Black Men for Trump because they have been persecuted just like Trump but for decades...

I’m voting DeSantas this time.

Unlike you Leftards, we are free thinkers and make decisions based upon data, not what our masters tell us to think like you do.

Diversity is okay if one is not a Democrat.
In 2016 I voted for Cruz knowing full well that Candidate Trump would win my state and the nomination.
And you keep voting for racists because they have a D by their name. 161 years since a Republican made slavery illegal and 161 years later you keep voting to stay under the boots of Democrats.
Wrong. But that's what you get told by other white racists. It's about policy son, and the Republican Party is not only the party of racists, it's the party of racist policy.
161 years since a Republican made slavery illegal and 161 years later you keep voting to stay under the boots of Democrats.

It's been 59 years since a Democrat freed us from Jim Crow practiced by members of both parties. And Republicans showed their opposition to civil rights by nominating Goldwater.
Do you see quotation marks around that part of my post?

No, you don't.

Is English your first language, slugger?

People make it sound like Democrats have always been racist. They're right, you're the party of slave owners and you still think you own blacks today. Just look at all the Whities screaming Uncle Tom at any black who tries not being a Democrat and learn that your racism is as strong as ever
And yet, I've never said that. Not once.

When you lie like this, you tell us how weak you are.

Gotcha, you don't call blacks who aren't Democrats Uncle Tom, you just sit there silently while other White Democrats do it for you. What would you say to a non Democrat who did that? Oh yeah, you'd call them a racist. You'd be right. And you are just as racist
People make it sound like Democrats have always been racist. They're right, you're the party of slave owners and you still think you own blacks today. Just look at all the Whities screaming Uncle Tom at any black who tries not being a Democrat and learn that your racism is as strong as ever
Gotcha, you don't call blacks who aren't Democrats Uncle Tom, you just sit there silently while other White Democrats do it for you. What would you say to a non Democrat who did that? Oh yeah, you'd call them a racist. You'd be right. And you are just as racist
You're so proud of your ignorance of my politics. I can't help you. Sorry.
You're so proud of your ignorance of my politics. I can't help you. Sorry.

Only racists sit there while others call blacks Uncle Tom because you don't allow them to have their own views. Every time you sit there silently while Democrats do that you're reaffirming your overt racism. There is no question, all men are free to believe what they believe. I would never sit there silently listening to anyone on either party say blacks have no right to their own views. That's you. Own it or change
People make it sound like Democrats have always been racist. They're right, you're the party of slave owners and you still think you own blacks today. Just look at all the Whities screaming Uncle Tom at any black who tries not being a Democrat and learn that your racism is as strong as ever
Whites aren't the ones calling blacks who are working to help Republicans kill the policies of the civil rights movement. We are, the other blacks. Stop pretending Republicans weren't racists during slavery. And today it is republicans carrying the confederate flag. You racists really think we're dumb enough to fall for this shit.
Only racists sit there while others call blacks Uncle Tom because you don't allow them to have their own views. Every time you sit there silently while Democrats do that you're reaffirming your overt racism. There is no question, all men are free to believe what they believe. I would never sit there silently listening to anyone on either party say blacks have no right to their own views. That's you. Own it or change
Look white ---, you guys don't allow other whites to their own view. You guys call white liberals all kinds of things. So why should we not have the same freedom to denigrate blacks who really are voting against their best interests when they vote republican? So let's cut the crap.
Gotcha, you don't call blacks who aren't Democrats Uncle Tom, you just sit there silently while other White Democrats do it for you. What would you say to a non Democrat who did that? Oh yeah, you'd call them a racist. You'd be right. And you are just as racist
STFU with your dumb double standard.
It's been 59 years since a Democrat freed us from Jim Crow practiced by members of both parties. And Republicans showed their opposition to civil rights by nominating Goldwater.
So considering Democrats filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act but Republicans ramrodded it through, how are blacks doing after 59 years of Democrat control?
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So considering Democrats filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act but Republicans ramrodded it through, how are blacks doing after 59 years of Democrat control?

Yep. The common thread through all US history is that Democrats are racists. They were slave owners, the KKK, Jim crow, lynchers. Today they call black Republicans "Uncle Tom." All US history is full of Democrat racism
Thanks for bringing that up. Democrats blocked the 64 civil rights bill.
You're being disingenuous.


This Afternoons lesson is titled:

The Modern White Republican Lie

Members of today’s Republican Party tell a tale about republican support for the Civil Rights and Voting Rights act. They spin a fabulous story about a democratic filibuster and will say that by percentage more democrats opposed these Bills than republicans.

As it pertains to the Civil Rights Act, 153 democrats and 139 republicans voted in favor of the legislation in the house. In the senate, forty-six democrats and twenty-seven republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act. In the house, 221 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, and 112 republicans did. In the senate, forty-seven democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, and thirty republicans did.

HR. 7152, Senate vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Jun 19, 1964

H.R. 7152. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Adoption of a resolution (h. Res. 789) providing for house approval of the bill as amended by the Senate, Jul 2, 1964

TO PASS S. 1564, The Voting Rights Act Of 1965, May 26, 1965, TO PASS S. 1564, THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965. -- Senate Vote #78 -- May 26, 1965 .22.

TO PASS H.R. 6400, The 1965 Voting Rights Act, Jul 9, 1965, TO PASS H.R. 6400, THE 1965 VOTING RIGHTS ACT. -- House Vote #87 -- Jul 9, 1965 .

On December 6, 2019, The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186.25 This bill was proposed to undo the damage caused by the Roberts Supreme Court 2013 decision. There were 187 Republicans in the House of Representatives in 2019. One Republican voted for this bill, Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania. In 2021, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act was opposed by every Republican in the senate. Senate Republicans wouldn’t even let the bill come to the floor for debate. They filibustered the John Lewis Voting Rights Act like Dixiecrats did the Voting Rights Actin 1965.

116TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION, Roll Call 654, Bill Number: H. R. 4, Voting Rights Advancement Act, DEC 06, 2019,Roll Call 654 Roll Call 654, Bill Number: H. R. 4, 116th Congress, 1st Session

Josh Israel, Every Senate Republican just voted against voting rights — again, American Independent, January 20, 2022,Every Senate Republican just voted against voting rights — again

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