Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!

Where do we march???

From so many I talked to here in New York this past week, they are sick and tired of this bs.........and now this jackass president is going to ramp up the racial divide again today. Before he leaves office, we may well see a harsh pushback that has real balls..............when I hear where bro, I'll let you know!!!:rock:
What a fucking disaster liberals have been to blacks, who have it better here than any place on earth, but are somehow convinced they have it bad.

Fucking animals whose rational portion of the brain is clearly underdeveloped. I mean clearly.
Thanks for sharing your pathetic racism with the class Adolph. Why don`t you grow a pair and start sending them to the ovens?
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Wow ... what gooey hypocrisy! Are you saying that the Fergusonites didn't "expoit" what's-his-name's death for political clout and "partisan gain?"
From the OP:

Two juveniles are in custody in St. Louis after a Florida man was beaten to death with hammers.

Police say 32-year-old Zemir Begic of Miami suffered injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth in the attack. He was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Authorities say Begic was in his car about 1:15 a.m. Sunday when several young people approached and began damaging it. When Begic got out, he was attacked with at least two hammers.

The two juveniles in custody are ages 15 and 16. A motive for the attack has not been released.
St. Louis Teens Beat Bosnian Driver to Death With Hammers The Gateway Pundit

^^^That^^^ And folks wonder why cops shoot black youths who approach their car in an aggressive manner!! Go figure!
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.

Outside of Clayton I still haven't seen any of the usual troll-bots popping in and expressing any outrage. If they DO show up it'll likely be in defense of the murderous, inner-city thugs.
How ghey is this? And of course, not a peep from the media........because its not white on black crime!!

St. Louis Teens Beat Bosnian Driver to Death With Hammers The Gateway Pundit

Dead guy was a Bosnian taxi driver.........and evidently, the Bosnian community is pissed. Would be nice for a change to see some whites say fuck you and protest themselves. Id join them in a heartbeat if I lived anywhere near there. we go again.......savages being savages.

We don't have a police problem............we have a black problem

Lesson being, if you drive into the middle of a riot and people start wailing on your car, getting out to say "hey don't do that!" isn't a good idea.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

You won't see us putting our hands up in the air crying "Don't Shoot", or silliness like that.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Best example of Alinsky applied this year!!!!!!

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