Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

You mean use the democratic process, and write your congressman to change a law you don't agree with? That would be civilized. The progressives don't want people to be civil. That hasn't worked for the last 50 years, because the American people reject their Agenda at the voting booth. So now all they have left is being uncivil about getting what they want. They want violence, they want to see people get hurt, or killed.
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

You mean use the democratic process, and write your congressman to change a law you don't agree with? That would be civilized. The progressives don't want people to be civil. That hasn't worked for the last 50 years, because the American people reject their Agenda at the voting booth. So now all they have left is being uncivil about getting what they want. They want violence, they want to see people get hurt, or killed.
The democratic process doesn't work for them. After being defeated time after time those who want legal marijuana can't even get enough signatures to get an initiativevon the ballot. That's in California.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.
if someone abuses it sure and smokes like a fiend yea....but a casual smoker i doubt that very much damage is happening....and it is not the gateway drug you think it is.... myself and many people i knew had done other things cigarets or alcohol...
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.

So is booze.

Is there a point?
yea....he doesnt want to outlaw his poison....but he wants the pot smoker to have his poison outlawed...
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.
It's you who should be offering proof of what you're saying, which is marijuana is harmful to one's health. Because while there is an abundance of evidence to show that beverage alcohol is responsible for many deaths and serious illnesses there isn't a single example anywhere in the annals of medical science to show that marijuana has ever caused a single death nor has it ever caused an illness.

The fact is marijuana is absolutely benign.
a heavy smoker Mike can and probably will develop some kind of lung problem...but that happens with abusers no matter what they abuse....
How fucking stupid are some of yall?

Smoking weed is illegal... IMO simple possession of marijuana should not be illegal. Smoking it in public should be.

However, that is neither here nor there. It IS illegal and thus the police are obligated to make an arrest.

It's not okay to resist arrest, or help someone who is, simply because you disagree with the law.

You mean use the democratic process, and write your congressman to change a law you don't agree with? That would be civilized. The progressives don't want people to be civil. That hasn't worked for the last 50 years, because the American people reject their Agenda at the voting booth. So now all they have left is being uncivil about getting what they want. They want violence, they want to see people get hurt, or killed.
The democratic process doesn't work for them. After being defeated time after time those who want legal marijuana can't even get enough signatures to get an initiativevon the ballot. That's in California.
we were the first State to have Medical Pot and that was on the ballot....and the Pot laws are pretty lax out here might as well be legal....and i think you know that....or you should.....
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.

There's been a two-branched, black Al Qaeda in the USA for many years: NAACP/New Black Panthers.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The police shouldn't be obligated to arrest him. A sniper with a bead on his head should have been all that's required. Arresting potheads have never done any good.

Begs the question: If someone were to shoot you in the head would you notice the difference?
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
Do yourself a favor and read some of Thomas Paine's work. I recommend Common Sense to start with.

Educate yourself on what being American really means, because you obviously have it backward. If I am an enemy of any state it is the emerging police state which you seem to approve of.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.

The very existence of people like you is a stain upon the honor of this great nation.
Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


Four arrested after police stop turns into melee in Delray Beach police said - Sun Sentinel

Were they as well armed as the Bundy 'militias'?
a heavy smoker Mike can and probably will develop some kind of lung problem...but that happens with abusers no matter what they abuse....
Okay. Allow me to modify my comment by saying there are exceptions to most rules and I was referring to the rule, the vast majority of marijuana users.

But you are quite right about the heavy smoker. One who smokes too much of anything is likely to damage his/her lungs. Also, there is the inherent risk of smoking too much "ditchweed," i.e., cheap street-corner weed, most of which is contaminated with carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones.

This stuff is toxic. It is analogous to the "bathtub gin" which was commonly available during alcohol Prohibition. This stuff often was made anti-freeze and it killed a lot of people.

Legalizing booze got rid of "bathtub gin," and legalizing marijuana will get rid of toxic street weed.

Legalizing marijuana also will eventually eliminate the ignorance that presently accounts for most of its misuse, mainly promoting awareness that smoking is not the only way to use marijuana -- nor is it the best way.
I'm ready for a race war.

Really general? What have you done to prepare?


Good luck with the conflict of your imagination.

The recent events are not imagined.

People like Louis Farrakhan and Malik Shabazz calling for a race war is not my imagination.

Hide in fear......they're coming to get you.

I'm ready for a race war.

Really general? What have you done to prepare?


Good luck with the conflict of your imagination.

The recent events are not imagined.

People like Louis Farrakhan and Malik Shabazz calling for a race war is not my imagination.

Hide in fear......they're coming to get you.

I'm not afraid nor would I hide. If they come for me, then let them. I'll be right here waiting.

Figures you'd show a clip of some comedian as some sort of comparison to Farrakhan and Shabazz .

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