Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

How do we change that? No one wants to invest within a community with this level of violence. That is simple common sense.
If I thought you actually cared I would offer some suggestions. But I have read enough of your posts to realize that color equates to crime in your mind.
Telling a black person who has to face and unjust system that all they have to do is change the law is ironic and funny in a sad way
Please do enlighten me, where has the system has been unjust for only blacks and please don't give me incidences from the 1960's, that's old news.

First you have to show me where I said it was unjust "only for blacks".

Maybe you quoted the wrong person?

You are only addressing blacks in the above underlined statement. What difference is a black person from a white person if a law is unjust? Isn't it unjust for all? If so then the same obstacles that exist for blacks also exist for whites, red,yellow and brown. The law is color blind unless it specifically says it is only for one group of individuals. If a person feels a law unjust they should petition to change it not break the law.

Im addressing blacks but you still haven't shown where i said blacks only.

A simple question is: do toy believe wired and blacks are treated the same in our justice system?

If you believe that them the stats disagree with you

If you meant whites, browns,yellow and reds to be included then why not just say people? Why only just say black if others were implied?

Toy wired? I'm going to assume that the question is:

Do you believe whites and blacks are treated the same in our justice system. If you believe that then the stats disagree with you.

Yes. Whites aren't treated any differently. Had a white man done what Brown, Garner and Martin did they'd be just as dead.

Heres my question for the stats: Why are there so many blacks in the criminal justice system in the first place. I have a hard time believing that all those blacks behind bars were just walking down the street minding their own business when suddenly a police officer just showed up and unjustly put them in jail. Seems to me that if blacks weren't being treated fairly in jail that they'd avoid it at all costs. Surly if they were being treated unfairly Rev. Al and Jesse Jackson would be all over it along with the media and yet we hear crickets. I don't know what the stats are based on but there seems to be an easy enough solution, don't break the law and get arrested. It works for millions of Americans all day long.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The police shouldn't be obligated to arrest him. A sniper with a bead on his head should have been all that's required. Arresting potheads have never done any good.
with you and Shootspeedos as an example of the right and Dean and guno as examples of the left....its no wonder me and many others cant stand you fuckers....
Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

How do we change that? No one wants to invest within a community with this level of violence. That is simple common sense.
If I thought you actually cared I would offer some suggestions. But I have read enough of your posts to realize that color equates to crime in your mind.

I care about the facts, data and evidence. Blacks have put themselves in their own position...

You can't refute it. You won't as you simply can't as your position is based on emotions and unbacked opinions.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
and you are a fucking racist jerk.....and another example of that pathetic part of the right that is helping to destroy this Country...
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The police shouldn't be obligated to arrest him. A sniper with a bead on his head should have been all that's required. Arresting potheads have never done any good.
with you and Shootspeedos as an example of the right and Dean and guno as examples of the left....its no wonder me and many others cant stand you fuckers....
and yet you give them what they want every day Harry. I had all four of those you named on ignore.

They do NOT care about facts or intelligent discussion. not one whit.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
and you are a fucking racist jerk.....and another example of that pathetic part of the right that is helping to destroy this Country...
Wrong. It's the ineligible non-natural born Citizen president who's destroying the country.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
and you are a fucking racist jerk.....and another example of that pathetic part of the right that is helping to destroy this Country...
Wrong. It's the ineligible non-natural born Citizen president who's destroying the country.
Why is citizen capitalized?
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

Hello... plenty of people white, red,brown,yellow and black grow up in poverty and make it out of poverty with hard work. Why do blacks think they have a monopoly on being poor? Poverty is not a racial problem it's a problem that has been with humanity since the beginning of time and is found in all societies.

Look Jesus even mentioned them 2000 years ago

Matthew 26:11New International Version (NIV)
11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me.

Personally I think it's just a bunch of whiney BS and Blacks need to stop making excuses and fight their way up like everyone else. Nothings going to be handed to them. It's time they stopped expecting their fairy god mother to wave the magic wand and lift them up into the elite of society without having to work to get there. It's just not going to happen.
Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

How do we change that? No one wants to invest within a community with this level of violence. That is simple common sense.
They will have to work and invest in themselves first.
Telling a black person who has to face and unjust system that all they have to do is change the law is ironic and funny in a sad way
Please do enlighten me, where has the system has been unjust for only blacks and please don't give me incidences from the 1960's, that's old news.

First you have to show me where I said it was unjust "only for blacks".

Maybe you quoted the wrong person?

You are only addressing blacks in the above underlined statement. What difference is a black person from a white person if a law is unjust? Isn't it unjust for all? If so then the same obstacles that exist for blacks also exist for whites, red,yellow and brown. The law is color blind unless it specifically says it is only for one group of individuals. If a person feels a law unjust they should petition to change it not break the law.

Im addressing blacks but you still haven't shown where i said blacks only.

A simple question is: do toy believe wired and blacks are treated the same in our justice system?

If you believe that them the stats disagree with you

If you meant whites, browns,yellow and reds to be included then why not just say people? Why only just say black if others were implied?

Toy wired? I'm going to assume that the question is:

Do you believe whites and blacks are treated the same in our justice system. If you believe that then the stats disagree with you.

Yes. Whites aren't treated any differently. Had a white man done what Brown, Garner and Martin did they'd be just as dead.

Heres my question for the stats: Why are there so many blacks in the criminal justice system in the first place. I have a hard time believing that all those blacks behind bars were just walking down the street minding their own business when suddenly a police officer just showed up and unjustly put them in jail. Seems to me that if blacks weren't being treated fairly in jail that they'd avoid it at all costs. Surly if they were being treated unfairly Rev. Al and Jesse Jackson would be all over it along with the media and yet we hear crickets. I don't know what the stats are based on but there seems to be an easy enough solution, don't break the law and get arrested. It works for millions of Americans all day long.

No one wants the truth. The behavior of black men especially is what puts them behind bars whether they are guilty or innocent. The most important thing to a man facing prison is not to appear to be cooperative. Not with the cops not even with their own lawyers. They will not survive long. Not in prison not on the street if they cooperate.

In many ways it is similar to a kid in school who wants to do well and gets beat up for acting white.
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The police shouldn't be obligated to arrest him. A sniper with a bead on his head should have been all that's required. Arresting potheads have never done any good.
with you and Shootspeedos as an example of the right and Dean and guno as examples of the left....its no wonder me and many others cant stand you fuckers....
and yet you give them what they want every day Harry. I had all four of those you named on ignore.

They do NOT care about facts or intelligent discussion. not one whit.

none of them like someone questioning what they post.....speedos like dottie is so intimidated of me, i guess, they both have me on ignore....Dean does not like anyone disagreeing with him,so all the more reason to reply to his shit....Katz is a clueless paranoid old lady when it comes to things she does not understand....and guno is a racist fuck who does not think he his....nope, ill keep on replying to people like this.....the only fun on the board...
Blacks said they were going to attack the police. This is called follow through. Leave it alone and we will have our very own black al quaeda.
In this specific example, i.e., a classic bullshit marijuana arrest, I am 100% on the side of those Blacks who interfered with that arrest.

If the subject of the arrest had done something that called for police intervention, robbery, assault, etc., I would be on the side of the police. But I believe any cop who goes out of his way to arrest an adult for smoking a joint and bothering no one deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
The guy smoking pot was disrespecting the lawand needed to be arrested for his crime so he could be jailed, fined and placed on probation. You sir are a enemy of the state as well as being un-American.
and you are a fucking racist jerk.....and another example of that pathetic part of the right that is helping to destroy this Country...
Wrong. It's the ineligible non-natural born Citizen president who's destroying the country.
its racist fucks like you helping every way you can....keep the people divided right steve?...
Telling a black person who has to face and unjust system that all they have to do is change the law is ironic and funny in a sad way
Please do enlighten me, where has the system has been unjust for only blacks and please don't give me incidences from the 1960's, that's old news.

First you have to show me where I said it was unjust "only for blacks".

Maybe you quoted the wrong person?

You are only addressing blacks in the above underlined statement. What difference is a black person from a white person if a law is unjust? Isn't it unjust for all? If so then the same obstacles that exist for blacks also exist for whites, red,yellow and brown. The law is color blind unless it specifically says it is only for one group of individuals. If a person feels a law unjust they should petition to change it not break the law.

Im addressing blacks but you still haven't shown where i said blacks only.

A simple question is: do toy believe wired and blacks are treated the same in our justice system?

If you believe that them the stats disagree with you

If you meant whites, browns,yellow and reds to be included then why not just say people? Why only just say black if others were implied?

Toy wired? I'm going to assume that the question is:

Do you believe whites and blacks are treated the same in our justice system. If you believe that then the stats disagree with you.

Yes. Whites aren't treated any differently. Had a white man done what Brown, Garner and Martin did they'd be just as dead.

Heres my question for the stats: Why are there so many blacks in the criminal justice system in the first place. I have a hard time believing that all those blacks behind bars were just walking down the street minding their own business when suddenly a police officer just showed up and unjustly put them in jail. Seems to me that if blacks weren't being treated fairly in jail that they'd avoid it at all costs. Surly if they were being treated unfairly Rev. Al and Jesse Jackson would be all over it along with the media and yet we hear crickets. I don't know what the stats are based on but there seems to be an easy enough solution, don't break the law and get arrested. It works for millions of

Americans all day long.

this is seriously funny. Wait so the justice system is unfair and you're solution is to avoid jail but support unjust policing? Sweetie where do you think the police take these gentleman after they harass them for no reason? Sweetpea, what do you think? The system is unfair but the policing is? Lol

Avoid jail... Brilliant idea!! Avoid your own area... To avoid the unfair policing... To avoid the unfair sentencing.... Brilliant!!
Before I even QUOTE the facts the facts are questioned. That's an admission of knowing the facts if I've ever seen one. She just doesn't"accept" the facts.

Best thing about facts is they exist whether you accept them or not.
Before I even QUOTE the facts the facts are questioned. That's an admission of knowing the facts if I've ever seen one. She just doesn't"accept" the facts.

Best thing about facts is they exist whether you accept them or not.

Shouldn't blacks go to prison if they kill, rape or loot? The police need to do their job if you think so...

The fact that blacks commit a higher rate of such crimes means they're going to be singled out more. That is the facts.

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