most out of policies developed during civil right. Yet white woman like you dare talk shit.

You keep calling me a racist, without a shred of evidence, do you do that a lot to other people?
That's what the self-loathing spooks do. They're beyond ignorant. They learned how to pull the white guilt card out instead of applying themselves to get an education and a skill to succeed in life.
Ok, here is a good starting point. Statistically we know that bias plays a factor in hiring. It must. Why else in a country as diverse as ours are so many executives in the boardroom white males? Where are the women? Blacks? Mexicans? Arabs? Asians?

And black people. We look at your poor black communities and just like we see in our poor white communities, the people in those communities aren’t helping themselves by having kids they can’t afford.

I don’t have kids. Never felt I could afford them. 6 years ago at age 44 I finally started making enough to have Kids, but I’m spoiled and selfish. Don’t want kids. Not worth the cost. Plus this planet is overpopulated so you’re all welcome. Anyways, everyone who’s poor most likely saddled themselves with children. That was their decision. I would have been poor for awhile too if I had kids 7 years ago. Working poor. Bottom line, anyone poor who has kids fucked themselves no matter their color.

But, we also see blue collar whites get all the good paying jobs. That’s because it’s not what you know it’s who you know. This is why diversity programs are necessary. White bias factors into hiring decisions.
Good points. Speaking of bias, you should write a letter to all the football and basketball teams and demand they hire more white and Latino players. They're really overloaded with Black players. It's not right and racist.
Your argument suggests that the executive boardrooms in America are 96% white males because they are the most qualified. Half the Fortune 500 companies disagree with you. They know bias exists and they’ve implemented diversity programs to deal with your bias.
Lets go there. That name is so...cloying. Like say, if Hitler had called...umm "Vegetarians against Badness", Then it was "Kristallnacht", smashing up stores and intimidating...Now its the BLM smashing up stores and intimidating fighting racism...

ALL lives matter!
When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters.
When have white lives not mattered more than everyone elses?

ALL lives matters, this means ALL human beings lives matters.

BLM is a racism group.

White Supremacist group is racist.

You reply the way you do here because you are a full bore racist.
How many examples do you need to see Where cops behave as if black lives don’t matter? I’ve seen enough

Typical hypocrisy post you make is indicative that you haven't learned.

You have NOT read enough, since YOU are ignoring the high level of black on black murders. Blacks kill other blacks far more than Whites killed blacks.

Cops killed far more whites than they have killed blacks.
This is a lie. A racist lie. A white racist lie.

View attachment 436612

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View attachment 436609

Are 85 Percent of White People Killed by Other White People, Even Though We Never Hear About 'White on White Crime'? - Truth or Fiction?
Black lives matter is the issue here, and being that they don't factor in actual black on black death rate and only focus on how bad whites are all the time no matter what, sorta delegitimizes these puds. They are anti white communists and they are supported by the Chinese, they are basically fringe hate group that suddenly became popular. Like the Beatles or the hula hoop.
Given that 85 percent of all whites are killed by another white person and nobody pays attention to it, you should be very concerned. You made white on white crime an issue in this discussion because you keep talking about a high black crime rate as if whites don't have one. After all, if all lives really mattered to you, you would concerned. But this isn't about all lives, this is about you getting to freely flop out your racist bullshit. Bitch, you better go back and look at how women have been treated then thank us blacks for standing up to the white men you didn't stand up to. Because our fight for civil rights gave you more freedom and in fact, white women get the most out of policies developed during civil right. Yet white woman like you dare talk shit.

You keep calling me a racist, without a shred of evidence, do you do that a lot to other people?
That's what the self-loathing spooks do. They're beyond ignorant. They learned how to pull the white guilt card out instead of applying themselves to get an education and a skill to succeed in life.
Ok, here is a good starting point. Statistically we know that bias plays a factor in hiring. It must. Why else in a country as diverse as ours are so many executives in the boardroom white males? Where are the women? Blacks? Mexicans? Arabs? Asians?

And black people. We look at your poor black communities and just like we see in our poor white communities, the people in those communities aren’t helping themselves by having kids they can’t afford.

I don’t have kids. Never felt I could afford them. 6 years ago at age 44 I finally started making enough to have Kids, but I’m spoiled and selfish. Don’t want kids. Not worth the cost. Plus this planet is overpopulated so you’re all welcome. Anyways, everyone who’s poor most likely saddled themselves with children. That was their decision. I would have been poor for awhile too if I had kids 7 years ago. Working poor. Bottom line, anyone poor who has kids fucked themselves no matter their color.

But, we also see blue collar whites get all the good paying jobs. That’s because it’s not what you know it’s who you know. This is why diversity programs are necessary. White bias factors into hiring decisions.
Good points. Speaking of bias, you should write a letter to all the football and basketball teams and demand they hire more white and Latino players. They're really overloaded with Black players. It's not right and racist.
Your argument suggests that the executive boardrooms in America are 96% white males because they are the most qualified. Half the Fortune 500 companies disagree with you. They know bias exists and they’ve implemented diversity programs to deal with your bias.
My bias? Shove it.
I am called a racist by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
Reparations are paid by the government, not by individual citizens, for policies, laws, etc. that caused harm to specific groups of people.

Think of it as a class action. Not everyone in the class may have been individually harmed but the fact that they are a member of the certified class entitles them to compensation for the wrong committed against the class as a whole.

IM2 is not a race hater although he has little patience for white racists including those who deny they are racists while making derogatory and racist comments about about black people.

I have no knowledge of whether or not you fall into that category, I haven't seen anything to support that but again I haven't been looking so I have no reason to believe otherwise.
...And don’t bring us no Herman Cain tokens.

Spoken like a typical democrat hypocrite racist.
Rich blacks who vote republican because they believe now it’s in their best interest financially to vote republican have abandoned the poor black communities in America. But I get it. I can imagine the justifications they have. I don’t want to put words in their mouths on their positions on such programs like affirmative action and diversity programs.

I commend the Herman cains and Ben Carson’s. They call bullshit on the black community. We need more black republicans in the black community Calling them out on the behaviors that are keeping them all down. Same behaviors that keep poor whites down too
I am called a racist by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
Reparations are paid by the government, not by individual citizens, for policies, laws, etc. that caused harm to specific groups of people.

Think of it as a class action. Not everyone in the class may have been individually harmed but the fact that they are a member of the certified class entitles them to compensation for the wrong committed against the class as a whole.

IM2 is not a race hater although he has little patience for white racists including those who deny they are racists while making derogatory and racist comments about about black people.

I have no knowledge of whether or not you fall into that category, I haven't seen anything to support that but again I haven't been looking so I have no reason to believe otherwise.
We can’t say derogatory things about the black community? We can’t address fatherlessness? We can’t call out the highest crime areas are in Detroit, not Mayberry? Not fair.

And if we do it your way, what’s the first things you want done about “racism”
Sealybobo is one of those white liberals Malcolm X talks about.
Let me ask you something. If you left your elderly mom with Alzheimer’s at an all white home would you be fearful or relieved?
For the longest time black people didn't have any choice in the matter since the U.S. was racially segregated until just little more than half a century ago. I think black people would have more to fear from being the only black person in an all white facility than vice versa simply because usually the reason places are all white (neighborhood, workplace, school, nursing home, etc.) is because the white people want it that way. That black person would definitely be in a hostile environment where her presence is unwanted and this unfortunately happens on a much more regular basis all over the country than you might imagine.
See I would think a lone white would be more likely to be abused because blacks are oppressed by whites, perceived or not, black people feel oppressed by white society. Especially poor people in poor black communities. I went to college with a black guy from flint. He never met a white person until he met us freshman year of college. So imagine some old white person comes in from the suburbs. They think Probably was racist before they got too old.

Honestly, I don’t think a lone black has anything to worry about being the only black. But I suppose I could see why blacks would be just as uncomfortable leaving gramma with all white people. So you agree it was natural for me to have worried about this?
It's understandable that you'd be concerned about an unknown situation, being worried about it due to the race of the people is still iffy but if you've come away from this having discovered that no, all black people do not hate all white people and that your fears were misplaced, then I would say progress has been made.

This kind of apprehension starts to go away when you spend time with people of other races that are equally accomplished.
Well I would think a German born after ww2 is still embarrassed for what his forefathers did.

And even if your ancestors weren’t living in Germany during the war, if you are a German citizen you need to know your country has a nasty history. Well so does America towards minorities. Very nasty history.

I'm not responsible for anything that anyone did before I even existed.

As far as I know, none of my ancestors had any part in slavery, but even if they did, it's not my responsibility.

But your point was to suggest that because I do not admit to the faulty which are clearly yours, and of which you insist on falsely accusing me, that I am somehow comparable to a Nazi. That's truly one of the most absurd applications that I have ever seen of Godwin's Law.

And that white privileg [sic] still exists today. And you being white benefit from it.

That's just bullshit.
I am called a racist by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
Reparations are paid by the government, not by individual citizens, for policies, laws, etc. that caused harm to specific groups of people.

Think of it as a class action. Not everyone in the class may have been individually harmed but the fact that they are a member of the certified class entitles them to compensation for the wrong committed against the class as a whole.

IM2 is not a race hater although he has little patience for white racists including those who deny they are racists while making derogatory and racist comments about about black people.

I have no knowledge of whether or not you fall into that category, I haven't seen anything to support that but again I haven't been looking so I have no reason to believe otherwise.
I don’t deny I say bigoted things and can be prejudice. Are any of you better than me? Republicans are good at pointing out liberal racists but they never say if they agree or disagree with us.
I am called a racist by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
Reparations are paid by the government, not by individual citizens, for policies, laws, etc. that caused harm to specific groups of people.

Think of it as a class action. Not everyone in the class may have been individually harmed but the fact that they are a member of the certified class entitles them to compensation for the wrong committed against the class as a whole.

IM2 is not a race hater although he has little patience for white racists including those who deny they are racists while making derogatory and racist comments about about black people.

I have no knowledge of whether or not you fall into that category, I haven't seen anything to support that but again I haven't been looking so I have no reason to believe otherwise.
We can’t say derogatory things about the black community? We can’t address fatherlessness? We can’t call out the highest crime areas are in Detroit, not Mayberry? Not fair.W

And if we do it your way, what’s the first things you want done about “racism”
What do you think is my way?

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