Black Republicans today would be denounced by great black republicans of the past


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We have so many whites here who are self declared experts on black people. Yet they are clueless. There is a reason why todays black conservative republican gets hammered. And it is because they do not represent the proud history of what black republicans have really stood for. Calling a great black person of the past a republican like they would support the republican party of today is another example of the long line of conflations, distortions and false equivalences we so often see by the racist whites who are part of this forum.

The Forgotten History of Black Republicans(excerpts)
Leah Wright Rigueur

Second, the GOP of today bears little resemblance to the “Party of Lincoln” to which black voters had been fiercely loyal since the era of Reconstruction. Instead, the modern Republican Party is indelibly associated with Herbert Hoover’s “lily-white” movement, “Operation Dixie” of the 1950s, and Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy.” It is a party whose 1964 presidential candidate voted against the landmark Civil Rights Act passed in that year, and whose 1980 nominee launched his official presidential campaign with a now-infamous “states’ rights” speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi—the town in which three civil rights workers were murdered sixteen years earlier.

A black Republican, the Pittsburgh Courier spat in 1992, “is a kind of bogeyman dressed in a Black tailored suit or immaculate silk dress, to cajole Blacks into believing the Republican Party and its brand of conservatism is a trumpet-tongued angel playing the jazz of economic salvation and racial harmony.” Such music, the black newspaper criticized, “is nothing more than bubbles of gas emanating from the butt of reptiles.” However, as we shall see, the “songs” of black Republicans are far more complicated and multivocal.

In contrast, white Republicans often heap gratuitous public praise on African American members of the GOP, applauding them for having the gumption to leave the “plantation politics of the Democratic Party,” as Pat Buchanan did on CNN in 2011, while defending Herman Cain. This line of thinking stems from the flawed and simplistic belief that African Americans have been brainwashed into voting for the Democratic Party and, as a result, ignore the benefits of belonging to the GOP. The trope of the Democratic Party as a slave plantation has been a recurring feature of GOP rhetoric since at least 1968, when Richard Nixon mentioned it in an interview with Jet magazine; predating even this, black Republicans have used the phrase regularly since 1964. Such thinking is problematic—often condescending and occasionally even bigoted, insinuating that Democrats have “bought” the black vote with “government handouts,” and that African Americans are therefore unable to make their own rational political choices, thereby sidestepping the GOP’s role in repelling black voters.

Exploring black politics over nearly half a century, disrupts many of our perceptions about African Americans who support the GOP; at times we find not a peculiar group of blacks, desperate for white acceptance or out of touch with American realities but rather a movement of African Americans working for an alternative economic and civil rights movement. At other moments, we see a cadre of figures who make cynical concessions in order to maintain a modicum of power.

There were three different waves of national black Republican thought and activity, a period that begins in 1936—significant not only for the major political realignment of African American voters but also for the remarkable voting fluidity of the black electorate (see tables 1–3 in the appendix); in fact, through 1962, nearly a third of black voters pulled the lever for Republican candidates in midterm and presidential elections. The decision to nominate Barry Goldwater as the GOP presidential nominee in 1964 marks the beginning of the next wave of black party activity, as the Arizona senator’s right-wing agenda sent shock- waves through black Republicans’ ranks, motivating them to organize on a national scale in pursuit of intraparty reform.

We have so many whites here who are self declared experts on black people. Yet they are clueless.

Not a lot unlike black dipshits like you pretending you know anything about white people.

Fuck off...
I have to laugh when an idiot like you makes this comment. This is a majority white country. We are exposed to whites daily. We were educated in schools were we spent days, months and years sitting in classrooms with whites. We have been taught white history, philosophy, government and law. So the next time consider these things before you make such a comment.
You're just a racist, diaper-filling whiner.

You think you know us because you're "exposed" to us every day?

Here's something for you to chew on, Nutsack:

Many white people here probably don't interact with black people on a daily basis. Ergo, the only metric they have by which to gauge black people are those black people, like you, who insist on posting your anti-white rhetorical bullshit here every fucking day. You set the example they see of black people.

I have no doubt that there are white people here who legitimately hate you, simply because all you do is whine about white people. You don't know them, you've never met them, but you're completely comfortable telling them how they're shitty human beings because they're white, but then your panties get in a bunch when they tell you you're a shitty human being for being black.

Are you so monumentally fucking stupid that you can't understand that?

No intelligent person, of any color, would really blame them. If all you're going to do is post anti-white bullshit, then you shouldn't be surprised when white people tell you to fuck off...
(Reposted for discussion)

Funny thing about history is that it reveals truths. So while white racists want to gaslight black folks into a return back to white only rule, the black republicans they promote disrespect the proud heritage of black conservatives.

Jackie Robinson: Militant Black Republican

On a Saturday evening in February of 1966, over a thousand mostly white Republican men and women crowded into a Cleveland hotel banquet hall, eager to hear Jackie Robinson’s opening keynote for the annual Ohio Republican Conference. The baseball icon-turned-political activist did not disappoint.

“I am not what is known as a good Republican,” Robinson declared upon taking the stage. “I am certainly not a safe Republican. I am weary of the black man going hat in hand, shoulders hunched and knee pads worn, to ‘Uncle Tom’ to the enemies of our progress.”

In the context of today’s political chaos, Jackie Robinson’s militant pronouncements feel alien, especially when one surveys the racial wreckage of the modern GOP. The Republican Party’s approach to race right now can best be described as anarchy, as Donald Trump gleefully turns dog-whistle politics into full-blown nuclear alarm.

As party leaders scramble to address the Trump invasion, they’ve sidestepped accountability for the GOP’s role in creating the current climate. Largely absent in all of this are the voices of the party’s racial minorities. A few scattered examples have emerged as critiques of both Trump and the GOP at large, but none have done it with the comprehensive ferocity that rivals that of Jackie Robinson.

For years, conservatives have tried to claim the political legacy of Robinson without acknowledging his actual complicated “militant” politics. Although he campaigned as an independent for Richard Nixon in 1960, later changing his affiliation to Republican, and forged a close working relationship with New York Republican Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, Robinson was always cagey about his GOP identification.

“I’m a black man first,” he once calmly stated, while appearing on a 1968 television program, “an American second, and then I will support a political party—third.”

Like the vast majority of black Republicans in 1964, Robinson vehemently opposed Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater. That year, he chaired a chapter of “Republicans for Johnson” and likened black Goldwater supporters to racial sellouts and “Uncle Toms.” But his rejection of Goldwater did not affect his affiliation—in fact, he remained a Republican, and in July 1964 he helped found the National Negro Republican Assembly, a national black Republican protest organization that grew out of the nightmarish experience of black Republicans at the 1964 Republican National Convention at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.

Arriving at the convention, Republicans were met by the thunderous chants of 50,000 anti-Goldwater protesters, including members of the Congress of Racial Equality, who wore their sharpest funeral attire, carried wooden caskets and held signs reading “Republican Party—Born 1860, Died 1964.” After facing an unyielding assault of taunts, exclusions, racial slurs and physical attacks by white Republicans on the convention floor, all but one of the black GOP delegates, including Robinson, found themselves marching alongside the protesters.

After huddling in a war room at the convention hotel, the demoralized group of black delegates did something unusual for a group of Republicans: They publicly denounced their party’s presidential nominee as racist, called the party’s platform discriminatory and united across ideological lines to create the NNRA, vowing to use the organization to defeat the segment of the GOP that was “determined to establish a lily-white Republican Party.”

“I’m a black man first,” he once calmly stated, while appearing on a 1968 television program, “an American second, and then I will support a political party—third.”

Todays black conservative in classic step n fechit style eschews this philosophy and repeats whiteys we should not play identity politics bullshit. When you white racists decide that you are experts on blacks, you need to understand that you aren't. We call many of todays black conservatives sellouts for a reason and that reason is because we know what great black republicans have stood for in our history and it is not the bullshit coming from these punk mother fuckers right now.
You're just a racist, diaper-filling whiner.

You think you know us because you're "exposed" to us every day?

Here's something for you to chew on, Nutsack:

Many white people here probably don't interact with black people on a daily basis. Ergo, the only metric they have by which to gauge black people are those black people, like you, who insist on posting your anti-white rhetorical bullshit here every fucking day. You set the example they see of black people.

I have no doubt that there are white people here who legitimately hate you, simply because all you do is whine about white people. You don't know them, you've never met them, but you're completely comfortable telling them how they're shitty human beings because they're white, but then your panties get in a bunch when they tell you you're a shitty human being for being black.

Are you so monumentally fucking stupid that you can't understand that?

No intelligent person, of any color, would really blame them. If all you're going to do is post anti-white bullshit, then you shouldn't be surprised when white people tell you to fuck off...

When you can't discuss the topic all you can do is use the personal attack. I don't whine but you do. I post truth and fact that you can't take. Now we will stop talking about this and discuss the thread topic. The thread topic is that todays black republicans have no semblance to great black republicans of the past and those republicans would denounce these weak kneed sellouts of today.
Well denouncement is a lot nicer than what Dems today do to them I guess.
Well denouncement is a lot nicer than what Dems today do to them I guess.
Denouncement is what black democrats do to them today. The only reason you like them is they denigrate blacks and are used to validate the racism many whites still have pertaining to black people.
You're just a racist, diaper-filling whiner.

You think you know us because you're "exposed" to us every day?

Here's something for you to chew on, Nutsack:

Many white people here probably don't interact with black people on a daily basis. Ergo, the only metric they have by which to gauge black people are those black people, like you, who insist on posting your anti-white rhetorical bullshit here every fucking day. You set the example they see of black people.

I have no doubt that there are white people here who legitimately hate you, simply because all you do is whine about white people. You don't know them, you've never met them, but you're completely comfortable telling them how they're shitty human beings because they're white, but then your panties get in a bunch when they tell you you're a shitty human being for being black.

Are you so monumentally fucking stupid that you can't understand that?

No intelligent person, of any color, would really blame them. If all you're going to do is post anti-white bullshit, then you shouldn't be surprised when white people tell you to fuck off...

When you can't discuss the topic all you can do is use the personal attack. I don't whine but you do. I post truth and fact that you can't take. Now we will stop talking about this and discuss the thread topic. The thread topic is that todays black republicans have no semblance to great black republicans of the past and those republicans would denounce these weak kneed sellouts of today.

The first intelligent thing you've done today is choosing not to try to refute anything in my post.

Yes, I attack you personally, simply because it's warranted. You want to bitch about whites, but you refuse to accept responsibility for your conduct. People here have a poor impression of black people because of you. That's a fact.

As for your other blathering, it's very telling that you consider any successful black person who might not share your views as a "sellout".

There are black people who I am proud to consider my friends, and I am proud that they feel the same about me.

And then there are those worthless black whiners, like you, who only deserve to be ignored...
We have so many whites here who are self declared experts on black people. Yet they are clueless.

Not a lot unlike black dipshits like you pretending you know anything about white people.

Fuck off...
I have to laugh when an idiot like you makes this comment. This is a majority white country. We are exposed to whites daily. We were educated in schools were we spent days, months and years sitting in classrooms with whites. We have been taught white history, philosophy, government and law. So the next time consider these things before you make such a comment.

There are plenty of all black schools.
We have so many whites here who are self declared experts on black people. Yet they are clueless. There is a reason why todays black conservative republican gets hammered.
Could you go ahead and provide a few examples of white people here declaring themselves to be "experts on black people", or are you just full of shit?

I predict that you will dodge that question.
You're just a racist, diaper-filling whiner.

You think you know us because you're "exposed" to us every day?

Here's something for you to chew on, Nutsack:

Many white people here probably don't interact with black people on a daily basis. Ergo, the only metric they have by which to gauge black people are those black people, like you, who insist on posting your anti-white rhetorical bullshit here every fucking day. You set the example they see of black people.

I have no doubt that there are white people here who legitimately hate you, simply because all you do is whine about white people. You don't know them, you've never met them, but you're completely comfortable telling them how they're shitty human beings because they're white, but then your panties get in a bunch when they tell you you're a shitty human being for being black.

Are you so monumentally fucking stupid that you can't understand that?

No intelligent person, of any color, would really blame them. If all you're going to do is post anti-white bullshit, then you shouldn't be surprised when white people tell you to fuck off...

When you can't discuss the topic all you can do is use the personal attack. I don't whine but you do. I post truth and fact that you can't take. Now we will stop talking about this and discuss the thread topic. The thread topic is that todays black republicans have no semblance to great black republicans of the past and those republicans would denounce these weak kneed sellouts of today.

The first intelligent thing you've done today is choosing not to try to refute anything in my post.

Yes, I attack you personally, simply because it's warranted. You want to bitch about whites, but you refuse to accept responsibility for your conduct. People here have a poor impression of black people because of you. That's a fact.

As for your other blathering, it's very telling that you consider any successful black person who might not share your views as a "sellout".

There are black people who I am proud to consider my friends, and I am proud that they feel the same about me.

And then there are those worthless black whiners, like you, who only deserve to be ignored...

When you can enter the thousands of anti black threads here and attack whites for doing that then talk to me about responsibility you sorry son of a bitch.

I have no problem accepting responsibility for my conduct or of the conduct of black people. However whites like yourself seem to have a huge problem accepting responsibility for the conduct of your race that continues into today. And that's why you attack me trying the same old dumb ass racist white gaslighting techniques. So now shall we get back to the topic or do I have to report you for trolling?
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Negro Republicans Demand Ouster of Goldwater Forces
Nov. 15, 1964

Negro Republican leaders demanded today that Goldwater elements be ousted from the Republican National Committee. They said they could then lead Negroes back into a reformed party.

The demand came at a news conference held in connection with a closed meeting here of 30 executive board members of the National Negro Republican Assembly. The assembly was formed in San Francisco last July after Negro delegates had walked out of the Republican Convention to protest the nomination of 8enator Barry Goldwater for President.

Grant Reynolds, director of the assembly's political organization, who is a lawyer in White Plains, N. Y., said that one target of his group was Dean Burch, the national party chairman.


Conscience of a Black Conservative: The 1964 Election and the Rise of the National Negro Republican Assembly

I am not a republican, but when we talk about black republicans, perhaps the white republicans here need to understand the real tradition of black republicans. The right wing extremists who are black that are pumped up and black re[publicans do not represent that tradItion. There are black republicans today who do. I don't agree politically with Tim Scott but:

Senator Tim Scott Speaks Openly About The Racism He Faces As A Black Man

Blacks who stand like this don't get pumped up by the racists here. Blacks that lie to other blacks about white racism we are told to think like. They are the ones pumped up as great republicans, but they aren't.

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