Black Mob Of 50 to 75 Attack Police Officers Trying To Arrest Individual For Smoking Marijuana

Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


Four arrested after police stop turns into melee in Delray Beach police said - Sun Sentinel

They should have arrested and charged everyone involved. You cannot prevent police from making an arrest. In this case, videotaping the incident gives the police photo identification of all the people involved. They should find them and issue warrants for their arrest.
You had me right up until the point where you say this is why cops are being assassinated. There are clearly much larger cultural and socio-economic factors involved in creating this kind of pervasive dynamic. I certainly hope you aren't trying to justify this kind of behavior toward law enforcement, because that would make you no smarter than the author of the OP. More like the flip side of the same coin.
What I said is "this kind of unnecessary bullshit," which suggests a broad category of circumstances, such as the plainly redundant and incompetently executed take-down resulting in the death of Eric Garner, is why cops are being assassinated.

The subject marijuana incident is but one of many thousand examples of unnecessary bullshit actions by the kind of cops whose redundantly authoritarian and plainly stupid conduct reflects badly on all who wear the uniform.

Unnecessary bullshit behavior by some cops is the reason why cops are being assassinated and the streets of America are alive with angry protest. It is not because of any one incident, but because of the many such examples.
I'm not ready for a race war but what I am ready for is the black community to stop making excuses and blaming whites for all that's wrong in their lives. It's not whites that are holding them down, it's the victim mentality that's hold them down. You are not going to get 40 acres and a mule, you've never been a slave, you've had your civil rights for 50 years now, other people immigrate to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and do better than American blacks, time to put up or shut up.

Not all thats wrong...just that the stuff you're actually responsible for. Like Discriminatory housing. Can we start there? Discriminatory Housing was one way of preventing blacks from building wealth.

Maybe in 1960 but not today. What keeps blacks from having decent housing is blacks. I know blacks that live in the hood and blacks that live in nice homes. The difference is the ones living in a nice neighborhood usually planned their lives I.E. School, marriage and family instead of being a teen mother and scraping by. That said even a teen mother can get her self together and make a good home whether she's black or white. I've seen both black and white women do it and succeed. It's called hard work and perseverance and it's what this country was founded on. It's why immigrants do well here, because they are expected to work hard in their countries of origin and they bring that work ethic here to the USA where that hard work will net them the most profit.
And there are whites that live in trailer trash and whites at have nice homes.
Yes thus proving the blacks are not oppressed by whites and race has nothing to do with their shortcomings. Of course the liberal MSM would have you think otherwise. Life is what you make it and if you make it crap, it will be crap.
Right, race has nothing to do with "their" shortcomings. Poverty does. But you can't see that.

correlation does not = causation

we have been through this before at usmb btw
You had me right up until the point where you say this is why cops are being assassinated. There are clearly much larger cultural and socio-economic factors involved in creating this kind of pervasive dynamic. I certainly hope you aren't trying to justify this kind of behavior toward law enforcement, because that would make you no smarter than the author of the OP. More like the flip side of the same coin.
What I said is "this kind of unnecessary bullshit," which suggests a broad category of circumstances, such as the plainly redundant and incompetently executed take-down resulting in the death of Eric Garner, is why cops are being assassinated.

The subject marijuana incident is but one of many thousand examples of unnecessary bullshit actions by the kind of cops whose redundantly authoritarian and plainly stupid conduct reflects badly on all who wear the uniform.

Unnecessary bullshit behavior by some cops is the reason why cops are being assassinated and the streets of America are alive with angry protest. It is not because of any one incident, but because of the many such examples.

Assassins are not engaged in protest....they are simply murderers.
You had me right up until the point where you say this is why cops are being assassinated. There are clearly much larger cultural and socio-economic factors involved in creating this kind of pervasive dynamic. I certainly hope you aren't trying to justify this kind of behavior toward law enforcement, because that would make you no smarter than the author of the OP. More like the flip side of the same coin.
What I said is "this kind of unnecessary bullshit," which suggests a broad category of circumstances, such as the plainly redundant and incompetently executed take-down resulting in the death of Eric Garner, is why cops are being assassinated.

The subject marijuana incident is but one of many thousand examples of unnecessary bullshit actions by the kind of cops whose redundantly authoritarian and plainly stupid conduct reflects badly on all who wear the uniform.

Unnecessary bullshit behavior by some cops is the reason why cops are being assassinated and the streets of America are alive with angry protest. It is not because of any one incident, but because of the many such examples.

it would be different if race wasn't the motivating factor in the protests and assassinations. The protestors might get some more support otherwise. Now it looks like a race war.
it would be different if race wasn't the motivating factor in the protests and assassinations. The protestors might get some more support otherwise. Now it looks like a race war.
It would look like a race war if there were not so many White faces in the crowds.

These protests are occurring in response to events and circumstances which Americans of every ethnic stripe find intolerable. What we are seeing today is closely similar to the social revolution that took place in the 1960s.
There was no social revolution of the 60s. The revolutionaries cut their hair and became accountants. There was a temper tantrum of the 60s that was short lived with no conclusive after effects.
it would be different if race wasn't the motivating factor in the protests and assassinations. The protestors might get some more support otherwise. Now it looks like a race war.
It would look like a race war if there were not so many White faces in the crowds.

These protests are occurring in response to events and circumstances which Americans of every ethnic stripe find intolerable. What we are seeing today is closely similar to the social revolution that took place in the 1960s.

The sixties were a completely different time, social revolution will have a completely different meaning in the future. Social media now has the power to create and organize social movements and protests. At the same time information is so dissipated and filtered through a multiplicity of sources these days that any objective truth can be interpreted in any number of ways......or any way people are already predisposed to think. Having 31 flavors of truth available makes it more difficult for any social movement to gain real momentum because the forces arrayed against them have the power to create alternative truth. Let's take the occupy movement of a few years ago as an example. A poll was done at the time showing that a majority of Americans basically agreed with the fundamental positions and views of the occupy movement, even if they disagreed with the methods of some of the protesters. With that kind of political dynamic in play you would think some politicians would want to associate themselves with that message; or even get out in front of it and try to harness all that political momentum. That never happened because they couldn't link themselves to the perception of the violence and vandalism associated with the protests. Anarchists always fuck up a revolution.
Nice job of trivializing the American Revolution.
The American Revolution was headed by the likes of Washington and Jefferson, not Sharpton and De Blasio. The former were not assholes championing thugs.

Thank you for that deep thoughtful analysis of historic events.
You are welcome. Hopefully you've learned something and will not make further perverse false equivalencies.

Sorry,that was seriously stupid.
Nice job of trivializing the American Revolution.
The American Revolution was headed by the likes of Washington and Jefferson, not Sharpton and De Blasio. The former were not assholes championing thugs.

Thank you for that deep thoughtful analysis of historic events.
You are welcome. Hopefully you've learned something and will not make further perverse false equivalencies.

Sorry,that was seriously stupid.

Nice avatar. Is that a picture of your uncle or something?
Those who support breaking drug laws never support laws broken when someone defends themselves against those high on drugs. They are the first to call for police protection.
Those who support breaking marijuana laws do not necessarily advocate breaking all drug laws, some of which are relatively sensible.

With that in mind, have you ever heard of anyone needing to defend him/herself from someone who is "high" on marijuana, which is the most potent natural tranquilizer known. Marijuana makes people think, smile, giggle, and eat. It suppresses violent and aggressive impulses.

Maybe that's why many governments are inclined to ban it.
No I mean like harassing citizens for no reason. No reason meaning like, No reason
. Do you have any examples where the police are harassing citizens for no reason illegally? Actual examples that you can defend and reasonable people could agree. Then tell us the outcome of that so-called harassment.
They should have arrested and charged everyone involved. You cannot prevent police from making an arrest. In this case, videotaping the incident gives the police photo identification of all the people involved. They should find them and issue warrants for their arrest.
All of which implies that you don't mind taxpayer dollars being wasted on such wholly unnecessary, utterly nonsensical, authoritarian bullshit. How does arresting someone for smoking a joint serve the interests of other than those who benefit in one way or other from the rising Law-Enforcement Industrial Complex?

You might wonder why an increasing number of people have had enough with extraneous and abusive police actions and are beginning to react.



The actions of some stupidly sadistic cops add up in the minds of extreme reactionaries and ultimately lead to relatively decent and innocent cops being assassinated. These actions don't take place in a vacuum.
Those of us that live in the real world knows what is happening. The media is fooling us into believing whites are evil as blacks systematically destroy our country. They are destroying our economy, education system and now our judicial system. Our political system is now becoming an international joke. Stats loudly display the truth that there is no validity to their protest and complaints; however, the left is throwing in more and more support for their lies, as white lives continue to be attacked on an even more frequent basis. There is trouble in the air. I only hope whites wake up to what is REALLY happening.


You are ignoring the reason for this mob action.

If these cops were arresting someone for an actual crime, I would be on their side. But what was this fellow doing? Who was he hurting? I'm personally glad the mob interfered with this bullshit arrest -- and I don't care who disagrees with me!

Enough of this stupid goddam marijuana prohibition.
Get the law changed. In the meantime you may not break the law against marijuana smoking. You have proven the blacks and you were wrong.

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