Zone1 Black Teen Punches White People For Fun

What about the ones who aren't felons or are all black people felons, in your opinion?
Most of the blacks who are murdered are other felons. So I simply don't care about them.

But there is a large number of completely innocent black kids who are victimized by the black gangs, and that is a shame.

Especially when black people who supposedly care about the plight of those poor unfortunate victims, do nothing to protect them.
No. Taking things away from people "for their own good' has always been a way to justify taking rights away based on race.
Most white people don't care if blacks kill each other. Let 'em have all the guns they want.
You're the ones who need to be disarmed, for the sake of your own people. ;)
Wrong. More whites are killing themselves by suicide and murder. You guys are the most dangerous and it's because you think you're so entitled that you can make excuses for your crimes while pointing fingers at everybody else.
Wrong. More whites are killing themselves by suicide and murder. You guys are the most dangerous and it's because you think you're so entitled that you can make excuses for your crimes while pointing fingers at everybody else.
Nobody is trying to move en masse to black countries. Everyone loves whitey, there where they want to go.
Most white people don't care if blacks kill each other. Let 'em have all the guns they want.
85 percent of whites are killed by another white. 91 percent of blacks do the same. Both of these are high percentages and when rounded off, the number is the same, 90 percent. So you need to concern yourself with white on white killing, as well as the fact that 10 times more whites are killing each other than blacks who commit suicides, or there are at least 5 times the rate of white suicides than blacks that kill other blacks and 90 times the amount of white suicides than blacks who kill whites.
It would not happen in reverse because (and I'm talking generally here) white ppl cannot fight in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. Hell look at Saturday, Tyson Fury went life and death with a black guy (Francis Ngannou) who has never had a boxing match before
85 percent of whites are killed by another white. 91 percent of blacks do the same. Both of these are high percentages and when rounded off, the number is the same, 90 percent. So you need to concern yourself with white on white killing, as well as the fact that 10 times more whites are killing each other than blacks who commit suicides, or there are at least 5 times the rate of white suicides than blacks that kill other blacks and 90 times the amount of white suicides than blacks who kill whites.
Blacks are responsible for half the murders in America yet only 13% of the population.

That's it.
Wrong. More whites are killing themselves by suicide and murder. You guys are the most dangerous and it's because you think you're so entitled that you can make excuses for your crimes while pointing fingers at everybody else.
White crime doesn't hold whites back much. No so for minorities.
85 percent of whites are killed by another white. 91 percent of blacks do the same. Both of these are high percentages and when rounded off, the number is the same, 90 percent. So you need to concern yourself with white on white killing, as well as the fact that 10 times more whites are killing each other than blacks who commit suicides, or there are at least 5 times the rate of white suicides than blacks that kill other blacks and 90 times the amount of white suicides than blacks who kill whites.
The question is how much of an impact do these deaths have on the fortunes of each race.

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