Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.

we don't know the entire story- CONTEXT is key as you should have learned already.
we don't know the entire story- CONTEXT is key as you should have learned already.
Do you know the entire story? If so, why not share what you know.

Until then we who are not professional journalists are entitled to comment on what is reported to us. If I'm mistaken tell me and I will correct my position.
I'd hardly call enforcing the law tyranny.
That would depend entirely on the law in question. So your essential premise is seriously flawed.

Suppose a law is passed which requires you to permit any police officer to enter your home at any time for any reason. Would you call that tyranny? That was the law in the American Colonies, when red-coated British Regulars were the police. It was considered tyranny by all of the Constitution's framers and it was a major provocation leading to the American Revolution.

The laws against marijuana are based entirely on lies. They are supported by ignorance and have been the cause of much misery and condemnable injustice. There is no question that those laws are tyrannical.
we don't know the entire story- CONTEXT is key as you should have learned already.
Do you know the entire story? If so, why not share what you know.

Until then we who are not professional journalists are entitled to comment on what is reported to us. If I'm mistaken tell me and I will correct my position.

Mike, under normal circumstances I'd be with you on this, as I support the legalisation of marijuana, but he was smoking it in public which, due to its sponsored stigmitisation by the alcohol lobbyists, is still taboo and puts the public on edge. For instance, most of the people who are pro-gun on here would probably feel uneasy if they spotted someone with an AR-15 slung over their shoulder at the local supermarket. Besides, most Black people smoke weed outside out of some childish protest against what tney percieve to be the dominant (White) culture.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
If you support the breaking of one law then you support the breaking of all laws
smoking weed is as American as hot dogs!
arresting him was uncalled for .
you shit head are the true enemy of the state...

You don't get to decide what is legal. It's advocating a Society without laws. You're dangerous and will be put in jail if you act on your beliefs.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
If you support the breaking of one law then you support the breaking of all laws
Those who support breaking drug laws never support laws broken when someone defends themselves against those high on drugs. They are the first to call for police protection.
Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


Four arrested after police stop turns into melee in Delray Beach police said - Sun Sentinel

Nearly interesting having this little window into your stream of consciousness.
This is how these criminals are dealt with.

Military hardware still flowing to local police after Ferguson - Washington Times

There you go. When black people want to rise up. They get an expected response.

That's how you impose tyranny.
No, it's how you stop the beginning of White Genocide!

You are one dumb mother fucker. Happy New Year dumb mother fucker..
Nope. It is you that is the dumb mother fucker for being blind by liberal political correctness and lack of foresight.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.

I agree, assholes who attack the police should expect to get shot.

I guess these assholes are just lucky they aren't black.....otherwise they'd all be dead right now.

This is how these criminals are dealt with.

Military hardware still flowing to local police after Ferguson - Washington Times

There you go. When black people want to rise up. They get an expected response.

That's how you impose tyranny.
No, it's how you stop the beginning of White Genocide!

You are one dumb mother fucker. Happy New Year dumb mother fucker..
Nope. It is you that is the dumb mother fucker for being blind by liberal political correctness and lack of foresight.

Racist trash like you are a disgrace and an embarrassment to this great nation.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

Cops are being assassinated because they aren't aggressive enough in fighting. Had they opened fire on the human chain the result would have been much different. You kill one of ours we take out 20 of yours is something these criminals understand.

Sounds like real solid police work Inspector Clouseau.
I am for the increased policing of Black America. Those type people are a huge danger to white peoples quality of life.
If you're going to police Black Americans then utilize your police resources constructively -- not for this kind of wasteful, idiotic nonsense. If the guy smoking the joint was bothering someone, then arrest him. Otherwise don't look for trouble when there really isn't any.

Because this kind of unnecessary bullshit is exactly why cops are being assassinated!

You had me right up until the point where you say this is why cops are being assassinated. There are clearly much larger cultural and socio-economic factors involved in creating this kind of pervasive dynamic. I certainly hope you aren't trying to justify this kind of behavior toward law enforcement, because that would make you no smarter than the author of the OP. More like the flip side of the same coin.
Mike, under normal circumstances I'd be with you on this, as I support the legalisation of marijuana, but he was smoking it in public which, due to its sponsored stigmitisation by the alcohol lobbyists, is still taboo and puts the public on edge. For instance, most of the people who are pro-gun on here would probably feel uneasy if they spotted someone with an AR-15 slung over their shoulder at the local supermarket. Besides, most Black people smoke weed outside out of some childish protest against what tney percieve to be the dominant (White) culture.
We do not disagree.

At the present time, even in places where marijuana is decriminalized, smoking it in public is indeed against the law. My only point is this law is fundamentally tyrannical -- because it is based on insidious fabrication and is supported by condemnable ignorance.

As far as Black people publicly smoking marijuana as a form of protest, it is a protest that I stand in solidarity with. It is simply outrageous that an adult can be arrested for smoking a harmless weed in public when smoking a tobacco cigarette, which is known to kill millions, is perfectly okay.

That is tyranny!
Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


You are ignoring the reason for this mob action.

If these cops were arresting someone for an actual crime, I would be on their side. But what was this fellow doing? Who was he hurting? I'm personally glad the mob interfered with this bullshit arrest -- and I don't care who disagrees with me!

Enough of this stupid goddam marijuana prohibition.

Fortunately we live in a society where the mob doesn't interpret the law.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
Do yourself a favor and read some of Thomas Paine's work. I recommend Common Sense to start with.

Educate yourself on what being American really means, because you obviously have it backward. If I am an enemy of any state it is the emerging police state which you seem to approve of.

There have been a few developments since then that you might have missed. We have a Constitution with a Bill Of Rights now, a few minor amendments since then.....maybe you heard about that.

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