Black man refuses to drop gun, shot by black police officer

Charlotte, NC...
So now we are to expect that every time a blakc person confronts the police while armed, refuses commands to drop the weapon, is shot, there will be rioting, violence done to innocent motorists, vandalism and looting.
Riots in Charlotte after fatal police shooting
The shooting victim was armed and refused commands to drop the weapon.
An officer opened fire....The man was shot dead. A rumor was started on social media that claimed the gun was a book. Also claimed the man was sitting in his vehicle minding his own business and the police just decided to shoot him...
Now we have one of these racist anarchists a man by the name of PJ MUrphy, a person who has tried in vain to set up his own satellite radio show and failed at getting on the internet, calling for more rioting and violence as well as a 'black economic boycott' of Charlotte.
What stupidity.

North Carolina is an open carry state. Did the 2nd ammendment give police permission to confiscate guns

people still must comply about putting down a gun and letting them speak to suspect and check gun as standard when they find an armed person, other wise it is a threat to the office(s)

If nothing is wrong in a matter of minutes the person can then go on his way.

Comply with police first and foremost.
Charlotte, NC...
So now we are to expect that every time a blakc person confronts the police while armed, refuses commands to drop the weapon, is shot, there will be rioting, violence done to innocent motorists, vandalism and looting.
Riots in Charlotte after fatal police shooting
The shooting victim was armed and refused commands to drop the weapon.
An officer opened fire....The man was shot dead. A rumor was started on social media that claimed the gun was a book. Also claimed the man was sitting in his vehicle minding his own business and the police just decided to shoot him...
Now we have one of these racist anarchists a man by the name of PJ MUrphy, a person who has tried in vain to set up his own satellite radio show and failed at getting on the internet, calling for more rioting and violence as well as a 'black economic boycott' of Charlotte.
What stupidity.

North Carolina is an open carry state. Did the 2nd ammendment give police permission to confiscate guns

people still must comply about putting down a gun and letting them speak to suspect and check gun as standard when they find an armed person, other wise it is a threat to the office(s)

If nothing is wrong in a matter of minutes the person can then go on his way.

Comply with police first and foremost.

You got a copy of the law that states that you only have a few seconds to comply.?
If the police have the power to disarm you without reason, then the second amendment counts for nothing.

The state whores want everyone to be a subservient bitch of the government. Freedom and liberty my ass!
If you are around wielding a gun you are apparently about to shoot people or property at least. What law prohibits the police to intervene?

Really? So open carry allows a cop to kill you? Open carry means it is always visible. Don't you understand that?

He wasn't killed for owning a gun, he was killed because he was brandishing it and refusing to obey orders to drop it. Sounds like suicide by cop. And yes walking around and worse yet towards an officer with a gun in your hand is a good way to get yourself shot.
If the police have the power to disarm you without reason, then the second amendment counts for nothing.

The state whores want everyone to be a subservient bitch of the government. Freedom and liberty my ass!
If you are around wielding a gun you are apparently about to shoot people or property at least. What law prohibits the police to intervene?

Really? So open carry allows a cop to kill you? Open carry means it is always visible. Don't you understand that?
When one is brandishing a firearm they are violating open carry. Further in an open carry State the cops have every right to stop you and question you if they see you carrying in public. You do NOT have the right to ignore said cops and to openly brandish the firearm.

The cop approached and made specific legal commands. The proper response was for the citizen to comply with the police officer ESPECIALLY since he was openly carrying a firearm.

My personal opinion is that the city should arrest his daughter and charge her with starting a riot with her egging on protesters and lying about her father having a firearm.
Another Darwin Award winner, the usual rioting half-wits, a few hundred thousand more votes for Trump.
Today at noon, Obama will hold a press conference to denounce the rioting in Charlotte.

Yeah, sure.
When one is brandishing a firearm they are violating open carry. Further in an open carry State the cops have every right to stop you and question you if they see you carrying in public. You do NOT have the right to ignore said cops and to openly brandish the firearm.

My personal opinion is that the city should arrest his daughter and charge her with starting a riot with her egging on protesters and lying about her father having a firearm.

The moral argument fails you, so you hide behind the law like a subservient state whore.

Your copsucking is the reason why your precious second amendment is in so much jeopardy, especially evidenced in this specific scenario.
When one is brandishing a firearm they are violating open carry. Further in an open carry State the cops have every right to stop you and question you if they see you carrying in public. You do NOT have the right to ignore said cops and to openly brandish the firearm.

My personal opinion is that the city should arrest his daughter and charge her with starting a riot with her egging on protesters and lying about her father having a firearm.

The moral argument fails you, so you hide behind the law like a subservient state whore.

Your copsucking is the reason why your precious second amendment is in so much jeopardy, especially evidenced in this specific scenario.

Second amendment in jeopardy?

Whatever you say s0n!!!


In fact, gun grabbing has never been as unpopular as it is in 2016!!!

:spinner:Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban:spinner:
In fact, gun grabbing has never been as unpopular as it is in 2016!!!

:spinner:Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban:spinner:

You can laugh all you want, but the reality is that the state could ban civilian firearms at the snap of a finger, and they do not fucking care what the general public has to say.

They do not need to confiscate firearms either. All legal firearms have already been regulated and modified to the point where they are useless and ineffective in actual combat.

Awaken from your ignorant slumber, tool.
In fact, gun grabbing has never been as unpopular as it is in 2016!!!

:spinner:Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban:spinner:

You can laugh all you want, but the reality is that the state could ban civilian firearms at the snap of a finger, and they do not fucking care what the general public has to say.

They do not need to confiscate firearms either. All legal firearms have already been regulated and modified to the point where they are useless and ineffective in actual combat.

Awaken from your ignorant slumber, tool.

Thankfully, the one thing I don't ever worry about is a firearm ban in America s0n!! Watching too much MSNBC is ghey.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
In fact, gun grabbing has never been as unpopular as it is in 2016!!!

:spinner:Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban:spinner:

You can laugh all you want, but the reality is that the state could ban civilian firearms at the snap of a finger, and they do not fucking care what the general public has to say.

They do not need to confiscate firearms either. All legal firearms have already been regulated and modified to the point where they are useless and ineffective in actual combat.

Awaken from your ignorant slumber, tool.

LOL......."regulated and modified...........useless"!!!!

Could I be laughing any harder?

Virtually nobody has conformed with those laws you fucking dolt. Only 3% of New York gun owners conformed with the "assault weapons" ban. Same law in Connecticut.........only 4% conformed. And we're all real sure they tossed their 30 rd magazines into the ocean!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

s0n.....need to take a gander outside the matrix one of these days, move out of Sctatchmyassville USA and go vist a gun range!!!!:up:
Thankfully, the one thing I don't ever worry about is a firearm ban in America s0n!! Watching too much MSNBC is ghey.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

They are more likely to spread fear on repealing the second amendment on Fox News over MSNBC.

A gun ban is already in place, as I have pointed out. You cannot legally buy a firearm comparable to a western service rifle.
LOL......."regulated and modified...........useless"!!!!

Could I be laughing any harder?

There wont be much time for laughing when your 15 round AR-15 is jamming up under fire.

Virtually nobody has conformed with those laws you fucking dolt. Only 3% of New York gun owners conformed with the "assault weapons" ban. Same law in Connecticut.........only 4% conformed. And we're all real sure they tossed their 30 rd magazines into the ocean!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Your claim is that over 95% of gun shops in those states are violating federal law? Highly doubtful.

If you acknowledge those laws are in place, you should have the common sense to realize that the government will become more capable of enforcing them overtime.
Dang......"gun shops".........."government......enforcing them".

Cant have a conversation from somebody who is jammed deep in the matrix.:2up:
Dang......"gun shops".........."government......enforcing them".

Cant have a conversation from somebody who is jammed deep in the matrix.:2up:

Wow, you didn't even decide to quote me on this one.

Just wanted to diss me without being held accountable for backing your naive shit up.
Charlotte, NC...
So now we are to expect that every time a blakc person confronts the police while armed, refuses commands to drop the weapon, is shot, there will be rioting, violence done to innocent motorists, vandalism and looting.
Riots in Charlotte after fatal police shooting
The shooting victim was armed and refused commands to drop the weapon.
An officer opened fire....The man was shot dead. A rumor was started on social media that claimed the gun was a book. Also claimed the man was sitting in his vehicle minding his own business and the police just decided to shoot him...
Now we have one of these racist anarchists a man by the name of PJ MUrphy, a person who has tried in vain to set up his own satellite radio show and failed at getting on the internet, calling for more rioting and violence as well as a 'black economic boycott' of Charlotte.
What stupidity.

The DNC is likely financing all these rioters or George Soros.

That is what they do, because they think that the violence is going to scare people away from voting for Donald Trump.

Never forget that Soros is a former actual Nazis from WW2, and this is how those bastards think.
Update. The city Transit Center which serves the bus system has been shut down.
The light rail system has also been shut down. All trains have been stopped...
Sporadic reports of violence. Police report relatively few incidents....Some acts of vandalism.
Time to bring in the National Guard and restore order by arresting these hoolligans and imprisoning them in tent camps for about 5 years.

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