BLACK man violently attacks WHITES--HATE crime

There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.
Any interracial or sectarian act of violent or even petty crime should be given the charge of hate crime, if only to deter violent crime in general.
I disagree, there should be no such thing as a hate crime. All this is is a wedge to divide Americans.

A crime is still the same crime, no matter the motivations.

A) Black man robs bank because that's where the money is.
B) Black man robs bank because white teller called him a racial slur.

What crime has been committed? Bank robbery. The End.
Who cares about attempted murder hate crimes committed on white people? These stories are only going to distract us from our important discussions about "Karens" scolding black people.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
..the blacks, latinos and Asians all have their groups to promote their race--now it's ''whitey is evil'''''.........yes--we need and should have many white groups---for SD and politics
It's a fair thought in regards to what has been taking place.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
..the blacks, latinos and Asians all have their groups to promote their race--now it's ''whitey is evil'''''.........yes--we need and should have many white groups---for SD and politics
We have certain reputable groups, there are ethnic European groups and clubs. I, Myself was a member of a Deustch-Amerikaner club when I lived in Pennsylvania. If you want to form a European Caucus promoting the interests and honoring the culture of people of European heritage in the United States, I could see that as easily being acceptable if non-violent or threatening.
There are people that will promote them as not being that. And somehow if any individual from one spouts some bravado they do not like, it is the worse of humankind in history to the same people.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
..the blacks, latinos and Asians all have their groups to promote their race--now it's ''whitey is evil'''''.........yes--we need and should have many white groups---for SD and politics
We have certain reputable groups, there are ethnic European groups and clubs. I, Myself was a member of a Deustch-Amerikaner club when I lived in Pennsylvania. If you want to form a European Caucus promoting the interests and honoring the culture of people of European heritage in the United States, I could see that as easily being acceptable if non-violent or threatening.
There are people that will promote them as not being that. And somehow if any individual from one spouts some bravado they do not like, it is the worse of humankind in history to the same people.
I heard politicians say things I don't like to hear many times. I think a European Caucus is a great idea! Then people will look at deeper things about the European Community? For instance, the Asian-American Caucus, or the Hispanic Caucus (and when I was writing to a specific caucus about Aztec affairs, I specifically only spoke to the Mexican Caucus) Are Indians included in the Asian-American Caucus? Yeah... Indians are included...

I'm thinking, what is the point of these geographical caucuses? Trade and Foreign Policy advocation. So, in a European Caucus, I can already see a divide between a Northern and Eastern European, and Southern European, where you'll have advocates for better relations with the Commonwealth of Nations and the Francosphere and the E.U.; and then there will be those advocating better relations between the United States and Italy and Spain and the Hispanosphere, and also probably the Middle East; but, I think the former would vastly outnumber the latter.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??

Mentally ill are VERY suggestable.. Even the currents events they see and hear can motivate them to misfire.. Doesn't change the fact that their actions are from failure to dwell in reality or responsibility land are CAUSED by their illness..

I have NO IDEA of whether this guy was "racially" motivated.. Neither does the OP.. And if 5 psych doctors evaluate him for the law --- they'll be seven opinions on motive...

But yet -- HERE we are.. Using this event to push racial narratives....
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??

Mentally ill are VERY suggestable.. Even the currents events they see and hear can motivate them to misfire.. Doesn't change the fact that their actions are from failure to dwell in reality or responsibility land are CAUSED by their illness..

I have NO IDEA of whether this guy was "racially" motivated.. Neither does the OP.. And if 5 psych doctors evaluate him for the law --- they'll be seven opinions on motive...

But yet -- HERE we are.. Using this event to push racial narratives....
Fighting fire with fire or just stirring trouble where none really is ??

Yes agree with the mentally ill part, and it sure would be ashamed if he got used by someone in which would be good to find out if he did. Best hope Comey and crew aren't the ones doing the questioning... LOL.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??

Mentally ill are VERY suggestable.. Even the currents events they see and hear can motivate them to misfire.. Doesn't change the fact that their actions are from failure to dwell in reality or responsibility land are CAUSED by their illness..

I have NO IDEA of whether this guy was "racially" motivated.. Neither does the OP.. And if 5 psych doctors evaluate him for the law --- they'll be seven opinions on motive...

But yet -- HERE we are.. Using this event to push racial narratives....
That guy would belong in the violent wing of the Mental Hospital.
Cart-pushing street-light talker guy goes in the non-violent wing.
We used to know these things.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??

Mentally ill are VERY suggestable.. Even the currents events they see and hear can motivate them to misfire.. Doesn't change the fact that their actions are from failure to dwell in reality or responsibility land are CAUSED by their illness..

I have NO IDEA of whether this guy was "racially" motivated.. Neither does the OP.. And if 5 psych doctors evaluate him for the law --- they'll be seven opinions on motive...

But yet -- HERE we are.. Using this event to push racial narratives....
That guy would belong in the violent wing of the Mental Hospital.
Cart-pushing street-light talker guy goes in the non-violent wing.
We used to know these things.
No Marion, they can be controlled now by meds in which they take on their own before getting on the subway to stab up some old white folks. You didn't know this ? Chuckling as I write knowing that you do. Waving my hand at Cha brother
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Every personal assault is not racial.. Most black crimes/murders are against their own.. THIS guy you plucked out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 10,000 daily personal assaults needs psychiatric care... Just like a Oxy addict needs MEDICAL attention, not jail time..

You just can't get past the race part, but these issues are more complex than you brain can handle.. FAR LESS mentally ill black people seek and get the psych care that they need. While 60% of adult whites are on some form of mind-altering med for any number of diagnoses...

You can do these anecdotal black crime stories and quote those numbers all ya want if that's all you can handle, but you'd be NO GOOD on the front lines of the police, social workers, EMTs, law practioners and all the others that KNOW its more complicated than cherry picking one out of a 100,000 stories to fester about...
Ok, so was it racially motivated or not ? Even a mental person can be manipulated by another to do bad things in life, so what's the rest of the story behind the attack, does anybody know ??

Mentally ill are VERY suggestable.. Even the currents events they see and hear can motivate them to misfire.. Doesn't change the fact that their actions are from failure to dwell in reality or responsibility land are CAUSED by their illness..

I have NO IDEA of whether this guy was "racially" motivated.. Neither does the OP.. And if 5 psych doctors evaluate him for the law --- they'll be seven opinions on motive...

But yet -- HERE we are.. Using this event to push racial narratives....
That guy would belong in the violent wing of the Mental Hospital.
Cart-pushing street-light talker guy goes in the non-violent wing.
We used to know these things.
No Marion, they can be controlled now by meds in which they take on their own before getting on the subway to stab up some old white folks. You didn't know this ? Chuckling as I write knowing that you do. Waving my hand at Cha brother
You know I'm not buying that "chemical restraint" bullshit, right?
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime."
Since when does the news, rather than courts, define hate crimes?

Now if you want to question the OP's opinion on it.. ok... But I sure as hell question any and all news sources on anything anymore.

I find it hard to believe that those two men ( I watched the video ) were any threat to the one that did the stabbing. I don't know.. Maybe that black dude took the scissors away from those white guys and and then used it on them instead. I don't know. I don't know, because I don't know WHY.

There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime."
Since when does the news, rather than courts, define hate crimes?

Now if you want to question the OP's opinion on it.. ok... But I sure as hell question any and all news sources on anything anymore.

I find it hard to believe that those two men ( I watched the video ) were any threat to the one that did the stabbing. I don't know.. Maybe that black dude took the scissors away from those white guys and and then used it on them instead. I don't know. I don't know, because I don't know WHY.

Why are there designated "Hate Crimes" at all?
I say it doesn't matter ary a bit why. It's attempted murder. Period.
Why are there designated "Hate Crimes" at all?
I say it doesn't matter ary a bit why. It's attempted murder. Period.
Hmmm... Why matters.

You see a man broken and bloody on my front lawn. I'm covered in his blood, and nobody can say that they can't see the HATE on my face. I killed him, there is no doubt. There is video evidence of me pummeling this man to death.

Why matters.

1) He was raping my 10 year old nephew, I caught him in the act. Do you still believe why doesn't matter? Is the punishment, if any at all, the same?

2) He took my last Oreo. Do you still believe why doesn't matter? Is the punishment, if any at all, the same?

Nono... Why matters.
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Why are there designated "Hate Crimes" at all?
I say it doesn't matter ary a bit why. It's attempted murder. Period.
Hmmm... Why matters.

You see a man broken and bloody on my front lawn. I'm covered in his blood, and nobody can say that they can't see the HATE on my face. I killed him, there is no doubt. There is video evidence of me pummeling this man to death.

Why matters.

1) He was raping my 10 year old nephew, I caught him in the act. Do you still believe why doesn't matter? Is the punishment, if any at all, the same?

2) He took my last Oreo. Do you still believe why doesn't matter? Is the punishment, if any at all, the same?

Nono... Why matters.
Either way you're most likely going to prison for a long time.
Yes, the punishment is the same, dummy.
I met a guy that killed a man for raping his sister, he pulled him off of her and killed him right then and there. He's doing a lot of years in prison. He's a decent guy, but that's how the law is.
I don't blame the guy at all and say he shouldn't be in prison, but the law is different than God's way.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime."
Since when does the news, rather than courts, define hate crimes?

Now if you want to question the OP's opinion on it.. ok... But I sure as hell question any and all news sources on anything anymore.

I find it hard to believe that those two men ( I watched the video ) were any threat to the one that did the stabbing. I don't know.. Maybe that black dude took the scissors away from those white guys and and then used it on them instead. I don't know. I don't know, because I don't know WHY.

Why are there designated "Hate Crimes" at all?
I say it doesn't matter ary a bit why. It's attempted murder. Period.
Hate crimes is a designation aimed at getting preditors off of our streets. By preditors, I mean people who would go out hunting for people of a certain group to attack. It always requires a crime to begin with, then applies to those who were specifically targeting one group of people. "We want to rob" is one thing. "Let's rob Christians" is another. A few years bacl. there was a case of white teenagers who decided to go out and commit a crime against anyone black, which resulted in an innocent man being killed. The killers were hunting anyone black who they could find. Hate crime legislation was intended to combat these predators.
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ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
No one is forcing anyone to join the KKK. Generalities don't help. Yes, blacks commit more crime per capita than whites, however, there are plenty of blacks who are great people that have overcome obstacles to become model citizens to be respected.

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