Black Middle Class Eroding or Why Does Obama hate the Black Middle Class ?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.
African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.

I know.... Lets cheat on their exams and lower standards for entrance in admissions and promotions.

It cant lose.
African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.

I know.... Lets cheat on their exams and lower standards for entrance in admissions and promotions.

It cant lose.

Well, that broke up the party! :lol:
The middle class has been 'eroding' since Reagan, republican policies are the reason, that along with big money corporate power and outsourcing for profit only. Soon if republicans continue to fool buffoons like the posters above, we will be a third world nation. In terms of the distribution of wealth we are already there.

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.

I know.... Lets cheat on their exams and lower standards for entrance in admissions and promotions.

It cant lose.

Almost like the vetting process Papa Obama went
through with MSM

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.

Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.

According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.

I know.... Lets cheat on their exams and lower standards for entrance in admissions and promotions.

It cant lose.

We have an entire university system here that exists solely for the purpose of ensuring blacks can graduate form HS with the education level of a third-grader and still get into college. And who is it's iggest supporters? Yup, LIBERALS.

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The black Middle Class eroded mostly because of the housing bubble, not "Obama's" policies, policies which none of the retards here can point to and identify as the cause, they look at Obama say since he's president he must have been his fault, fallacious reasoning.

Is there even a Black Conservative in the Democratic Party?
ad hominem arguments are not valid

Of course 9.2% unemployment is all the proof most Americans need
to know that Papa Obama's plans are not working
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The black Middle Class eroded mostly because of the housing bubble, not "Obama's" policies, policies which none of the retards here can point to and identify as the cause, they look at Obama say since he's president he must have been his fault, fallacious reasoning.

Yes, Bush was relying naively on Barney Frank and Frank Dodd, to assess the situation and keep him advised:

I believe there has been more alarm raised about potential unsafty and unsoundness [of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] than, in fact, exists."- Barney Frank... 9/25/2003

The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do NOT see. Barney Frank---9/11/ 2003

I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."--Barney Frank---9/25/2005

"These two entities--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac---are not facing any kind of financial crisis." Barney Frank -- 9/11/2003

"Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, they are not in danger of going under----I do think their prospects of going forward are very solid." -- Barney Frank-- 7/14/2008
The black Middle Class eroded mostly because of the housing bubble, not "Obama's" policies, policies which none of the retards here can point to and identify as the cause, they look at Obama say since he's president he must have been his fault, fallacious reasoning.

Yes, Bush was relying naively on Barney Frank and Frank Dodd, to assess the situation and keep him advised:

I believe there has been more alarm raised about potential unsafty and unsoundness [of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] than, in fact, exists."- Barney Frank... 9/25/2003

The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do NOT see. Barney Frank---9/11/ 2003

I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."--Barney Frank---9/25/2005

"These two entities--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac---are not facing any kind of financial crisis." Barney Frank -- 9/11/2003

"Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, they are not in danger of going under----I do think their prospects of going forward are very solid." -- Barney Frank-- 7/14/2008

However the insanity continues.

This admin is still pushing sub primes and is still not letting defaults go forward.

The cumulative effects will keep housing in the toilet for another decade.
This isn't a "black and white" issue. It's an issue that is color-blind. The middle class are the big losers in this economic armageddon, regardless of race or ethnicity. The middle class are the producers of goods and services. The poor produce NOTHING. The poor TAKE from the producers, and as long as the poor take from the producers, the poor have ZERO incentive to join the middle class.


A Center for American Progress report found, “The percent of African Americans living in poverty increased from 2000 to 2006 by an average of 0.82 percent per year, after having declined by an average of 1.25 percent per year in the 1990s” — and that was before the recession. Poverty rates among African Americans climbed even higher in the last two years of the Bush administration, reaching an astonishing 24.7 percent in 2008.

Clueless Rick Santorum: ‘Bush Policies Worked’ To Reduce Poverty To ‘The Lowest Rate Ever’ | ThinkProgress

This isn't a "black and white" issue. It's an issue that is color-blind. The middle class are the big losers in this economic armageddon, regardless of race or ethnicity. The middle class are the producers of goods and services. The poor produce NOTHING. The poor TAKE from the producers, and as long as the poor take from the producers, the poor have ZERO incentive to join the middle class.

Please say you're not suggesting that the "poor" are where they are because they want to be.....

This isn't a "black and white" issue. It's an issue that is color-blind. The middle class are the big losers in this economic armageddon, regardless of race or ethnicity. The middle class are the producers of goods and services. The poor produce NOTHING. The poor TAKE from the producers, and as long as the poor take from the producers, the poor have ZERO incentive to join the middle class.

You could be right

Papa Obama just hates the middle class
The black Middle Class eroded mostly because of the housing bubble, not "Obama's" policies, policies which none of the retards here can point to and identify as the cause, they look at Obama say since he's president he must have been his fault, fallacious reasoning.

And the housing bubble started with the CLINTONS. so again it was the DEMs who destroyed the black middle class
The middle class has been 'eroding' since Reagan, republican policies are the reason, that along with big money corporate power and outsourcing for profit only. Soon if republicans continue to fool buffoons like the posters above, we will be a third world nation. In terms of the distribution of wealth we are already there.


thx for not addressing the topic.....:lol:

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