Black people should stop complaining so much

Black on black crime rates far out weigh racism or bad police shootings. Why not shoot off fireworks and yell that in the streets and play that up instead? Why not? Harsh stuff, but real. Black on black crime and the huge disparity of black systemic crime rates.Why not acknowledge THAT?

truth is hate speech.jpg
One time my college roommate and his white girlfriend were on a road trip. It was late and we were out in the sticks just looking for a motel to sleep at . While he parked the car me and girl went to reserve a room. The clerk refused to give us a room because she thought we were an interracial couple .

What year was that?

In the 90s
One time my college roommate and his white girlfriend were on a road trip. It was late and we were out in the sticks just looking for a motel to sleep at . While he parked the car me and girl went to reserve a room. The clerk refused to give us a room because she thought we were an interracial couple .

What year was that?

Either Timmy's friend lied to him or he is lying to us. Either way, rumors and second hand anecdotes are unreliable at best.

Whatever .

I love a thread where the op starts off how racism doesn't exist, then followed by pages and pages of racist posts .
I am a full blooded German and i have seen and know black people who have been profiled and seen others killed for no reason other than they were black. And you want to tell me racism is gone?
I'm not talking about what's going on Germany, I'm talking about what's happening here in the United States.

The fact is, the vast majority of whites aren't out there hating on black people.

We watch their sports, we watch their movies and TV shows, we listen to their music, we give them millions of dollars and yet they still complain that we don't like them enough.

It's absurd for a black person who is a millionaire to complain that white people don't like him enough.
I live in California. The black people I see are relatives by marriage and their friends.
Yes, there was discrimination in the past, but those days are over.

The more you continue to whine about your problems, the less people like you.

The only thing holding you back is yourself.

If you are a black woman, don't have babies out of wedlock.

If you are a black man, don't get women pregnant unless you marry them first.

This would solve 99% of all black problems if black people followed this advice.[/QUOTE

Fucking christians.

Blackrook will post the most hateful, ignorant shit - like this thread - and then turn around and preach god shit. This asshole sucked me is with a whiny thread in Religion, all about how confused and unhappy he is. No wonder. If I was as sick as this jerk, I'd be unhappy too. Its always the christians who preach hate and then whine that they want more and more and more.

Fucking christians are nothing but a giant hate group who constantly work to harm as many people as they can.
I am a full blooded German and i have seen and know black people who have been profiled and seen others killed for no reason other than they were black. And you want to tell me racism is gone?
I'm not talking about what's going on Germany, I'm talking about what's happening here in the United States.

The fact is, the vast majority of whites aren't out there hating on black people.

We watch their sports, we watch their movies and TV shows, we listen to their music, we give them millions of dollars and yet they still complain that we don't like them enough.

It's absurd for a black person who is a millionaire to complain that white people don't like him enough.
I live in California. The black people I see are relatives by marriage and their friends.

I've known many Blacks and many Mexicans over many many years. Without except, the racist crap I read on this board have absolutely no basis is reality.

These are people who are failing in their own lives and need to blame somebody else for it.


One time my college roommate and his white girlfriend were on a road trip. It was late and we were out in the sticks just looking for a motel to sleep at . While he parked the car me and girl went to reserve a room. The clerk refused to give us a room because she thought we were an interracial couple .

What year was that?

Either Timmy's friend lied to him or he is lying to us. Either way, rumors and second hand anecdotes are unreliable at best.

Whatever .

I love a thread where the op starts off how racism doesn't exist, then followed by pages and pages of racist posts .

What's racist about encouraging self reliance and intact families?
I am a full blooded German and i have seen and know black people who have been profiled and seen others killed for no reason other than they were black. And you want to tell me racism is gone?
Nobody said racism is gone.
But acting like an idiot is only going to make people hate you.
Blacks think going around acting like a jerk must be tolerated or you're a racist.
They have a lesson to learn, that's for sure.
Millions of Americans are becoming less tolerant of Blacks because of their self-centered attitides.

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One time my college roommate and his white girlfriend were on a road trip. It was late and we were out in the sticks just looking for a motel to sleep at . While he parked the car me and girl went to reserve a room. The clerk refused to give us a room because she thought we were an interracial couple .

What year was that?

In the 90s

This is 2017 and a lot has changed since then or do you still see racism everywhere!?!
One time my college roommate and his white girlfriend were on a road trip. It was late and we were out in the sticks just looking for a motel to sleep at . While he parked the car me and girl went to reserve a room. The clerk refused to give us a room because she thought we were an interracial couple .

What year was that?

Either Timmy's friend lied to him or he is lying to us. Either way, rumors and second hand anecdotes are unreliable at best.

Whatever .

I love a thread where the op starts off how racism doesn't exist, then followed by pages and pages of racist posts .

Yeah, the USMB is not a great indicator of how racist America is today.

The reality is the fact you want it where you tell whites and other minorities to sit at the back of the bus and demand you should be paid for not working, so let stop the nonsense.

Two of my best contractors were black and they were paid according to the job they were doing and were paid more percentage wise than any white guy that worked for me.

Now I am sure you find it racist that I did not just hand over the money while not requiring work to be done but hey you know I live in reality.

Racism exists but not at the level it was in the 1960's or even the 1990's but let be factual you are the type that believe that those that did not vote for Obama were racist, so you're a clueless wonder...
Yes, there was discrimination in the past, but those days are over.

The more you continue to whine about your problems, the less people like you.

The only thing holding you back is yourself.

If you are a black woman, don't have babies out of wedlock.

If you are a black man, don't get women pregnant unless you marry them first.

This would solve 99% of all black problems if black people followed this advice.[/QUOTE

Fucking christians.

Blackrook will post the most hateful, ignorant shit - like this thread - and then turn around and preach god shit. This asshole sucked me is with a whiny thread in Religion, all about how confused and unhappy he is. No wonder. If I was as sick as this jerk, I'd be unhappy too. Its always the christians who preach hate and then whine that they want more and more and more.

Fucking christians are nothing but a giant hate group who constantly work to harm as many people as they can.

Hey fucktard not all Christians are hateful tards like the OP'er but of course your mental midget ass would not know because you are like the racists and see an entire group as a failure because of some asshole actions or comments!
The biggest complainers are white people

You have good it white man.

White supremacy dominates the planet.

You can go any where in the world and you know people will be cool with you. Indeed in certain places people will treat you better. If you go to China or Asian countries, as long as your not a bum and have a tight mouthpiece, u'll struggle to keep your balls full enough for the next chick in line.

Being a white man over there means you don't need much game. Just don't set off her "creeper" alarm and the rest takes care of itself.

Even in countries in Africa, a white man will be treated well. Even in some cases better than I (a black man) would be.

And white men still complain ?

Most white women strongly prefer white men

Even though many of your women are low key like this for black men


And if an Asian, Latino or black woman dates out their race, it's always to a white man and many Asian, Latino and black women, just prefer white men as their first choice.

Plus the parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known IMMEDIATELY....... before they even met the guy.

I have rarely, if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

And white men still complain ?

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

And white men still complain ?

The most powerful man in the world is a white man - Donald Trump. He's running shit. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

I mean. Think about that and let it sink in, Trump is a man getting endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Trump is doing something to win all this approval.

And yet white people still complain ?

I mean. What do whites want ? Do you want to dig up the graves of Bull Connor ? Norman Rockwell ? And put them in the hot seat ? Trump a man who is going to favour whites at every turn. His dad was Klan member and some of that DNA has been passed into him because Trump has a long history of racism going back to the 70's

And white men still complain ?

And on top of that you have industry which shows (Falsely) that white people are the fathers of science, the fathers of maths, the fathers of physics, the fathers of everything.

And white men still complain ?

You have Hollywood industry which shows white men as leading men, as dashing, brave, handsome, noble, pretty much all super hero are white men. You have a worldwide pop industry which brainwashes young girls at an early age to obsess of white guys (Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, N Sync, Backstreet Boys etc)

And white men still complain ?
The biggest complainers are white people

You have good it white man.

White supremacy dominates the planet.

You can go any where in the world and you know people will be cool with you. Indeed in certain places people will treat you better. If you go to China or Asian countries, as long as your not a bum and have a tight mouthpiece, u'll struggle to keep your balls full enough for the next chick in line.

Being a white man over there means you don't need much game. Just don't set off her "creeper" alarm and the rest takes care of itself.

Even in countries in Africa, a white man will be treated well. Even in some cases better than I (a black man) would be.

And white men still complain ?

Most white women strongly prefer white men

Even though many of your women are low key like this for black men


And if an Asian, Latino or black woman dates out their race, it's always to a white man and many Asian, Latino and black women, just prefer white men as their first choice.

Plus the parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known IMMEDIATELY....... before they even met the guy.

I have rarely, if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

And white men still complain ?

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

And white men still complain ?

The most powerful man in the world is a white man - Donald Trump. He's running shit. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

I mean. Think about that and let it sink in, Trump is a man getting endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Trump is doing something to win all this approval.

And yet white people still complain ?

I mean. What do whites want ? Do you want to dig up the graves of Bull Connor ? Norman Rockwell ? And put them in the hot seat ? Trump a man who is going to favour whites at every turn. His dad was Klan member and some of that DNA has been passed into him because Trump has a long history of racism going back to the 70's

And white men still complain ?

And on top of that you have industry which shows (Falsely) that white people are the fathers of science, the fathers of maths, the fathers of physics, the fathers of everything.

And white men still complain ?

You have Hollywood industry which shows white men as leading men, as dashing, brave, handsome, noble, pretty much all super hero are white men. You have a worldwide pop industry which brainwashes young girls at an early age to obsess of white guys (Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, N Sync, Backstreet Boys etc)

And white men still complain ?

Hey look, it's my favorite plagiarist back in action copy/pasting like it's 2009. With some new material this time! Anyway...what do we want? Well, I can't speak for all white people but I want the media and politicians to stop demonizing me, to stop normalizing racist hatred against me. I want college campuses to stop rewriting history to falsely portray my ancestors as barbarians. I want 3rd world immigrants to stop mass immigrating, stop mooching off of my country and stop destroying my people's cultural legacy.
Well, I can't speak for all white people but I want the media and politicians to stop demonizing me,
Donald Trump is running the show. So why would Donald Trump a guy who has been given the thumbs up by the Klan demonize white people ?
Well, I can't speak for all white people but I want the media and politicians to stop demonizing me,
Donald Trump is running the show. So why would Donald Trump a guy who has been given the thumbs up by the Klan demonize white people ?

"The Klan" endorsed Barack Obama fyi. "The Klan" doesn't really exist anymore, and whoever is pulling the strings of that "organization" knows that literally nobody wants their support, and that any endorsement from them only generates bad publicly. Donald Trump is not an emperor nor is he the only political figure in Washington DC.
The biggest complainers are white people

You have good it white man.

White supremacy dominates the planet.

You can go any where in the world and you know people will be cool with you. Indeed in certain places people will treat you better. If you go to China or Asian countries, as long as your not a bum and have a tight mouthpiece, u'll struggle to keep your balls full enough for the next chick in line.

Being a white man over there means you don't need much game. Just don't set off her "creeper" alarm and the rest takes care of itself.

Even in countries in Africa, a white man will be treated well. Even in some cases better than I (a black man) would be.

And white men still complain ?

Most white women strongly prefer white men

Even though many of your women are low key like this for black men


And if an Asian, Latino or black woman dates out their race, it's always to a white man and many Asian, Latino and black women, just prefer white men as their first choice.

Plus the parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known IMMEDIATELY....... before they even met the guy.

I have rarely, if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

And white men still complain ?

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

And white men still complain ?

The most powerful man in the world is a white man - Donald Trump. He's running shit. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

I mean. Think about that and let it sink in, Trump is a man getting endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Trump is doing something to win all this approval.

And yet white people still complain ?

I mean. What do whites want ? Do you want to dig up the graves of Bull Connor ? Norman Rockwell ? And put them in the hot seat ? Trump a man who is going to favour whites at every turn. His dad was Klan member and some of that DNA has been passed into him because Trump has a long history of racism going back to the 70's

And white men still complain ?

And on top of that you have industry which shows (Falsely) that white people are the fathers of science, the fathers of maths, the fathers of physics, the fathers of everything.

And white men still complain ?

You have Hollywood industry which shows white men as leading men, as dashing, brave, handsome, noble, pretty much all super hero are white men. You have a worldwide pop industry which brainwashes young girls at an early age to obsess of white guys (Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, N Sync, Backstreet Boys etc)

And white men still complain ?

Somebody needs to brush up on their English. "You have good it white man." :eek:
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The biggest complainers are white people

You have good it white man.

White supremacy dominates the planet.

You can go any where in the world and you know people will be cool with you. Indeed in certain places people will treat you better. If you go to China or Asian countries, as long as your not a bum and have a tight mouthpiece, u'll struggle to keep your balls full enough for the next chick in line.

Being a white man over there means you don't need much game. Just don't set off her "creeper" alarm and the rest takes care of itself.

Even in countries in Africa, a white man will be treated well. Even in some cases better than I (a black man) would be.

And white men still complain ?

Most white women strongly prefer white men

Even though many of your women are low key like this for black men


And if an Asian, Latino or black woman dates out their race, it's always to a white man and many Asian, Latino and black women, just prefer white men as their first choice.

Plus the parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known IMMEDIATELY....... before they even met the guy.

I have rarely, if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

And white men still complain ?

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

And white men still complain ?

The most powerful man in the world is a white man - Donald Trump. He's running shit. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

I mean. Think about that and let it sink in, Trump is a man getting endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Trump is doing something to win all this approval.

And yet white people still complain ?

I mean. What do whites want ? Do you want to dig up the graves of Bull Connor ? Norman Rockwell ? And put them in the hot seat ? Trump a man who is going to favour whites at every turn. His dad was Klan member and some of that DNA has been passed into him because Trump has a long history of racism going back to the 70's

And white men still complain ?

And on top of that you have industry which shows (Falsely) that white people are the fathers of science, the fathers of maths, the fathers of physics, the fathers of everything.

And white men still complain ?

You have Hollywood industry which shows white men as leading men, as dashing, brave, handsome, noble, pretty much all super hero are white men. You have a worldwide pop industry which brainwashes young girls at an early age to obsess of white guys (Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, N Sync, Backstreet Boys etc)

And white men still complain ?

Somebody needs ti brush up on their English. :eek:

It's not his fault, blame the people he plagiarized his post from...
"The Klan" endorsed Barack Obama fyi. "The Klan" doesn't really exist anymore, and whoever is pulling the strings of that "organization" knows that literally nobody wants their support, and that any endorsement from them only generates bad publicly. Donald Trump is not an emperor nor is he the only political figure in Washington DC.
So what you're saying is that even though Donald Trump is supported by the Klan, supported by Richard Spencer, supported by Jared Taylor and many other white supremacist groups, and that he's one of the most powerful men on the planet, that he's trying to create a system to demonize white people ?

Is that what you are saying ?
"The Klan" endorsed Barack Obama fyi. "The Klan" doesn't really exist anymore, and whoever is pulling the strings of that "organization" knows that literally nobody wants their support, and that any endorsement from them only generates bad publicly. Donald Trump is not an emperor nor is he the only political figure in Washington DC.
So what you're saying is that even though Donald Trump is supported by the Klan, supported by Richard Spencer, supported by Jared Taylor and many other white supremacist groups, and that he's one of the most powerful men on the planet, that he's trying to create a system to demonize white people ?

Is that what you are saying ?

No, that is not what I said. Not even close. The democrat left and their cronies in the mainstream media are the ones demonizing white people, and they hate Donald Trump.
No, that is not what I said. Not even close. The democrat left and their cronies in the mainstream media are the ones demonizing white people, and they hate Donald Trump.
Have you got any examples of the mainstream media demonizing white people ?

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