Black people, White people

Whitey ceased the practice. With the exception of Russia, all modern day slavery is practiced throughout the globe by non-white nations.

White Republicans ended slavery in America. :04:

We were also the ones who gave women the right to vote, although I'm not so sure that was a good idea. :laughing0301:
Whitey ceased the practice. With the exception of Russia, all modern day slavery is practiced throughout the globe by non-white nations.
Also another hidden fact out of American history books, that Russia is the only white nation on the planet in the top 20 slave nations.
The entire CRT lie that blacks were targeted by whites as slaves simply doesn't have a single ounce of truth in it. Exactly zero European/American white militants went into the interior of Africa to capture slaves. They would have all died of disease. Slavery was an industry of whoever is easily available and cheap. Blacks were far too hard to get to and expensive to fund trips into the vast interior of Africa. The only reason there were any black slaves is the fact black tribes raided other tribes, kidnapped them and transported them to ports to be sold.
Because there is no way you could know what specifically happened back then.
That is not true.
There are tons of written logs and bill of sales that still exist today.
We know the names of almost every slave trader from the era, as well as black traders.
Slaves had to have a bill of sale, and everyone insisted on well kept documentation in case they ever needed to prove ownership.
That is not true.
There are tons of written logs and bill of sales that still exist today.
We know the names of almost every slave trader from the era, as well as black traders.
Slaves had to have a bill of sale, and everyone insisted on well kept documentation in case they ever needed to prove ownership.
That does not prove anything. They could be fake or forged.
That does not prove anything. They could be fake or forged.
Certainly not.
Slave documentation was pretty meticulous with duplication kept by officials.
Slaves were very expensive to purchase, so both slave buyers and traders insisted documentation to maintain chain of ownership. What there is little documentation of was slaves born on plantations. If any documentation was done, it was usually noted only by sex.
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Certainly not.
Slave documentation was pretty meticulous with duplication kept by officials.
Slaves were very expensive to purchase, so both slave buyers and traders insisted documentation to maintain chain of ownership. What there is little documentation of was slaves born on plantations. If any documentation was done, it was usually noted only by sex.
I concede. You are complete.
As well as the vast-vast-vast majority of slaves worldwide were not black.
That was a practice that was made available ONLY because blacks attacked each other and brought blacks to the ports to sell as slaves.
If blacks didn't capture and sell other blacks - then they would have never been slaves.
Also true that the vast-vast-vast majority of black victims of crimes, wouldn't be a victim if another black didn't attack or kill them.
Got anything to say to these facts IM2 Superbadbrutha

What do you think about black child slaves in Africa mining for diamonds
Who owns the diamond companies?

Now try recognizing the root the cause for the inequality between people of color and whites in American today.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Also another hidden fact out of American history books, that Russia is the only white nation on the planet in the top 20 slave nations.
The entire CRT lie that blacks were targeted by whites as slaves simply doesn't have a single ounce of truth in it. Exactly zero European/American white militants went into the interior of Africa to capture slaves. They would have all died of disease. Slavery was an industry of whoever is easily available and cheap. Blacks were far too hard to get to and expensive to fund trips into the vast interior of Africa. The only reason there were any black slaves is the fact black tribes raided other tribes, kidnapped them and transported them to ports to be sold.
White Republicans ended slavery in America. :04:

We were also the ones who gave women the right to vote, although I'm not so sure that was a good idea. :laughing0301:
The modern white republican flies the confederate flag.
Got anything to say to these facts IM2 Superbadbrutha
Never going to happen.
Been down this road with these two losers before... in fact I have IM2 on ignore because I got tired of him being allowed to make "whitey bad" threads day after day.
Both are racist to the core, and racism is built on ignorance and ignorant people... so therefore...
Never going to happen.
Been down this road with these two losers before... in fact I have IM2 on ignore because I got tired of him being allowed to make "whitey bad" threads day after day.
Both are racist to the core, and racism is built on ignorance and ignorant people... so therefore...
This idiot has me on ignore because he can't out debate me. He whines about whitey bad threads while he either posts or contributes daily to the white racism that exists in this forum.
What we see here is the standard white racist revised history of the transatlantic slave trade as taught in place like stormfront, National Vanguard, The Daily Stormer and other white supremacist websites. Blacks did not load up ships full of captives and take them to Europe for sale. Nor were Africans waiting on the west African coast with slaves for purchase when the Europeans showed up on shore. Whites were not coerced by Africans to purchase captives, so whites didn't have to purchase them. Africans did not make slavery legal in America.

Finally, 389,000 Africans were sent to America by 1808. By the Civil War, there were 4 million. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808, but there were ten times the number of slaves in America by 1860 than were imported here from Africa. So if we want to play along with dumb whiteness then Africans were responsible for 389,000 slaves. The moron has pointed out that all such trading was documented. So then how did the 3.61 million additional slaves end up in America by 1860?

Slave breeding. And blacks did not control that industry. 10 times more blacks were produced by slave breeding than whatever Africans "sold" to whites. So it's time to drop these sorry excuses and face your history.

Sources: . Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books,

Jason Kottke, A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry in the United States, Feb 02, 2016, A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry in the United States
The first American slaveowner was Black.
Incorrect. And don't try posting that story about Anthony Johnson with the picture of Lewis Hayden. In reality, the first slave owners here were the Spanish beginning in the 1500's. The first claimed American slavery of British origin was Hugh Gwynn and that was approximately 10 years before the Johnson case.
Incorrect. And don't try posting that story about Anthony Johnson with the picture of Lewis Hayden. In reality, the first slave owners here were the Spanish beginning in the 1500's. The first claimed American slavery of British origin was Hugh Gwynn and that was approximately 10 years before the Johnson case.
The fact that an American Black was a slave holder at any point in time is telling. Why would a Black own another Black as a slave in America ???

And please don’t push the fantasy falsehood that Whites traveled freely throughout Africa regularly, freely, and without resistance targeting African Blacks and rounding them up.

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