Black Rape Gangs Target Couples


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions

Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night within hours of each other. The same group may be responsible for a similar incident on July 11.

“It’s horrifying,” Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told the Detroit News. “You try to teach people to walk in pairs, and (the victims) did.”

The first incident happened when a 21-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were approached by six men.

“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alley,” said Fitzgerald. “Both victims complied. They were forced to the ground. The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaulted. Their clothing was taken.”

Detroit s black rape gangs target couples

Since the Census Bureau reports that blacks are are 13.2% of the population and whites are 77.7%, why does the FBI report that blacks commit 33% of the rapes?
Some people answer that blacks are statistically much more likely to engage in violent and criminal behavior. Blacks commit more murders in raw numbers than whites do, even though there are almost 6 times as many whites in the population. Do you agree with these words?
There's no question there's a concerted effort to cover up black crime since Obama entered the W.H. We've also seen a huge increase in black on white crime and he is fueling it with his divisive rhetoric and refusal to address the issue. He is encouraging this violence and they feel they have a stamp of approval from him (which they do).
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions

Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night within hours of each other. The same group may be responsible for a similar incident on July 11.

“It’s horrifying,” Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told the Detroit News. “You try to teach people to walk in pairs, and (the victims) did.”

The first incident happened when a 21-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were approached by six men.

“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alley,” said Fitzgerald. “Both victims complied. They were forced to the ground. The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaulted. Their clothing was taken.”

Detroit s black rape gangs target couples

Since the Census Bureau reports that blacks are are 13.2% of the population and whites are 77.7%, why does the FBI report that blacks commit 33% of the rapes?
Some people answer that blacks are statistically much more likely to engage in violent and criminal behavior. Blacks commit more murders in raw numbers than whites do, even though there are almost 6 times as many whites in the population. Do you agree with these words?
Crimes happen. Crime are instigated by all races. Crime knows no skin color, nationality, or race. Crimes are committed by all social classes, in every profession, in every state, in almost every city, and by the young and the old. What does the media have to do with the crimes that we hear about? Could the various media be biased? Do all victims of police brutality make the 6:00 news? Does all White Collar crime make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by celebrities make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by "Whites" make the 6:00 news?

Do "Blacks" make up the majority of the prison population? YES
Do "Blacks" get more news coverage? YES
Do "Blacks" have less opportunities to advance themselves? YES
Do "Blacks" have less education, generally speaking? YES
Do "Blacks" make up a large percentage of the poor population? YES
Do "Blacks" experience racial prejudice? YES
Are "Blacks" generally addressed as the "minority race"? YES
Are "Blacks" an angry race? YES
Are "Blacks" more likely to riot and protest? YES
Do we encourage "Black misconduct" by constant exposure to their issues? YES
Do we encourage "Black crime" by the stigma we've placed on them? YES
Have we spent enough resources in an effort to change "Black behavior"? YES

In my opinion, "Blacks" have an inferiority complex, and uses it as an excuse, and a crutch to justify their behavior. For example: "If I was White, I could get that job in the office". "If I was White, the cops wouldn't have pulled me over". "If I was White, I wouldn't be forced to make a living working the streets". "Blacks have to deal drugs and pimp because Whitey won't hire them, or give them a chance". "Blacks don't have the same opportunities as Whitey, so we have to do what we can to survive". "Whitey will always consider Blacks to be a lower class of humans, and real equality will never happen".

Also in my opinion, "Blacks" do have legitimate grievances with certain issues. For example, there's still discrimination in the work place, though no one will admit it. "Blacks" are still stereotyped as thieves, pimps, drug dealers, the welfare race, uneducated, and criminals. In other words, even before they have the chance to prove themselves worthy or equal, we judge them solely by the color of their skin. In addition, many "Whites" engage in the same activities and behavior as "Blacks", but are not generally pre-judged. We're quick to label and judge people, without really knowing them. We throw a blanket over the whole lot and consider all to be the same.

The entire human race is guilty of prejudice, bias, and racism to an extent. We're now judging all Muslims as being terrorists. We're looking at all Latinos, Mexicans, and those from South America as being "Illegals". We're pushing racism and labels. The question is, "are we encouraging "Black crime" by our labeling and prejudices?"
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions

Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night within hours of each other. The same group may be responsible for a similar incident on July 11.

“It’s horrifying,” Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told the Detroit News. “You try to teach people to walk in pairs, and (the victims) did.”

The first incident happened when a 21-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were approached by six men.

“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alley,” said Fitzgerald. “Both victims complied. They were forced to the ground. The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaulted. Their clothing was taken.”

Detroit s black rape gangs target couples

Since the Census Bureau reports that blacks are are 13.2% of the population and whites are 77.7%, why does the FBI report that blacks commit 33% of the rapes?
Some people answer that blacks are statistically much more likely to engage in violent and criminal behavior. Blacks commit more murders in raw numbers than whites do, even though there are almost 6 times as many whites in the population. Do you agree with these words?
I haven't seen the statistics but have recently heard a similar report. Why does it sound inaccurate to you that though blacks comprise 13.2% of the population they could be responsible for 33% of rapes? It's not mathematically impossible. Do you assume the FBI is making it up? There's no doubt that statistically blacks commit more crime than any other group in the U.S., which at least conceivably explains the percentage of blacks in prison. I'm not saying that because more blacks are in prison they must as a group be more likely to break the law. I'm saying the statistics say so.

Why blacks are more likely to commit crimes is for sociologists and psychologists to determine.

Of course, I also say that this specific report, among thousands of others like it, begs the argument for a person to carry a weapon.
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions

Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night within hours of each other. The same group may be responsible for a similar incident on July 11.

“It’s horrifying,” Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told the Detroit News. “You try to teach people to walk in pairs, and (the victims) did.”

The first incident happened when a 21-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were approached by six men.

“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alley,” said Fitzgerald. “Both victims complied. They were forced to the ground. The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaulted. Their clothing was taken.”

Detroit s black rape gangs target couples

Since the Census Bureau reports that blacks are are 13.2% of the population and whites are 77.7%, why does the FBI report that blacks commit 33% of the rapes?
Some people answer that blacks are statistically much more likely to engage in violent and criminal behavior. Blacks commit more murders in raw numbers than whites do, even though there are almost 6 times as many whites in the population. Do you agree with these words?
Crimes happen. Crime are instigated by all races. Crime knows no skin color, nationality, or race. Crimes are committed by all social classes, in every profession, in every state, in almost every city, and by the young and the old. What does the media have to do with the crimes that we hear about? Could the various media be biased? Do all victims of police brutality make the 6:00 news? Does all White Collar crime make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by celebrities make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by "Whites" make the 6:00 news?

Do "Blacks" make up the majority of the prison population? YES
Do "Blacks" get more news coverage? YES
Do "Blacks" have less opportunities to advance themselves? YES
Do "Blacks" have less education, generally speaking? YES
Do "Blacks" make up a large percentage of the poor population? YES
Do "Blacks" experience racial prejudice? YES
Are "Blacks" generally addressed as the "minority race"? YES
Are "Blacks" an angry race? YES
Are "Blacks" more likely to riot and protest? YES
Do we encourage "Black misconduct" by constant exposure to their issues? YES
Do we encourage "Black crime" by the stigma we've placed on them? YES
Have we spent enough resources in an effort to change "Black behavior"? YES

In my opinion, "Blacks" have an inferiority complex, and uses it as an excuse, and a crutch to justify their behavior. For example: "If I was White, I could get that job in the office". "If I was White, the cops wouldn't have pulled me over". "If I was White, I wouldn't be forced to make a living working the streets". "Blacks have to deal drugs and pimp because Whitey won't hire them, or give them a chance". "Blacks don't have the same opportunities as Whitey, so we have to do what we can to survive". "Whitey will always consider Blacks to be a lower class of humans, and real equality will never happen".

Also in my opinion, "Blacks" do have legitimate grievances with certain issues. For example, there's still discrimination in the work place, though no one will admit it. "Blacks" are still stereotyped as thieves, pimps, drug dealers, the welfare race, uneducated, and criminals. In other words, even before they have the chance to prove themselves worthy or equal, we judge them solely by the color of their skin. In addition, many "Whites" engage in the same activities and behavior as "Blacks", but are not generally pre-judged. We're quick to label and judge people, without really knowing them. We throw a blanket over the whole lot and consider all to be the same.

The entire human race is guilty of prejudice, bias, and racism to an extent. We're now judging all Muslims as being terrorists. We're looking at all Latinos, Mexicans, and those from South America as being "Illegals". We're pushing racism and labels. The question is, "are we encouraging "Black crime" by our labeling and prejudices?"

I think maybe you need to explore this subject just a little bit further.
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions

Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night within hours of each other. The same group may be responsible for a similar incident on July 11.

“It’s horrifying,” Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told the Detroit News. “You try to teach people to walk in pairs, and (the victims) did.”

The first incident happened when a 21-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were approached by six men.

“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alley,” said Fitzgerald. “Both victims complied. They were forced to the ground. The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaulted. Their clothing was taken.”

Detroit s black rape gangs target couples

Since the Census Bureau reports that blacks are are 13.2% of the population and whites are 77.7%, why does the FBI report that blacks commit 33% of the rapes?
Some people answer that blacks are statistically much more likely to engage in violent and criminal behavior. Blacks commit more murders in raw numbers than whites do, even though there are almost 6 times as many whites in the population. Do you agree with these words?
Crimes happen. Crime are instigated by all races. Crime knows no skin color, nationality, or race. Crimes are committed by all social classes, in every profession, in every state, in almost every city, and by the young and the old. What does the media have to do with the crimes that we hear about? Could the various media be biased? Do all victims of police brutality make the 6:00 news? Does all White Collar crime make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by celebrities make the 6:00 news? Does all crimes committed by "Whites" make the 6:00 news?

Do "Blacks" make up the majority of the prison population? YES
Do "Blacks" get more news coverage? YES
Do "Blacks" have less opportunities to advance themselves? YES
Do "Blacks" have less education, generally speaking? YES
Do "Blacks" make up a large percentage of the poor population? YES
Do "Blacks" experience racial prejudice? YES
Are "Blacks" generally addressed as the "minority race"? YES
Are "Blacks" an angry race? YES
Are "Blacks" more likely to riot and protest? YES
Do we encourage "Black misconduct" by constant exposure to their issues? YES
Do we encourage "Black crime" by the stigma we've placed on them? YES
Have we spent enough resources in an effort to change "Black behavior"? YES

In my opinion, "Blacks" have an inferiority complex, and uses it as an excuse, and a crutch to justify their behavior. For example: "If I was White, I could get that job in the office". "If I was White, the cops wouldn't have pulled me over". "If I was White, I wouldn't be forced to make a living working the streets". "Blacks have to deal drugs and pimp because Whitey won't hire them, or give them a chance". "Blacks don't have the same opportunities as Whitey, so we have to do what we can to survive". "Whitey will always consider Blacks to be a lower class of humans, and real equality will never happen".

Also in my opinion, "Blacks" do have legitimate grievances with certain issues. For example, there's still discrimination in the work place, though no one will admit it. "Blacks" are still stereotyped as thieves, pimps, drug dealers, the welfare race, uneducated, and criminals. In other words, even before they have the chance to prove themselves worthy or equal, we judge them solely by the color of their skin. In addition, many "Whites" engage in the same activities and behavior as "Blacks", but are not generally pre-judged. We're quick to label and judge people, without really knowing them. We throw a blanket over the whole lot and consider all to be the same.

The entire human race is guilty of prejudice, bias, and racism to an extent. We're now judging all Muslims as being terrorists. We're looking at all Latinos, Mexicans, and those from South America as being "Illegals". We're pushing racism and labels. The question is, "are we encouraging "Black crime" by our labeling and prejudices?"

I think maybe you need to explore this subject just a little bit further.
Why ? Care to explain?
Your third paragraph isn't consistent with the last two paragraphs.

It is clear that you are trying, though.
How so. Please explain. Thanks.

It's premature. Please rethink the subject for a while. I think you'll see it eventually.

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