Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death

We need signs littering the landscape that say “White Guys Matter”
And... crickets...
Apparently you didn't read the whole thread. It was already presented, one was even a liberal source. They even gave the names.

No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.
What you do you mean you have talked ?

How ? You sat down at bar and put a mic under them and said "Tell me how you feel about white folk"

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.
White people make sure they live as far away from possible. Black people also know that they will be severely punished for harming white people. So how is all this policy of robbing white people going on ?

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie
White people lie about black people all the time.

This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?
Wow, you really don't know shit about mixed neighborhoods, those blocks where blacks, whites and Latinos all mix, do you?

You really are pretty ignorant about real race relations. You actually believe that shit they sell in the corporate media and the filtered establishment culture you are allowed to have access to.

Sounds to me like you were raised in a lower middle class, or middle class black family, went to a University, it wouldn't surprise me if it were an HBCU, and you don't really have a clue what the projects are actually like. Go on then, slurp up that critical race theory as if it has anything to do with reality.

That is VERY apparent from your post.

Paul ignored my post completely, he KNOWS he can't answer my question.

Yeah, he has an agenda.

His mindset is more like that of a failed liberal arts educated black man from a University. . . using critical race theory as a scape goat for his own perceived failings in life, or short-coming he is bitter about not achieving, failings which many of us have, regardless of race.

It is easier to blame something external for our perceived failings, whether it is the system, others, how our parents raised us, etc., rather than our lack of focus, motivation, drive, etc.

I'm not saying it can't be a combination of these factors explaining folks lot in life, but it is far too easy to let our egos get wrapped up on our pet view of the world and not use critical thinking and an unbiased observation of reality when we are confronted with it.

Sometimes, analysis of a conflicting narratives causes cognitive dissonance which can erode a deeply held personal sense of self. . . thus? It is just easier to ignore any countervailing narratives, no matter how well grounded. This has to do with folks personal identity mind you. . .
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Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
No white man is African,

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.
Bwahahaha, yea like blacks don’t murder each other all the time. LOL you’re such a dumb fuck.
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.
Oh yeah?

How do you gather that?

Do you have some proof, or is this just your way of justifying the killing of this guy?
No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.
What you do you mean you have talked ?

How ? You sat down at bar and put a mic under them and said "Tell me how you feel about white folk"

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.
White people make sure they live as far away from possible. Black people also know that they will be severely punished for harming white people. So how is all this policy of robbing white people going on ?

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie
White people lie about black people all the time.

This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

Probably because they aren't very smart. Criminals, in general, are pretty stupid.
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

The article says he was mentally handicapped. Where does it say he was violent or combative in any way.
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.
Oh yeah?

How do you gather that?

Do you have some proof, or is this just your way of justifying the killing of this guy?
So have a cow, why don't ya?
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.
Oh yeah?

How do you gather that?

Do you have some proof, or is this just your way of justifying the killing of this guy?
So have a cow, why don't ya?
Did the media deliberately down play this man's disability too? Did these innocent teens deserve to be let off? :dunno:

Or should I just start a dairy?

2017 Chicago torture incident

Did the media deliberately down play this man's disability
Nope, the media reported that he was nuts. And they aren't here to respond so who cares? I was referring to all the assertions made so far by people right here. English your native language?
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The US news media has been trying to bring on an all out race war in America for years and now they are putting it in overdrive...and they are getting the results the want....24 hour news coverage of America at war with itself....

Let's face it. America now hates the Qult45. It's Q huntin' season, amirite?
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
As ProgressivePatriot would say, "Protect the Gays!".
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.
Oh yeah?

How do you gather that?

Do you have some proof, or is this just your way of justifying the killing of this guy?
So have a cow, why don't ya?
Did the media deliberately down play this man's disability too? Did these innocent teens deserve to be let off? :dunno:

Or should I just start a dairy?

2017 Chicago torture incident

Brittany Covington got four years of probation.
A slap on the wrist for participating in kidnapping, torture, hate crime and extortion to name but a few of the fifty charges filed against these monsters. The ringleader, Jordan Hill, got 8 years for, get this ONE COUNT of aggravated kidnapping. A plea deal. And whites didn't riot and loot.

But don't all of them look so successful and personable.....
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

Probably best to wait until more facts are known before making a judgement.

But where is the political profit in that?
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

So if it were two white teens doing this to a mentally disabled black guy, you'd hold the same opinion? How about the media? This case is not being widely reported.
The US news media has been trying to bring on an all out race war in America for years and now they are putting it in overdrive...and they are getting the results the want....24 hour news coverage of America at war with itself....

Let's face it. America now hates the Qult45. It's Q huntin' season, amirite?

By all means, please start.
I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

Another evidence/fact free opinion.

Both these kids will serve 1-2 years. That is the maximum sentence for juveniles their age.

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