Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
The most appropriate response to all that is you are in serious need of education on this topic. And the only thing closed is your mind.

If you are interested in coming out of the darkness, I recommend the following book to you: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School. (Available from Amazon.)

Educate yourself. You'll be glad you did.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.

You don't know anything about anything.....gateway drug, fucking hilarious.
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I think it should be legalized, but that isn't the cops fault... They have to enforce the laws our elected officials put into place.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
It's funny to watch these small government people argue in favor of throwing people in prison over fucking over their health. Keep up the good work. lol
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!
You're no better than a lawless criminal. Dangerous to the American way.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.
The amusing thing in this thread is these faggot liberals appropriating higher ideals like opposing the Drug War to these feral and low IQ savages. These "people" aren't attacking cops because they want to change drug laws, they are attacking cops because they have no self control and a high time preference, as shown in part by their using of narcotics in the first place. They are also goaded on by the left wing media which at the moment is demonizing cops and whites in general by suggesting that blacks are somehow "kept down" by the system, so they have increased animosity towards the system they are told is "keeping them down".
I'm for pushing back against unjust laws and the police state using brute force to defend them.
And I'm for throwing your ass in jail after throwing your ass on the ground and putting you into a real choke hold so you'll know the difference. :)
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.

So is booze.

Is there a point?
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.
It's you who should be offering proof of what you're saying, which is marijuana is harmful to one's health. Because while there is an abundance of evidence to show that beverage alcohol is responsible for many deaths and serious illnesses there isn't a single example anywhere in the annals of medical science to show that marijuana has ever caused a single death nor has it ever caused an illness.

The fact is marijuana is absolutely benign.
I have very few issues with weed but smoking weed in public is pretty stupid and asking for trouble.
If an adult is smoking weed in public and bothering no one, what is different about that and smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette -- which is truly harmful?

Marijuana us worse than tobacco because you inhale it deeply. It causes lung disease and second hand smoke would get some innocent child high. It's also a gateway drug leading to worse drug use. The science us closed on this matter.
oh geezus.....a male version of Katz......
Prove me wrong. Marijuana is harmful to yours and others health.

Good to know....maybe you should lobby for warning labels on every package of weed.
The amusing thing in this thread is these faggot liberals appropriating higher ideals like opposing the Drug War to these feral and low IQ savages. These "people" aren't attacking cops because they want to change drug laws, they are attacking cops because they have no self control and a high time preference, as shown in part by their using of narcotics in the first place. They are also goaded on by the left wing media which at the moment is demonizing cops and whites in general by suggesting that blacks are somehow "kept down" by the system, so they have increased animosity towards the system they are told is "keeping them down".
I don't think drug laws play any part at all in the anti-police protests we are seeing today. While I disagree with the complaints against the shooting of Michael Brown, who was a common strongarm thief and a bullying punk, and while I believe the complaints regarding the death of Eric Garner are largely invalid because they mistakenly emphasize racism, I do believe the complaints against the rising militarization of police, as seen in the increasing frequency of 3AM "no-knock, break-in SWAT raids and the abuse of authority by some police, are substantive.

As suggested in a comment by the demented yokel from Iowa who posted above how he wishes to throw someone on the ground and apply a choke-hold, this mentality is common to a rising number of contemporary police officers for whom the badge provides an opportunity to unnecessarily brutalize subjects of arrest who offer no resistance. Likewise there are some who apparently long for an opportunity to shoot someone.

In simple terms the police occupation is a haven for a variety of innately pathological personalities and these individuals are collectively responsible for the tremendous support shown to the Ferguson and the Staten Island protesters, and for the rising level of anti-police sentiment being expressed all over the U.S.
The amusing thing in this thread is these faggot liberals appropriating higher ideals like opposing the Drug War to these feral and low IQ savages. These "people" aren't attacking cops because they want to change drug laws, they are attacking cops because they have no self control and a high time preference, as shown in part by their using of narcotics in the first place. They are also goaded on by the left wing media which at the moment is demonizing cops and whites in general by suggesting that blacks are somehow "kept down" by the system, so they have increased animosity towards the system they are told is "keeping them down".
I don't think drug laws play any part at all in the anti-police protests we are seeing today.
I am not talking about the "protests", I am talking about instances of anti-police violence like those mentioned in the OP, and how leftists and libertarians in this thread are saying the black mob was right to attack cops because of the Drug War.

As far as the message of these so called protests goes. These protestors have no coherent message, and like Occupy, it will lose steam because of this.

They more or less are like whiny children that think blacks should be immune from policing. How can one take them seriously when they don't even know what they want?
The drug laws are designed to be a money maker for local police departments.

Readings - The Drug War s Hidden Economic Agenda Snitch FRONTLINE PBS
Marijuana prohibition, alone, is responsible for creating thousands of jobs in the law-enforcement category, from police personnel, to judges, court personnel, prosecutors, and prison guards. And there are lawyers who specialize in defending marijuana cases. And marijuana laws largely responsible for the success of the private prison business -- which happens to be the only remaining growth industry in America.

During the past two decades a number of medical benefits attributed to marijuana represent a significant threat to the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry, because if marijuana is legalized it won't be long before a number of widely-used, highly profitable prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers, will become obsolete.

So there is a lot of influential opposition to federal legalization of marijuana.
The drug laws are designed to be a money maker for local police departments.

Readings - The Drug War s Hidden Economic Agenda Snitch FRONTLINE PBS
Marijuana prohibition, alone, is responsible for creating thousands of jobs in the law-enforcement category, from police personnel, to judges, court personnel, prosecutors, and prison guards. And there are lawyers who specialize in defending marijuana cases. And marijuana laws largely responsible for the success of the private prison business -- which happens to be the only remaining growth industry in America.

During the past two decades a number of medical benefits attributed to marijuana represent a significant threat to the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry, because if marijuana is legalized it won't be long before a number of widely-used, highly profitable prescription drugs, such as tranquilizers, will become obsolete.

So there is a lot of influential opposition to federal legalization of marijuana.
People don't go to prison for marijuana possession. Maybe if they have priors, were possessing marijuana while committing another crime, or are trafficking or selling large amounts, but not for simple possession.

This idea people are thrown in prison for having a gram of pot, or even a pound of pot, is shrill hyperbole on the part of the legalization crowd.
People don't go to prison for marijuana possession. Maybe if they have priors, were possessing marijuana while committing another crime, or are trafficking or selling large amounts, but not for simple possession.

This idea people are thrown in prison for having a gram of pot, or even a pound of pot, is shrill hyperbole on the part of the legalization crowd.
If simple possession offenders were imprisoned the National prison census would be ten million instead of two million. But as it is marijuana offenses represent a substantial percentage of the prison census.

If marijuana is made legal it will seriously impact the prison industry.
People don't go to prison for marijuana possession. Maybe if they have priors, were possessing marijuana while committing another crime, or are trafficking or selling large amounts, but not for simple possession.

This idea people are thrown in prison for having a gram of pot, or even a pound of pot, is shrill hyperbole on the part of the legalization crowd.
If simple possession offenders were imprisoned the National prison census would be ten million instead of two million. But as it is marijuana offenses represent a substantial percentage of the prison census.

If marijuana is made legal it will seriously impact the prison industry.
That number doesn't really mean anything without context. Did they commit other crimes to get in as well? Do they have priors? Were they selling or trafficking? And the way it is presented creates the false notion that simple users are locked up in state prisons for smoking a joint and that private prison rake in a dividend from it or something. It is dishonest.

There are good arguments against the privatization of the prison system, and reforming certain aspects of drug policy. But t throwing around that two million number and legalization rhetoric in general doesn't contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way.

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