Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?
People rising up is the only answer to tyranny

Tyranny? Making a lawful arrest is tyranny?

Welcome to the IDIOCRACY!

perfect example of conservative government in action.

It was a lawful arrest, what does that have to do with conservative government and the FACT that this guy broke the law. What next for you guys applauding this criminal and his buddies? Alcoholic's drink, drive and think their arrest is unjust, should we just allow them to keep killing people? If blacks think they have carte blanche to do as they want because they think police and laws unjust should we then allow the KKK to do what they want because they feel the laws are unjust? We have laws for a reason. If you don't like them change them.

If you want pot laws changed, change them. Colorado and Washington state did. Many others like CA and CT decided to OK pot for medicinal use. May I also remind you that we now have a liberal president in the white house and smoking pot is still a federal crime. I don't see him doing anything to change it.
smells like rationalizing to me

Smells like you have no answer to me.
What are you cheering for, they broke the law and assaulted the police? If you're cheering the open smoking of pot, change the law don't break the law.

If you're cheering the assault on police I hope you need one of these police officers soon so you will get a better appreciation for what they do. There's no sense in cheering people acting like low life thugs.

Police break the law and assault/murder people all the time and walk away from it scot-free and you people cheer it on. Who are you to judge?

I never cheer on any police who break the law, assault and murder people. They get their due process like everyone else.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I know it does, but if you are referring to Brown,Garner,Martin cases, they broke the law, resisted arrest and it worked out badly for them. That's the chance they took and they knew it. The other option was to allow themselves to be cuffed and taken in, remain silent and let their lawyer do the talking for them. Had they done that instead of resisting arrest they'd be alive today. I have no sympathy for them.
not everyone gets due process ..
Proceedings in Which Procedural Due Process Need Not Be Observed.—While due notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard are two fundamental protections found in almost all systems of law established by civilized countries,771 there are certain proceedings in which the enjoyment of these two conditions has not been deemed to be constitutionally necessary. For instance, persons adversely affected by a law cannot challenge its validity on the ground that the legislative body that enacted it gave no notice of proposed legislation, held no hearings at which the person could have presented his arguments, and gave no consideration to particular points of view. "Where a rule of conduct applies to more than a few people it is impracticable that everyone should have a direct voice in its adoption. The Constitution does not require all public acts to be done in town meeting or an assembly of the whole. General statutes within the state power are passed that affect the person or property of individuals, sometimes to the point of ruin, without giving them a chance to be heard. Their rights are protected in the only way that they can be in a complex society, by their power, immediate or remote, over those who make the rule."772
Similarly, when an administrative agency engages in a legislative function, as, for example, when it drafts regulations of general application affecting an unknown number of persons, it need not afford a hearing prior to promulgation.773 On the other hand, if a regulation, sometimes denominated an "order," is of limited application, that is, it affects an identifiable class of persons, the question whether notice and hearing is required and, if so, whether it must precede such action becomes a matter of greater urgency and must be determined by evaluation of the various factors discussed below.774

When Process Is Due Fourteenth Amendment--Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship Due Process and Equal Protection US Constitution US Codes and Statutes US Law Justia
And you feel this applies how?
that's obvious
Humor me.
Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.

The whites that live in trailers don't even come close to the violence and crime of blacks within the same economic position. You speak without knowing what you speak of. Not a good position to win a real debate.

If it is bull shit please post some stats to refute all the stats I've posted on this forum from the fbi, police, etc.
I tell you what Matt. Weed out the poor and the propensity of the courts to convict and or the cops to arrest them and get back to me.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?

Sounds like you don't object. So instead of judging people based on their actions you are pro profiling white people as animal fuckers
Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.

The whites that live in trailers don't even come close to the violence and crime of blacks within the same economic position. You speak without knowing what you speak of. Not a good position to win a real debate.

If it is bull shit please post some stats to refute all the stats I've posted on this forum from the fbi, police, etc.
I tell you what Matt. Weed out the poor and &the propensity of the courts to convict and or the cops to arrest them and get back to me.

^ Translation. I have no facts to back up my stupid, worthless opinions and so I'll send you the reader on a goose chase instead.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?

Sounds like you don't object. So instead of judging people based on their actions you are pro profiling white people as animal fuckers

What are you talking about ? This moron's actions were

A) He reeked of pot in public. I mean just how much weed must you smoke to where people driving by can smell

B) He ran when approached by the cops

Yeah, I'm judging him by his actions. He's a a criminal.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?

Sounds like you don't object. So instead of judging people based on their actions you are pro profiling white people as animal fuckers

Wow, you're quite the nut case. I object very strongly and believe anyone that has sex with a animal should be placed in a mental institution.
I'm ready for a race war.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?
Fucking animals will be legalized after same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?
Fucking animals will be legalized after same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states.

It's already legal to fuck a negro dear
I'm ready for a race war.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?

Sounds like you don't object. So instead of judging people based on their actions you are pro profiling white people as animal fuckers

Wow, you're quite the nut case. I object very strongly and believe anyone that has sex with a animal should be placed in a mental institution.
In five years you will be just another bigot in someone else's bedroom.
White people fuck animals but you don't see me advocating having a quick tip shoved in every white guys who lives with animals peehole

And black people don't?? LOL. Don't go down this street..Black people in Africa have no problem with fucking animals and treating their woman like shit.

That sound like you support it then. Run with that.

Btw..we talking about the police. In. America? Never mind.

When did I say that I support such sick behavior? You leftist support cross dressing, transgender crap and men fucking each other in the ass. I certainly don't....Where in my words did I say that I supported such sick behavior?
Fucking animals will be legalized after same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states.
I bet you can't wait. Must be why you love tipsy cats.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

You're so full of shit.

Are black NFL players poor?
Black NFL players arrested nearly 10 times as often as whites
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

How do we change that? No one wants to invest within a community with this level of violence. That is simple common sense.

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