Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

listen to the cop. he was a suspicious person because of that phone call. they had the right to ask him for identification. exactly. the dumb black man has no case. i will not be surprised if he gets a settlement so the blacks wont destroy the city. they already dropped the charge to play cate his ass. i call bs on his ptsd claim too. anyone can go in a yard and pick up a hose a water flower to get out of trouble. anyone can make up any name and say they live anywhere . then rob the place after there gone , many criminals have done it. all he had to do is show his id . his wife new it she came out with it . to bad her dumb husband put himself in jail. blacks just need to comply. once you set foot out side your door you are under the laws of the land and have to obey a law full order.
Yeah suspicious since all criminals water flowers...
You obey you pussy. We'll keep challenging authorities right to mistreat citizens because we refuse to live under oppression like you servile cucks.
You mean like the servile cucks that said "Yes sir, can I have another" when told to take part in a medical experiment?
The same ones that listen to Pravda & believe everything they are told by an authority figure?
The ones who believe it is our duty to support the fascists in Ukraine by paying more for everything while DC sends billions of our $ overseas?
You mean like the servile cucks that said "Yes sir, can I have another" when told to take part in a medical experiment?
The same ones that listen to Pravda & believe everything they are told by an authority figure?
The ones who believe it is our duty to support the fascists in Ukraine by paying more for everything while DC sends billions of our $ overseas?
Did these events take place in your little fantasy world? How adorable. 😄
You obey you pussy. We'll keep challenging authorities right to mistreat citizens because we refuse to live under oppression like you servile cucks.

The guy refused to show his ID. actually, why should police take the word of some guy that he is the neighbor from across the street? Cops were doing their job, i understand someone being upset over being stopped, but he needed to realize the police were trying to do their job. had he showed his ID, they could clearly see he lived across the street

The cops dont know who called dispatch... they got sent out on a call. what the fuck are they suppossed to do?
Why in america do we have to show papers? WHY is it in America that cops can't see that the guy was not breaking in but was WATERING FLOWERS.
Why in america do we have to show papers? WHY is it in America that cops can't see that the guy was not breaking in but was WATERING FLOWERS.

Doesnt matter, once they get sent out on a call they probably need to go by the book. WHy in America? I guess if you're standing on someone else's property that can happen. Why in America do we have to sue over every fucking little thing and be so weak assed?
The guy refused to show his ID. actually, why should police take the word of some guy that he is the neighbor from across the street?
Because the law makes it clear citizens are given the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. He doesn't need the man's ID for the crime of watering his neighbors plants.
Cops were doing their job, i understand someone being upset over being stopped, but he needed to realize the police were trying to do their job. had he showed his ID, they could clearly see he lived across the street
Doing your job doesn't include arresting people because you don't like that they refused to answer your questions.
The cops dont know who called dispatch... they got sent out on a call. what the fuck are they suppossed to do?
Observe that nothing seems to be amiss other than one guy, presumably watering his neighbors yard and go about his day. If he's feeling like going above and beyond I'd even give him a pat on the back for finding out who the owner of the home is and calling them to inquire about their arrangement with the neighbor.
Because the law makes it clear citizens are given the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. He doesn't need the man's ID for the crime of watering his neighbors plants.

Doing your job doesn't include arresting people because you don't like that they refused to answer your questions.

Observe that nothing seems to be amiss other than one guy, presumably watering his neighbors yard and go about his day. If he's feeling like going above and beyond I'd even give him a pat on the back for finding out who the owner of the home is and calling them to inquire about their arrangement with the neighbor.

Naw, when that guy saw the police roll up he was seeing dollar signs. Don't cooperate with cops, gives you a great chance of making some money.

They were on call, he was on someone else's property, they have the descretion to go by the book if they want. the cops were polite the whole time... he was the one who chose to drag things out and be an ass about it.
Naw, when that guy saw the police roll up he was seeing dollar signs. Don't cooperate with cops, gives you a great chance of making some money.

They were on call, he was on someone else's property, they have the descretion to go by the book if they want. the cops were polite the whole time... he was the one who chose to drag things out and be an ass about it.

They have to have evidence he was committing a crime. He was an ass about it because he knows if he had been a white person and said "I'm watering my neighbor's plants," that would have been the end of the discussion and the cops would have driven off to the donut shop.
They have to have evidence he was committing a crime. He was an ass about it because he knows if he had been a white person and said "I'm watering my neighbor's plants," that would have been the end of the discussion and the cops would have driven off to the donut shop.

I watched the video again. He told the cops to lock him up... "I want you to!"
So he got what he wanted I guess. Much easier than showing your I.D.

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