Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death

Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
Just chilling.
Yep, I was right .....again.

It's gonna get worse with Democrats in charge (as always)

Chalk up ANOTHER violent murder in Democrat Utopia.
Lot's of Democrats are learning the consequences of elections.

Prediction: You ain't seen nothing yet. Buh Buh Buh baby !!!
Before their 4 years comes to a close, The death and mayhem in America will make Somalia look relatively safe.

Thanks Biden and Dems !!
Nobody got away. Meanwhile as this happened 5 whites were killed by another white person.

View attachment 469212

Sad what the "whites" get away with as the media keeps quiet about SOME deaths
It's not 85%. You should use government numbers instead of Truth or Fiction guesses. From your own source:
In 2013, PolitiFact cited the same rough figure for the number of white offenders and white homicide victims. Typically, in many examinations of similar claims, fact-checkers and news outlets referenced data averaged over several years. The most recent year for which the FBI’s Uniform Crime Statistics were available as of August 24 2020 was 2018. The relevant table (six) counted a total of 3,315 white victims of homicide. Of those victims, 2,677 were killed by another white person — roughly 80.7 percent.

In 2017, the rate was nearly identical; 3,567 white victims and 2,861 white offenders, a rate of 80.2 percent. In 2016, 3,499 white people were murdered, 2,854 by white offenders — 81.5 percent. And in 2015, 3,167 white homicide victims and 2,574 white offenders were counted, at a rate of 81.3 percent.


Tell me where the 85% BS came from.

You should study the numbers from this site:

With a calculator, you can see that:

  • 80.75% of whites murdered were killed by whites
  • 15.5% of whites murdered were killed by blacks

  • 88.9% of blacks murdered were killed by blacks
  • 8% of blacks murdered were killed by whites

  • Total US population est. 328,239,523
  • Total White population est. 250,447,000 (76.3%)
  • Total Black population est. 43,984,100 (13.4%)

  • Number of murders by whites 3011
  • Number of murders by blacks 3177

Ask yourself this:

Why is it that with whites representing 76.3% of the total population and blacks representing 13.4% of the total population, blacks commit over half of the total murders committed by blacks and whites?

Recognizing that multiple murders are often committed by one person, the following percentages will be the maximum possible as the calculations assume no multiple murders by an individual (i.e. Number of murderers = Number of murders)

  • .0012% of whites were murderers (39.46 per million)
  • .0072% of blacks were murderers (72.23 per million)
Race baiting because.. We must! We must! Increase the hate or bust!
After the press blew that story about that druggie who died of a Fentanyl over dose while being subbed by the knee of the cops for trying to pass a counterfeit bill, causing mass riots all summer long last year due to massive race baiting? You have got a lot of fucking nerve, you really have.

Race baiting? Get the hell out of here with that shit.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.

No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie, nor do the local authorities like that, the kids have a record. I also understand your distaste about posters on this site making it about race. This is NOT about race. This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime. They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.

I also understand your distaste about posters on this site making it about race. This is NOT about race.
Well, praise the lord and hallelujah!!

And is ChemToilet therefore a racist turd for MAKING IT ALL ABOUT RACE where race was not mentioned prior by ANY SOURCE?
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.

They don't want to bring attention to it because they are afraid that it will cause some white people to retaliate which would just skip the burn, loot part, whites seem to always just jump to murder. :lol:
They arent afraid of what whites will do. We just take the continual abuses from blacks without morals. "We" are bullied into silence because of collective white guilt over the black man's failures

No, because the media and government, and technology companies want to keep their version of peasants, factory workers, customer service, call center, and warehouse workers in line one way to do it, is to manipulate race and gender issues and religious rights and free speech. Bunch of psychopaths running the planet.
where race was not mentioned prior by ANY SOURCE
And yet IF this were reversed, all we would hear is a gang of WHITE yes set a poor black man on fire

And it would clearly be assumed to be a hate crime.

This thread is about the DOUBLE STANDARD, not so much about race, but what a certain race gets away with (no mentions in the media).

You wont stop us from talking about this, by applying your race card
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.

I join other members & guests in expressing my deepest sympathies to the family of the victim.

Being 83 years old, I remember a time when such an incident would have been impossible, for certain areas of American cities were safe zones.
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.

----Ahhhh---- where are the HATE CRIME charges?
Rochester, New York

Black teenagers, age 14 and 16, murdered a mentally ill white man, 53, by dousing him with flammable liquid and lighting him on fire. He died after suffering for four agonizing days in the hospital. White lives don't matter. If the races were reversed, this would be all over the Fake News, encouraging more rioting and arson. Just havin' some good fun and gettin' even with whitey.

The two teens who allegedly set a man on fire inside his own home in upstate New York last week are now facing murder charges after the man died of his injuries Tuesday.

The boys – ages 14 and 16 – were initially charged with first-degree assault and second-degree arson after 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser was doused with a flammable liquid and intentionally set on fire while he sat in a chair in his apartment Friday, the Democrat & Chronicle reported, citing police.


Amenhauser ran out of his apartment on fire about five minutes after he returned from a corner store at 12:30 p.m., Rochester Police Capt. Frank Umbrino told reporters at a news conference.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital.

Amenhauser ran out of his apartment after being intentionally set on fire Friday, police said. People outside tried to help Amenhauser by putting out the fire and rendering aid before he was rushed to the hospital. (WHAM)
He suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 70% of his body and was rushed to the burn unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, where he died of his injuries shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Umbrino said.

Following the 53-year-old's death, the teens were each additionally charged with second-degree murder, the paper reported.
I have my doubts if this is true. Setting a man on fire ? That's not black teen sh*t.
Yes, young blacks males are such passive people.
I have my doubts about this crime.

What teenager wakes up one day and says "Hey we are going to get a white male, set him on fire, kill him and spend the rest of our lives in jail and we're gonna do this for no reason what so ever"

No. I'm not buying. Why ? What's the motive ? None. Setting people on fire that's more of a white guy thing.
....says the creature that has indicated on multiple occasions that it wants to see white children killed in front of their parents.
If I come into your home and try to oppress you in your home and your family then I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

What the white man done in S.Africa was an act of war.

And I'd say the same thing if black people went in white countries and tried to enforce a system of black apartheid in Germany were the white German had no go areas and were forced in shanty towns. They got the worst jobs (if any jobs) they were killed by black policeman. They had zero right. They lived under black rule and black abuse.

If white German rose up and wanted to kill black people, children included ? I'd understand 100%
I see that another subhuman agrees with you that kids should be killed because of their skin color.
What neither of you subhumans will admit Is that these children have done absolutely anything for which you blame them. These children invaded nobody. They exploited nobody. They are just children.

Of course, that does not stop subhumans, now, does it?
I also understand your distaste about posters on this site making it about race. This is NOT about race.
Well, praise the lord and hallelujah!!

And is ChemToilet therefore a racist turd for MAKING IT ALL ABOUT RACE where race was not mentioned prior by ANY SOURCE?
Stop already.

It isn't his fault. It is a reaction to the purposeful balkanization of the ruling class media.

All summer long last year we heard BLM this, and BLM that.

Most Americans, if you asked them, how many unarmed black men are killed in America every year, the vast majority, well over 70% would give you a number greater than one hundred.

Over 50% would probably tell you over 50.

That fact that year after year, the number is less than a few dozen? In a nation of 350 million? In my debate career in High School, and on my Big Ten college Debate Team, if any Affirmative tried to present a plan based on such a (Case) harm? They would have been defeated, no matter what level of debate, and no matter what school, inner city, HBCU, or etc.

The whole notion is obviously politically driven to divide and cause grief in and amongst the population.

Of course there are cleavages between the in-group and the out-group, you cannot, and never will legislate all of these away to the satisfaction of all members of society. But, the fact here is, powerful corporate and government interests, are now using these cleavages to both increase the power of government, and to cash in commercially, not to actually seek any greater sense of social justice.

You are a fool if you believe otherwise.

I see it here on these forums day after day. Folks put up real establishment statistics, and folks with an agenda ignore them in favor of their "lived" experience. When facts and statistics do no matter any longer, there really can not be a conversation, can there?

It's nice to know you approve of this crime.
I also understand your distaste about posters on this site making it about race. This is NOT about race.
Well, praise the lord and hallelujah!!

And is ChemToilet therefore a racist turd for MAKING IT ALL ABOUT RACE where race was not mentioned prior by ANY SOURCE?
Stop already.

It isn't his fault. It is a reaction to the purposeful balkanization of the ruling class media.

All summer long last year we heard BLM this, and BLM that.

Most Americans, if you asked them, how many unarmed black men are killed in America every year, the vast majority, well over 70% would give you a number greater than one hundred.

Over 50% would probably tell you over 50.

That fact that year after year, the number is less than a few dozen? In a nation of 350 million? In my debate career in High School, and on my Big Ten college Debate Team, if any Affirmative tried to present a plan based on such a (Case) harm? They would have been defeated, no matter what level of debate, and no matter what school, inner city, HBCU, or etc.

The whole notion is obviously politically driven to divide and cause grief in and amongst the population.

Of course there are cleavages between the in-group and the out-group, you cannot, and never will legislate all of these away to the satisfaction of all members of society. But, the fact here is, powerful corporate and government interests, are now using these cleavages to both increase the power of government, and to cash in commercially, not to actually seek any greater sense of social justice.

You are a fool if you believe otherwise.

I see it here on these forums day after day. Folks put up real establishment statistics, and folks with an agenda ignore them in favor of their "lived" experience. When facts and statistics do no matter any longer, there really can not be a conversation, can there?

It's nice to know you approve of this crime.
I hear ya, bro. Loud and clear. "Stop making sense!"

Sorry. No can do.

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