Black man refuses to drop gun, shot by black police officer

What is wrong with black people who think every incident involving a black man with a gun and a cop putting him down needs a riot? We need law and order. The candidate who will give us law and order has my vote.
Until these fucking animals attack your person and property...Right?

My personhood and property have only ever been attacked by the government.

What makes him an animal? Is it that he owned a firearm, or that his skin is black?
If the police have the power to disarm you without reason, then the second amendment counts for nothing.

The state whores want everyone to be a subservient bitch of the government. Freedom and liberty my ass!
If you are around wielding a gun you are apparently about to shoot people or property at least. What law prohibits the police to intervene?

Really? So open carry allows a cop to kill you? Open carry means it is always visible. Don't you understand that?
We need law and order. The candidate who will give us law and order has my vote.

More discriminate shootings? Closer to martial law? Less liberty and more control?

Be my guest. Sell your soul to the next thug that promises you security over liberty.
Fuck the government goons.

They should be the ones surrendering their firearms.
Fuck you back....
Charlotte, NC...
So now we are to expect that every time a blakc person confronts the police while armed, refuses commands to drop the weapon, is shot, there will be rioting, violence done to innocent motorists, vandalism and looting.
Riots in Charlotte after fatal police shooting
The shooting victim was armed and refused commands to drop the weapon.
An officer opened fire....The man was shot dead. A rumor was started on social media that claimed the gun was a book. Also claimed the man was sitting in his vehicle minding his own business and the police just decided to shoot him...
Now we have one of these racist anarchists a man by the name of PJ MUrphy, a person who has tried in vain to set up his own satellite radio show and failed at getting on the internet, calling for more rioting and violence as well as a 'black economic boycott' of Charlotte.
What stupidity.

North Carolina is an open carry state. Did the 2nd ammendment give police permission to confiscate guns
Not sure I understand your question. When the police tell you to drop your weapon, you do so.
Or are you just ignoring the circumstances for the police to be present in the first place.
Please elaborate on your comment.
Do you imply that the cops simply showed up to locate any person at random just to tell that person to drop their gun?
And no NC is NOT an open carry state. One must be permitted to carry a weapon. A special permit is also required to conceal carry.
We need law and order. The candidate who will give us law and order has my vote.

More discriminate shootings? Closer to martial law? Less liberty and more control?

Be my guest, sell your soul to the next thug that promises you security over liberty.
If you have no intentions or committing criminal acts, this should not bother you
Fuck the government goons.

They should be the ones surrendering their firearms.
Fuck you back....
Charlotte, NC...
So now we are to expect that every time a blakc person confronts the police while armed, refuses commands to drop the weapon, is shot, there will be rioting, violence done to innocent motorists, vandalism and looting.
Riots in Charlotte after fatal police shooting
The shooting victim was armed and refused commands to drop the weapon.
An officer opened fire....The man was shot dead. A rumor was started on social media that claimed the gun was a book. Also claimed the man was sitting in his vehicle minding his own business and the police just decided to shoot him...
Now we have one of these racist anarchists a man by the name of PJ MUrphy, a person who has tried in vain to set up his own satellite radio show and failed at getting on the internet, calling for more rioting and violence as well as a 'black economic boycott' of Charlotte.
What stupidity.

North Carolina is an open carry state. Did the 2nd ammendment give police permission to confiscate guns
Not sure I understand your question. When the police tell you to drop your weapon, you do so.
Or are you just ignoring the circumstances for the police to be present in the first place.
Please elaborate on your comment.
Do you imply that the cops simply showed up to locate any person at random just to tell that person to drop their gun?
And no NC is NOT an open carry state. One must be permitted to carry a weapon. A special permit is also required to conceal carry.

Again, Where does the 2nd amendment give cops the right to infringe on bearing arms?
You heartless tools.

All you are doing is supporting one group of thugs to suppress a much less powerful group of thugs, and the only ones getting hurt are civilian Americans living in the ghetto.
If the police have the power to disarm you without reason, then the second amendment counts for nothing.

The state whores want everyone to be a subservient bitch of the government. Freedom and liberty my ass!
If you are around wielding a gun you are apparently about to shoot people or property at least. What law prohibits the police to intervene?

Really? So open carry allows a cop to kill you? Open carry means it is always visible. Don't you understand that?
The right to carry is not absolute. If one brandishes a weapon in a threatening manner, they are in violation......
So please, let's cut the bullshit
You are allowed to bear arms but not to constitute a threat. The police certainly had a reason to call on the guy to get off the gun and the guy´s refusal proves he was not in a mentally healthy condition.

If you resist injustice then you are mentally ill? Do you strive to be anything more than a submissive tool for authority figures?

What threat did he constitution? An armed black man seems to be public enemy one nowadays.
What is it with black women who get on camera and yell like a banshee? Fox's Steve Harrington was interviewing one of them and I thought Steve was in imminent danger as a crowd of black thugs swarmed around her and him. This shit has got to stop or this country will have to declare martial law in these black ghetto areas.
If you have no intentions or committing criminal acts, this should not bother you

Unlike you, I am not a subservient bitch to the state.

I reject the legitimacy of their abstract establishment.
Nobody gives a fuck about you idiot sovereign citizens. You are all equally anarchist. Which makes you an enemy to civilized society. In fact you people are a bunch of do nothing asshats with nothing better to do than bug the shit out of us productive citizens.
BTW, genius, despite your twisted interpretation of your status, you are subject to every law normal people are. You have no special rights. No special privileges.
You can screech about your alleged rights all you like.
If the police have the power to disarm you without reason, then the second amendment counts for nothing.

The state whores want everyone to be a subservient bitch of the government. Freedom and liberty my ass!
If you are around wielding a gun you are apparently about to shoot people or property at least. What law prohibits the police to intervene?

Really? So open carry allows a cop to kill you? Open carry means it is always visible. Don't you understand that?
The right to carry is not absolute. If one brandishes a weapon in a threatening manner, they are in violation......
So please, let's cut the bullshit

Not what the gun nuts hear say constantly. The irony is hilarious.
What is it with black women who get on camera and yell like a banshee? Fox's Steve Harrington was interviewing one of them and I thought Steve was in imminent danger as a crowd of black thugs swarmed around her and him. This shit has got to stop or this country will have to declare martial law in these black ghetto areas.

That woman would have been funny if she wasn't so sad.
The right to carry is not absolute. If one brandishes a weapon in a threatening manner, they are in violation......
So please, let's cut the bullshit

That is what your progressive politicians have determined to ensure you stay in the shit.

A government goon can brandish his weapon in a threatening manner, but an American civilian cannot? (nor is there any evidence that he was threatening anyone in your source)

Sounds like more hypocrisy from statist whores.

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