Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

Okay, I finally watched the video.

The guy was aggressive, confrontational and LOOKING for a fight. He certainly wasn't very Christ-like.

Jessie Jackson is a "pastor".

So is the "Reverend" AL Sharpton.

Both are race hustlers in it for the payday.

The guy handle it all wrong. He was looking for a fight
Al Sharpton is a great man.
It wasn't about race and you know it

Sadly I do not. Now granted far too many cops have the attitude that you will not tell them no, even when you are legally permitted to but this was even an extreme case there.
Even the far left OP has "pastor" in quotes. At least he got something right.

A TRUE follower of Christ would have THANKED the cops for watching out for da 'hood

You have to respect this guy for his quick thinking. Pretending to be a pastor is a masterstroke. Alabama is a safer place due to the actions of these soon to be ex police officers.

What does his race have to do with this?

that not why he was arrested. he was arrested for impeding the investigation. the black guy got chip on his shoulder and caused his own self to be arrested. the cops were in the right. black man has no case just looking for free money.
Two threads (soon to be merged I expect) from two completely different sorts of dumbasses*, on the same subject.

One spectacularly ignorant, and one spectacularly illiterate.
Okay, I finally watched the video.

The guy was aggressive, confrontational and LOOKING for a fight. He certainly wasn't very Christ-like.

Jessie Jackson is a "pastor".

So is the "Reverend" AL Sharpton.

Both are race hustlers in it for the payday.

The guy handle it all wrong. He was looking for a fight
A Deplorable telling us who is "Christ-Like". :laughing0301:

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