Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death

I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

Another evidence/fact free opinion.

Wrong. Again, he was nuts. That's a given. Reported fact. I speculated based on what little fact was available, presenting it as nothing more, because the question of why these kids might want to set this nut on fire had been raised. Normal conversation for a political BB. However, I'm about the only one speculating so far based upon the fact that the guy was nuts. So again, have a cow, tommy.

The speculations of others appear based upon the skin color of the teens as opposed to that of the victim. Many here seem to believe that the different pigmentations possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities that distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. Somehow I resist the urge to fish around in that sort of muck myself. It's grown mighty old and smelly to my nose.
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

So if it were two white teens doing this to a mentally disabled black guy, you'd hold the same opinion? How about the media? This case is not being widely reported.
At first, given no other information, yes. And "the media" covers a lot of ground. I pay very little attention to mainstream media "news" because it's predictably polluted by the agenda(s) of the "news" corporation's sponsors and owner(s).

In this case I did make the same mistake as you are now though. Presuming "this case" to not be "widely reported." That turned out to be nonsense. I regret lending ChemToilet so much "Breaking News" benefit of the doubt in the first place. Fooled me once. Shame on me.
Race baiting because.. We must! We must! Increase the hate or bust!
Then do you think that suppressing the news of this atrocity would promote love and racial harmony?

People have a right to know who is acting badly and who is contributing to a peaceful society.
It won’t be on CNN or Fox !!
The Maos in the media all should be arrested and hanged for the utter racial hate they spew
And there's a reason for that. However some don't have the income level to move away from them.
Stop. Even white people who have never even been around black people have the same racism towards black people. Look at all these white supremacists groups in Russia and Europe. Most of the people who have done you harm have been white people.
The US news media has been trying to bring on an all out race war in America for years and now they are putting it in overdrive...and they are getting the results the want....24 hour news coverage of America at war with itself....

Let's face it. America now hates the Qult45. It's Q huntin' season, amirite?
I don't know what the fuck you are talking
And there's a reason for that. However some don't have the income level to move away from them.
Stop. Even white people who have never even been around black people have the same racism towards black people. Look at all these white supremacists groups in Russia and Europe. Most of the people who have done you harm have been white people.
Try being in a group of 7 white kids attending high school at Inglewood High during the Rodney King riots...I can tell you all about racial hatred...
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
Exactly. South Africa was VACANT LAND when settled other than nomadic tribes wandering through.

It was only after it became the most prosperous nation on the DARK continent that Africans from the north migrated south for a better life.

We are repeating the same mistakes by allowing the people from the south to colonize our country.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
Exactly. South Africa was VACANT LAND when settled other than nomadic tribes wandering through.

It was only after it became the most prosperous nation on the DARK continent that Africans from the north migrated south for a better life.

We are repeating the same mistakes by allowing the people from the south to colonize our country.
No white man is African.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
Exactly. South Africa was VACANT LAND when settled other than nomadic tribes wandering through.

It was only after it became the most prosperous nation on the DARK continent that Africans from the north migrated south for a better life.

We are repeating the same mistakes by allowing the people from the south to colonize our country.
No white man is African.

North Africa was first inhabited by white men. The earliest mummies there had red hair. They built the ancient cities in North Africa.

The “blacks”, were from the south of the Saharan desert, in central Africa. Hence the term “sub-Saharan”.
It is appalling (to me) when an off-the-wall incident like this is raised and said to be an indication of some larger trend or movement in the greater society.

Teen aged boys are idiots and often don't think things through. Hence, they do crazy stuff. 80% of the common vandalism that we see around us every day is done by teenage boys with nothing better to do.

Locking these kids up for 30 years or more would be more of a travesty than what they did to this poor bastard, may be rest in peace.

This is an isolated freak incident. Don't make it into anything more than that.
Jesus Christ your a idiot.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
Exactly. South Africa was VACANT LAND when settled other than nomadic tribes wandering through.

It was only after it became the most prosperous nation on the DARK continent that Africans from the north migrated south for a better life.

We are repeating the same mistakes by allowing the people from the south to colonize our country.
No white man is African.

North Africa was first inhabited by white men. The earliest mummies there had red hair. They built the ancient cities in North Africa.

The “blacks”, were from the south of the Saharan desert, in central Africa. Hence the term “sub-Saharan”.
And they created NOTHING.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
Exactly. South Africa was VACANT LAND when settled other than nomadic tribes wandering through.

It was only after it became the most prosperous nation on the DARK continent that Africans from the north migrated south for a better life.

We are repeating the same mistakes by allowing the people from the south to colonize our country.
No white man is African.
You are really clueless about everything aren't you.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
Nice Paul
Maybe someone will burn you to death
How sick are you
Nice Paul
Maybe someone will burn you to death
How sick are you
When, or if, black people begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate white businesses, white communities and white neighborhoods, writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can you say blk ppl are sick.

Matter of fact - Never mind black people most of white history has been spent were you've been killing and warring with each other.

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