Black Slavers

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
According to a fact checker that generally sucks liberal butt, this meme is pretty well (semantics) True

mmm. Where's the black quilt and historically Democrats have always been supported by like minded oppressive Black leadership. Race baiting charlatans are a dime a dozen in the Democratic Party/Fake News media these days.


You own link says your claims are false. Rather dishonest of you to leave that out.

But then, you're trying to excuse your own side's racism and love of slavery with a mealymouthed "But the blacks and Democrats and liberals did it too!" big lie.

Got any other fake news you'd like to push to defend your side's racism? Not every conservative is open with their racism, but they all willingly run cover for racists.
You own link says your claims are false. Rather dishonest of you to leave that out.

But then, you're trying to excuse your own side's racism and love of slavery with a mealymouthed "But the blacks and Democrats and liberals did it too!" big lie.

Got any other fake news you'd like to push to defend your side's racism? Not every conservative is open with their racism, but they all willingly run cover for racists.

I supplied the link and you reacted hysterically... :lol:
You own link says your claims are false. Rather dishonest of you to leave that out.

But then, you're trying to excuse your own side's racism and love of slavery with a mealymouthed "But the blacks and Democrats and liberals did it too!" big lie.

Got any other fake news you'd like to push to defend your side's racism? Not every conservative is open with their racism, but they all willingly run cover for racists.
You didn't read the link. Snopes is about as full of shit as a Christmas goose. There are one or two mistakes but everything is generally true..
It took several court cases to throw out peonage of whites which didn't end entirety until the 20Th century. Company stores, company script and company towns were the inspiration of the hit song "16 tons". It became a hit because peonage was a very recent living memory in 1947 when the song hit the charts.
The parts that are true are irrelevant. White people may have ended slavery in the USA, but white people started it, and the conservative white people wanted to keep it going.

And you conservatives still almost all think those conservative slavers are heroes.

Tell you what. I'll give you conservatives a chance to show you think slavery was bad. Just condemn the Confederate States of America for being slavers and fighting to continue slavery, and admit that the Union was the morally upright side. If you're not a slavery-lover, that should be a gimmee.
It's a choice between this thread and out to an Italian dinner with my lady love ... see Ya.... :woohoo:
It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. 4 of the scotus judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

Now white conservatives, you are not going to be continually allowed to tell people like me how I never was a slave and that no fucking slaves are alive today then make claims about the republican party for ending slavery when none of those republicans are alive today, nor did your punk asses vote to end slavery. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people. That is a fact and it is well know among us blacks that todays republican party night as well be the KKK.
It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. 4 of the scotus judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

Now white conservatives, you are not going to be continually allowed to tell people like me how I never was a slave and that no fucking slaves are alive today then make claims about the republican party for ending slavery when none of those republicans are alive today, nor did your punk asses vote to end slavery. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people. That is a fact and it is well know among us blacks that todays republican party night as well be the KKK.

Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this
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The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.

Possibly true. The wording of the statement is important. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in American history, but he was, according to historians, among the first to have his lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court.

A former indentured servant himself, Anthony Johnson was a “free negro” who owned a 250-acre farm in Virginia during the 1650s, with five indentured servants under contract to him. One of them, a black man named John Casor, claimed that his term of service had expired years earlier and Johnson was holding him illegally. In 1654, a civil court found that Johnson in fact owned Casor’s services for life, an outcome historian R Halliburton Jr. calls “one of the first known legal sanctions of slavery — other than as a punishment for crime.”
The civilisation of Nubia lay in today's Sudan south of Egypt. Much is known about Egyptian civilisation but few people know about a civilisation that ruled Egypt for as many as a hundred years. The black race pharaohs in Egyptian history were actually Nubian or Sudanese kings. The two civilisations lived side by side for a long time and share many similarities. Nubia had pyramids similar to ones in Egypt. There are 223 pyramids in Sudan, over half the number of those in Egypt. The Nubian civilisation was known as the Ta Seti kingdom and its kings ruled Egypt in 712-657 BC as the 25th dynasty. It is believed that the first Nubian king to rule Egypt was Sabacus. After Egypt regained independence from the Nubians, the Nubian civilisation continued for 1000 years in Sudan.
From Wikipedia:

Chattel slavery
Chattel slavery is a specific servitude relationship where the slave is treated as the property of the owner. As such, the owner is free to sell, trade, or treat the slave as he would other pieces of property and the children of the slave often are retained as the property of the master.[8] There is evidence of long histories of chattel slavery in the Nile river valley and Northern Africa, but evidence is incomplete about the extent and practices of chattel slavery throughout much of the rest of the continent prior to written records by Arab or European traders.[8]
It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. 4 of the scotus judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

Now white conservatives, you are not going to be continually allowed to tell people like me how I never was a slave and that no fucking slaves are alive today then make claims about the republican party for ending slavery when none of those republicans are alive today, nor did your punk asses vote to end slavery. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people. That is a fact and it is well know among us blacks that todays republican party night as well be the KKK.

Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this

I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)

Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.
Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?
From Wikipedia:

Chattel slavery
Chattel slavery is a specific servitude relationship where the slave is treated as the property of the owner. As such, the owner is free to sell, trade, or treat the slave as he would other pieces of property and the children of the slave often are retained as the property of the master.[8] There is evidence of long histories of chattel slavery in the Nile river valley and Northern Africa, but evidence is incomplete about the extent and practices of chattel slavery throughout much of the rest of the continent prior to written records by Arab or European traders.[8]

When you get the information about slavery in Africa from Africans, let me know. Because I've talked to Africans about it. And given that you actually wrote that the first slaveowner in the US was black, nothing you say has credibility.

Hoax Alert: First Slave Owner in America WAS NOT a Black Man


First off, it should be noted that the man portrayed in the above image isn't Anthony Johnson, but more ironically, Lewis Hayden. It is ironic because Hayden was actually an African-American leader who escaped with his family from slavery in Kentucky. Before the American Civil War, he and his wife aided numerous fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad, often sheltering them at their house.

Secondly, while the case of Anthony Johnson and John Casor was not a matter of the first slave owner, it might have been the first civil case involving slavery. At the very least this is the first known example of a black man owning either indenture servants or slaves in the colonies. Slaves had been here since 1619, and all slaves had been "legal" slaves (and thus their owners "legal" slave owners) since the first law legalizing slavery passed. The first man to be considered a slave by a court of law was John Punch, and his owner Hugh Gwyn considered the first slave owner by a court of law.

In conclusion, a black man did own slaves in Jamestown Va., but he was NOT the first slave owner. The first "20 odd" slaves arrived in 1619 on a Dutch boat and were then sold to Jamestown residents. There were white and black indentured servants then, which differ greatly from slaves. Indentured servitude was not a lifetime deal, but rather a contract to work for a certain number of years in exchange for a safe passage to the Americas.

Furthermore, in 1670, when Johnson died, a court in Virginia ruled that, because "he was a Negro and by consequence an alien," the land owned by Johnson (in Virginia) rightfully belonged to the Crown, meaning that because he was a negro he did not have the legal right to own property to begin with and therefore was not a legal slave owner.

Hoax Alert: First Slave Owner in America WAS NOT a Black Man | Lead Stories

They didn't have the ability to take pictures in 1655. So this is fake news.
You own link says your claims are false. Rather dishonest of you to leave that out.

But then, you're trying to excuse your own side's racism and love of slavery with a mealymouthed "But the blacks and Democrats and liberals did it too!" big lie.

Got any other fake news you'd like to push to defend your side's racism? Not every conservative is open with their racism, but they all willingly run cover for racists.
You didn't read the link. Snopes is about as full of shit as a Christmas goose. There are one or two mistakes but everything is generally true..
So Ellison Was From South Carolina
And Was The Largest BLACK Holder Of Slaves In THAT State

Indians Of Various Nations
Owned As Many As 1500 Black Slaves As Of The Late 1830's

"It’s rather self-serving to claim that “white people” ended legal chattel slavery in the United States (much less ended chattel slavery, period), given that the overwhelming majority of blacks in the U.S. could not vote, could not run for political office, and, in every other way conceivable, were excluded from institutional power."
^ ^ ^ That Is The Worst Attempt At Spin I've Ever Seen ^ ^ ^

I Don't See That Whites Ending Chattel Slavery Is False Or Self-Serving
As Snopes Points Out Above That Only White Could Have Ended It
As Black Slaves Were Un-Able To Do So For Reasons Listed Above By Snopes Themselves
And Definitely Couldn't Patrol The Waters Off Africa For Illegal Trader Ships

So Snopes Labels The Meme As 'Mixed'
But NONE Of It A Total False Fabrication
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It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. 4 of the scotus judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

Now white conservatives, you are not going to be continually allowed to tell people like me how I never was a slave and that no fucking slaves are alive today then make claims about the republican party for ending slavery when none of those republicans are alive today, nor did your punk asses vote to end slavery. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people. That is a fact and it is well know among us blacks that todays republican party night as well be the KKK.

Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this

I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?
It was a 7-1 decision that created Jim Crow. 4 of the scotus judges voting in favor of separate but equal were republicans.

Now white conservatives, you are not going to be continually allowed to tell people like me how I never was a slave and that no fucking slaves are alive today then make claims about the republican party for ending slavery when none of those republicans are alive today, nor did your punk asses vote to end slavery. Republicans don't give a fuck about black people. That is a fact and it is well know among us blacks that todays republican party night as well be the KKK.

Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this

I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?

According to you none of this happened and Democrats always voted in the best interest of the Black race..

Democrats’ Black History Month Amnesia -- Democratic Party Oppresses Blacks | National Review
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Royal African Company

The Royal African Company (RAC) was an English mercantile (trading) company set up by the Stuart family and City of London merchants to trade along the west coast of Africa. It was led by the Duke of York, who was the brother of Charles II and later took the throne as James II. Its original purpose was to exploit the gold fields up the Gambia River, which were identified by Prince Rupert during the Interregnum. It was established after Charles II gained the English throne in the Restoration of 1660.[1] However, it was soon engaged in the slave trade, as well as with other commodities. It mainly traded with the Gold Coast, which is now Ghana.

Originally known as the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa, by its charter issued in 1660 it was granted a monopoly over English trade with West Africa. With the help of the army and navy, it established forts on the West African coast that served as staging and trading stations and was responsible for seizing any English ships that attempted to operate in violation of the company's monopoly. In the prize court, the King received half of the proceeds and the company half.[2]

The company fell heavily into debt in 1667, during the war with the Netherlands, the very war it had itself started when its Admiral Robert Holmes had attacked the Dutch African trade posts in 1664, as it had lost most of its forts on the African coast except for Cape Corse.[3] For several years after that, the company maintained some desultory trade, including licensing single-trip private traders, but its biggest effort was the creation in 1668 of the Gambia Adventurers,[4] a new company separately subscribed and granted a ten-year licence for African trade north of the Bight of Benin with effect from 1 January 1669.[5] In 1672, the original Company re-emerged, re-structured and with a new charter from the king, as the new Royal African Company. Its new charter was broader than the old one and included the right to set up forts and factories, maintain troops and exercise martial law in West Africa, in pursuit of trade in gold, silver and slaves.[6] At the end of 1678, the licence to the Gambia Adventurers expired and its Gambian trade was merged into the company.[7]

Royal African Company - Wikipedia

The Africans did not set up martial law to capture each other.
Once again IM2 shows up to debunk the white nationalist's attempt to rewrite history. Every couple of weeks they start to smell themselves....
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