Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
How ghey is this? And of course, not a peep from the media........because its not white on black crime!!

St. Louis Teens Beat Bosnian Driver to Death With Hammers The Gateway Pundit

Dead guy was a Bosnian taxi driver.........and evidently, the Bosnian community is pissed. Would be nice for a change to see some whites say fuck you and protest themselves. Id join them in a heartbeat if I lived anywhere near there. we go again.......savages being savages.

We don't have a police problem............we have a black problem
What? No outrage from Howey, rightwinger, Luddly, or Statist? Not a peep!!!

In America, it's perfectly legitimate to commit crimes against white people. They deserve it. Why do they deserve it? Because they're white. It's ONLY racist when non-whites are victims of crimes. Remember that (if you want to be considered PC).
Where's the outrage? The rioting and the media whining for justice for this guy?

Oh'yess, he's white. His life is worthless.

Some internet chatter that there is a formidable Bosnian population in St Louis and they are demanding justice. Would that be some hot shit if these people protested and some regular American whites joined them. How ironic would that be? Im reasonably sure you'd join me Matthew........

If you haven't noticed man......less than a week after the grand jury chimed in, virtually nobody cares Brown got his hat knocked off last August. The savages have returned to the tree's..................nobody cares about that asshole anymore.
Where's the outrage? The rioting and the media whining for justice for this guy?

Oh'yess, he's white. His life is worthless.

Some internet chatter that there is a formidable Bosnian population in St Louis and they are demanding justice. Would that be some hot shit if these people protested and some regular American whites joined them. How ironic would that be? Im reasonably sure you'd join me Matthew........

If you haven't noticed man......less than a week after the grand jury chimed in, virtually nobody cares Brown got his hat knocked off last August. The savages have returned to the tree's..................nobody cares about that asshole anymore.
So you will be marching, give out the address, I'll be there.
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
We are generally better behaved than the looters, arsonists and rock tossers in Ferguson.

But we do protest occasionally. Have you ever been to a TEA Party rally?
I'm not talking about photos of signs held by Democrat plants. I asked if you ever actually went to a rally.
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
We are generally better behaved than the looters, arsonists and rock tossers in Ferguson.

But we do protest occasionally. Have you ever been to a TEA Party rally?
I'm not talking about photos of signs held by Democrat plants. I asked if you ever actually went to a rally.
How ghey is this? And of course, not a peep from the media........because its not white on black crime!!

St. Louis Teens Beat Bosnian Driver to Death With Hammers The Gateway Pundit

Dead guy was a Bosnian taxi driver.........and evidently, the Bosnian community is pissed. Would be nice for a change to see some whites say fuck you and protest themselves. Id join them in a heartbeat if I lived anywhere near there. we go again.......savages being savages.

We don't have a police problem............we have a black problem

In hindsight, he should have just ran them over with his car and got the hell out of there. Lesson learned if someone is beating on your car with a deadly weapon.

Damn thats a sad story
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Whats reprehensible? the kids beating a guy to death with hammers or people noticing that it happened? I dont understand you. Exploiting what exactly?
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Whats reprehensible? the kids beating a guy to death with hammers or people noticing that it happened? I dont understand you. Exploiting what exactly?

If a black person is the victim of a white = clayton will scream for justice and call whites all racist! He will even justify destruction!

If a white person is the victim of a black??? Clayton will call US racist and tell us to shut up.
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.
Race war gaining stride, folks. Be safe and protect yourselves.

Oh, and keep an eyeball on that white person behind ya. They might be carrying a club too, just to show support for a black thug cuz its pc, ya know.
Funny how things change. I was in a chat room somewhere else just visiting with some folks. They asked me if I was a liberal. No hesitation. I said "FUCK no!"

Who woulda thunk.

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