Black mother leaves kids in hot car - No charges - Collects $114,000

Ignorance really is not bliss, don't fall for it :rolleyes:

Even outside temperatures in the 60s can cause a car temperature to rise well above 110° F. When the outside temperature is 83° F, even with the window rolled down 2 inches, the temperature inside the car can reach 109° F in only 15 minutes. “Within the first 10 minutes the temperature in an enclosed vehicle will rise an average of 19 degrees or 82 percent of its eventual one hour rise.”28 In warm weather, a vehicle can warm to dangerous, life-threatening levels in only 10 minutes.

Very young children (age 4 and under) are particularly susceptible to hyperthermia. According to the Medical College of Wisconsin,

Children’s bodies have greater surface area to body mass ratio, so they absorb more heat on a hot day (and lose heat more rapidly on a cold day). Further, children have a considerably lower sweating capacity than adults, and so they are less able to dissipate body heat by evaporative sweating and cooling.29Children and Cars A Potentially Lethal Combination DOT HS 810 636

The temp that day was 83 (Phoenix March Weather 2014 - AccuWeather Forecast for AZ 85004). The kids were rescued 45 minutes before the mother got back to them.

So, the question is? Why do these children mean so little to you?

Children are born & live every day in 120 degree Arizona heat. A potential max 109 inside a car during the hottest part of the day is not lethal. Most job interviews are in the AM. Peak heating is after 4:00PM. The children never saw anywhere near that temp.

Holy shit, you're actually trying to justify this. Are you serious ?
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill kids.
Even outside temperatures in the 60s can cause a car temperature to rise well above 110° F.

If the windows are down a little and the temperatures are in the 60s, it is certainly not going to go above 110°. Not even close. Not even with the windows up. You realize the 60s is a little chilly. It is impossible for it to be very hot inside a car while chilly outside. Have you ever gotten into a hot car when it was 68° outside? Think.
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Children are born & live every day in 120 degree Arizona heat. A potential max 109 inside a car during the hottest part of the day is not lethal. Most job interviews are in the AM. Peak heating is after 4:00PM. The children never saw anywhere near that temp.

Holy shit, you're actually trying to justify this. Are you serious ?
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?
The temp that day was 83 (Phoenix March Weather 2014 - AccuWeather Forecast for AZ 85004). The kids were rescued 45 minutes before the mother got back to them.

But what was the outside temperature at that time of day? It can take until late afternoon for temperature to reach the high or recorded number for the day.

Did they actually measure the temperature inside the car when they found the kids, or was it a witness who "thought" it was over 100° inside?
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Holy shit, you're actually trying to justify this. Are you serious ?
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?

What was the temp inside the vehicles when those other children died? I'll bet it exceeded 130 degrees. Closed cars easily get up to 170 degrees on a hot day. That was not the case with this woman & her children. It was March, all the windows were open a couple inches & the temp inside was barely 100 degrees. They could last all day long at that temp.
Middle Class white woman from Orland Park goes into a store for 5 mins to buy one item and leaves her child in the car. The temperature was a not so warm 75 degrees,

Woman arrested for leaving child inside car at Whole Foods - FOX 32 News Chicago
A Chicago woman is facing a charge of endangering her child's life after leaving him inside a car while she shopped at a southwest suburban Whole Foods, the SouthtownStar is reporting.

Police say witnesses saw 35-year-old Ilona Lukaszczyk leave her young son in his car seat while she went inside the store at 15260 S. LaGrange Rd. in Orland Park on Aug. 20.

The temperature was 75 degrees and sunny, and the windows of the car were rolled up, except the driver's-side window, which was down about 3 inches, according to Orland Park police.

The witnesses stayed with the car until police arrived in time to greet Lukaszczyk when she emerged from the store less than 5 minutes after going inside.

That is an incredibly extreme case of hysteria there. How is a car going to heat up in 5 minutes in mild temps? Magic?
I went to U of A, in March it gets over 100 degrees!

I have to call bullshit on that. Phoenix, AZ record high in over 100 years for march is only 100 degrees. So how can it regularly get over 100 in March? The average high in March is 77 degrees & that is only for a couple hours after 4:00pm
Holy shit, you're actually trying to justify this. Are you serious ?
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?

Nowhere did any source claim it was 110 degrees inside the vehicle. I just watched the Today Show interview & they said the police estimated the temp could have been up to 100 inside the car & that she was only gone for 38 minutes. There was no actual temp readings, the kids were not sick. A babies core temp must exceed 105 degrees to cause illness or damage. In dry Arizona heat perspiration cools people rapidly. It would have to bee in excess of 110 for hours to make someone sick in AZ. It would have to be hotter to kill them.
Holy shit, you're actually trying to justify this. Are you serious ?
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?

Children are a commodity to with very little value.

You aren't going to find a single progressive that gives a shit about a poor black woman's kids. They see poor black women as either menial job workers, or a secure voting bloc. Aside from that, they have little value, and their kids none at all.
The kids were two years old, and 6 months.

She should be in jail, regardless of the temperature outside. What a worthless piece of shit.
She probably leaves them alone in the house when she goes out to score dope or get laid, too.

Oh wait, when she gets laid they're probably in the room.
The kids were two years old, and 6 months.

She should be in jail, regardless of the temperature outside. What a worthless piece of shit.
She was given the benefit of doubt and a second chance, which I applaude. She blew it, so yeah, those kids deserve better.
So maybe there is white privilige after all.
Oh wait her name is Shenequia...

OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. .

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. Airplanes ain't cars. Do you know what a car is? They heat up damn fast.
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?

What was the temp inside the vehicles when those other children died? I'll bet it exceeded 130 degrees. Closed cars easily get up to 170 degrees on a hot day. That was not the case with this woman & her children. It was March, all the windows were open a couple inches & the temp inside was barely 100 degrees. They could last all day long at that temp.

Can't believe you're arguing this.
Did anyone notice that it was MARCH when she left the kids in the vehicle for a short time with the windows cracked over an inch? This woman was trying to get a job to keep herself & her children off the tax payers dole. Would you prefer she be jailed so tax payers have to support her & her children who were in no real danger that time of year?
The time to even try this tactic us way was Arizona and the car was over 100 degrees

She is a screw up and is full of garbage, my sympathies are no longer with her

100 degrees is nothing for Arizona or it's children. There is no humidity in Arizona, so they live for comfortably for months in 100+ degree heat. People lived in Arizona's 120 degree heat long before air conditioning was introduced there. It was still freaking winter in March!
Ignorance really is not bliss, don't fall for it :rolleyes:

Even outside temperatures in the 60s can cause a car temperature to rise well above 110° F. When the outside temperature is 83° F, even with the window rolled down 2 inches, the temperature inside the car can reach 109° F in only 15 minutes. “Within the first 10 minutes the temperature in an enclosed vehicle will rise an average of 19 degrees or 82 percent of its eventual one hour rise.”28 In warm weather, a vehicle can warm to dangerous, life-threatening levels in only 10 minutes.

Very young children (age 4 and under) are particularly susceptible to hyperthermia. According to the Medical College of Wisconsin,

Children’s bodies have greater surface area to body mass ratio, so they absorb more heat on a hot day (and lose heat more rapidly on a cold day). Further, children have a considerably lower sweating capacity than adults, and so they are less able to dissipate body heat by evaporative sweating and cooling.29Children and Cars A Potentially Lethal Combination DOT HS 810 636

The temp that day was 83 (Phoenix March Weather 2014 - AccuWeather Forecast for AZ 85004). The kids were rescued 45 minutes before the mother got back to them.

So, the question is? Why do these children mean so little to you?

Children are born & live every day in 120 degree Arizona heat. A potential max 109 inside a car during the hottest part of the day is not lethal. Most job interviews are in the AM. Peak heating is after 4:00PM. The children never saw anywhere near that temp.

It is fatal without any water or hydration!
OMG you people are wacked. There have been airliners packed with people & babies sitting on hot tarmac for over 4 hours with temperatures of 104 degrees & no-one dies. Sometimes someone goes to the hospital to sit in A/C & chase an aspirin with Gateraid, but they don't die. I have loaded & unloaded 1,000 bales of hay by hand on a humid 105 degree day with no problems. I have sat for hours inside 100+ degree aircraft. It is not deadly. I sit in hot vehicles a lot of times for over an hour in mid summer over 100 degrees & never got sick.

Then explain to me why no baby has died sitting in a hot plane ? Explain also why we warn people nationwide to not leave kids or pets in hot cars ?
There's not a police force in this nation that's going to sit back and allow children to sit in a hot car once they've became aware of it.

I don't think he understands the greenhouse gas effect in cars. That a hot car bakes people in them like an oven. An hour in 100 degree+ heat even with the windows down would be enough to kill young children!
It was not 100+ degrees out in March. It barely got to 100 degrees inside the car. That does not kill babies.
No, it was in excess of 100 degrees and the temp would have continued to rise. She didn't show up for another 45 minutes. Hell that alone is neglectful. It has also been pointed out several times now children are much more delicate in such a situation. What is wrong with you?

What was the temp inside the vehicles when those other children died? I'll bet it exceeded 130 degrees. Closed cars easily get up to 170 degrees on a hot day. That was not the case with this woman & her children. It was March, all the windows were open a couple inches & the temp inside was barely 100 degrees. They could last all day long at that temp.

So how do you think the kids died then? Natural causes? :rolleyes-41:
OMG! - Someone tell these people they are dead from the July 2011 heatwave!

105 degrees Texas 2011



104 Degrees



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