Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

A neighbor called the cops. He admitted it wasn’t his property. Doesn’t get much clearer than that.

And if he said "I'm a neighbor, I'm friends with so and so, I'm watering her flowers" then that's the end of the conversation. Hell if they had doubts all they had to do was drive down the block and watch from a safe distance. They could have told the neighbor "He says he's watering flowers on owner's request but call us if you see something."

It's beyond fucking stupid to think that the officers didn't see another way out here, but their little pygmy dick egos got the better of them. And I guess you're just the kind of guy that bends over and takes it up the rectum whenever a cop tells you to touch your toes.
And if he said "I'm a neighbor, I'm friends with so and so, I'm watering her flowers" then that's the end of the conversation. Hell if they had doubts all they had to do was drive down the block and watch from a safe distance. They could have told the neighbor "He says he's watering flowers on owner's request but call us if you see something."

It's beyond fucking stupid to think that the officers didn't see another way out here, but their little pygmy dick egos got the better of them. And I guess you're just the kind of guy that bends over and takes it up the rectum whenever a cop tells you to touch your toes.
You have that backwards. The cops gave the guy every opportunity to exonerate himself and he refused out of belligerence.
I just finished keeping an eye on my neighbors’ house while they were on vacation and whenever the cops came by to check up I’d go out and explain that the car in their driveway was mine and I lived across the street. The cops followed up by contacting the neighbors and they confirmed. Very simple. If I had acted like the opportunistic belligerent bigot in this episode, I’d have invited trouble for myself.
You have an obvious bias that clouds your thinking.
You have that backwards. The cops gave the guy every opportunity to exonerate himself and he refused out of belligerence.

You're a stupid cvnt. A law-abiding citizen doesn't have to "exonerate himself" when there's no evidence he's breaking the law. But you're a good little goose stepper - you do you.
Okay, because you said "trip" and "Bay Area" in the same sentence, I gotta clarify, did this involve mushrooms?

Okay, I like - so far.

What do you mean you got "taken in"? Did place you under arrest?

Your dad was right to be pissed.

Which book - the Bible? What?

Then your dad should have known to hire a fucking lawyer and said "Talk to the hand". My family is full of attorneys. I got one who's a criminal defense attorney and the other side of my family has prosecutors and judges. Don't fucking talk to cops without an attorney present - every one of them would say this. Sorry, but the black guy who was watering flowers is the smart one here. I'm white as a pearl, by the way, so if you thought you were gonna 'win the interwebz' by labeling me a ghetto thug, you lost, bruh.

I don't disagree with this at all. You're 100% correct.

You're not black.

Lol, if I was black you would have called that situation racism, but is wasn’t , it was just cops over doing it.

No , i didn’t get arrested but I guarantee if I was over a certain age and refused to go in.. or refused to show an Id I would have been
The black guy was acting like an ignorant asshole. Too bad they didn't clean his clock. That's the only language some of these clowns understand.

The cop treated him well. There was no reason to get all hateful and "uppity." Lol....

Fuck him. With that attitude he doesn't deserve to be treated like a civilized person.
The black guy was acting like an ignorant asshole. Too bad they didn't clean his clock. That's the only language some of these clowns understand.

The cop treated him well. There was no reason to get all hateful and "uppity." Lol....

Fuck him. With that attitude he doesn't deserve to be treated like a civilized person.

"Yeah he should be pickin cotton."

Bigoted bitch boy.
You're a stupid cvnt. A law-abiding citizen doesn't have to "exonerate himself" when there's no evidence he's breaking the law. But you're a good little goose stepper - you do you.

There is a balance. We also have responsibilities towards each other as citizens. Which means you don’t have to drag your feet every time a cop asks you a question. Cops do have a job where they have to walk a line between respecting citizens rights and proactive policing. Sometimes they get it wrong but you don’t have to be an ass about it every time they do

The guy could also have realized, yeah I am on someone else’s property, cops did get a call.. what can I also do to make the situation better as a citizen.
We are all in it together, the cops are not your enemy.
The black guy was acting like an ignorant asshole. Too bad they didn't clean his clock. That's the only language some of these clowns understand.

The cop treated him well. There was no reason to get all hateful and "uppity." Lol....

Fuck him. With that attitude he doesn't deserve to be treated like a civilized person.
Wow, old white guy talkin'...
The guy refused to show his ID. actually, why should police take the word of some guy that he is the neighbor from across the street? Cops were doing their job, i understand someone being upset over being stopped, but he needed to realize the police were trying to do their job. had he showed his ID, they could clearly see he lived across the street

The cops dont know who called dispatch... they got sent out on a call. what the fuck are they suppossed to do?
One thing that could be done is try to find whoever dialed the phone in the first place and perhaps arrest them for dialing the law when something illegal was not being done. In other words, make the rest of the world know that consequences are still out there for false reporting.

God bless you and the man always!!!


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