Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

Does that mean she deserves what is highly likely to happen to her in the coming week or two?
This situation most likely went like this...
Woman sees someone walking around her neighbors house, she knows is on vacation. She watches the dude for a few seconds and doesn't recognize him. She calls the police, probably could have walked outside and hollered over, but can you really blame her? With all of the violence/crime happening? Or maybe she should have kept looking for a while and maybe recognized the man, or seen he started to water plants and let it go. Probably. But she didn't.
The police get the call, the officers that arrive have not one single clue about what is actually occurring. All they know is a neighbor said there is a man prowling around she doesn't recognoze.
What are the police supposed to do?
Do you think they have never arrived at a crime scene and everyone starts acting all innocent? You think this is new?? No guilty person has ever acted innocent or claimed to be doing something innocent?
How are they supposed to know?
Easy - ask for that persons ID. If they supply it... situation is over. Done.
Or the person can start claiming their rights, start getting angry with them, start calling them names... and wind up in handcuffs.
Black or white - there are 100,000s of videos on YouTube just like this with both white and black people being stupid.

You missed the part where he gets a large settlement.
You missed the part where he gets a large settlement.
He won't.
He wasn't harmed.
That is a requirement of getting money from any civil lawsuit. You have to show damage.
He wasn't damaged.
He can sue for violation of civil rights, small settlement if he wins... but he won't win.
You have to prove the situation occurred because you are black. He can't do that.
If he would have cooperated with the police, but just didn't have his ID let's say. But completely cooperated.
The lady comes out and tells the police that he is her neighbor, she screwed up. And they arrest him anyway.
He would certainly have a case. But he didn't cooperate.
He won't.
He wasn't harmed.
That is a requirement of getting money from any civil lawsuit. You have to show damage.
He wasn't damaged.
He can sue for violation of civil rights, small settlement if he wins... but he won't win.
You have to prove the situation occurred because you are black. He can't do that.
If he would have cooperated with the police, but just didn't have his ID let's say. But completely cooperated.
The lady comes out and tells the police that he is her neighbor, she screwed up. And they arrest him anyway.
He would certainly have a case. But he didn't cooperate.

I don't bet unless it's a 100% sure thing and him getting a settlement is a 100% sure thing.
Jennings is black. That's the only reason for the outrage. The Leftists don't believe black folks are sophisticated enough to meet the same societal standards as white folks.
Clearly. They have an entire system called DEI boards in institutions to ensure that fact.

You have to respect this guy for his quick thinking. Pretending to be a pastor is a masterstroke. Alabama is a safer place due to the actions of these soon to be ex police officers.
Okay, I finally watched the video.

The guy was aggressive, confrontational and LOOKING for a fight. He certainly wasn't very Christ-like.

Jessie Jackson is a "pastor".

So is the "Reverend" AL Sharpton.

Both are race hustlers in it for the payday.

The guy handle it all wrong. He was looking for a fight
Okay, I finally watched the video.

The guy was aggressive, confrontational and LOOKING for a fight. He certainly wasn't very Christ-like.

Jessie Jackson is a "pastor".

So is the "Reverend" AL Sharpton.

Both are race hustlers in it for the payday.

The guy handle it all wrong. He was looking for a fight
And he picked that fight with people he has ZERO chance of winning against.
Like I said the moment I watched the video... he is getting what he wanted, and the reason he did it - to have 15 seconds of fame on the internet.
Now in the area he lives, race peddlers and race hustlers are coming out of the woodwork screaming RACISM! RACISM!
And now this "pastor" is hoping for a cash windfall.
Okay, I finally watched the video.

The guy was aggressive, confrontational and LOOKING for a fight. He certainly wasn't very Christ-like.

Jessie Jackson is a "pastor".

So is the "Reverend" AL Sharpton.

Both are race hustlers in it for the payday.

The guy handle it all wrong. He was looking for a fight
Guy basically said….Leave me the Fuk alone and stop bothering me.

He was a former Cop and knew he did not have to present ID.
The Cops didn’t
Guy basically said….Leave me the Fuk alone and stop bothering me.

He was a former Cop and knew he did not have to present ID.
The Cops didn’t
He went out of his way to make it impossible for the cops to do their job.

I had a similar incident happen to me.

I was painting a couple rooms for a friend and his wife while they were on vacation.

A half hour or so after I arrived and got started, the cops showed up and I saw them peeking in the window.

I opened the door and asked if there was a problem.

They told me they got a call from a neighbor

Know what I did? I CLAMLY answered their questions. Told them who I was, and why I was there. And showed them my drivers license when they asked.

They left, and I went back to work

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