Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

Show us a source, any source that claims Jennings was arrested and charged with "watering his neighbor's flowers".

Double dog dare

That was the only crime he could have been "reasonably suspected" of when the police demanded his ID.

You have to respect this guy for his quick thinking. Pretending to be a pastor is a masterstroke. Alabama is a safer place due to the actions of these soon to be ex police officers.
Hey Tommy when is your country going to elect a Black Queen or King ?
a lawful order they were doing an investigation because they got a call about a strange man in the yard. all he had to do is comply.

It was not lawful as he could not have been reasonably suspected of committing a crime, which is a requirement to make it lawful.

So much for all that law and order horseshit you Leftist fuckers have been spewing for the past year and a half.

The black man was on the side of the law this time, no matter how much that chaps your ass.
A report was made of a possible crime. The police had a legal obligation to investigate.

And they did and found a man watering the flowers. That should have been the end of it. But since it was a black man they had to go further.

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