Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes
how long till CNN covers it? they will delay for as long as they can.. but I think eventually they will write a small story on it. had a republican breathed on a hijab it would have been national headlines within 15 seconds.
If FOX News didn't exist, we would never even hear about these stories.
I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes

"I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes"

Many Liberals also are probably masturbating just thinking about a white person being set upon by the Liberals original favourite pets.

The blacks have competition though from the Liberals latest favourite pets, the Kebabs.
Novasteve is a "RAYSISS" for bringing up our black on white crime problem.

"Novasteve is a "RAYSISS" for bringing up our black on white crime problem."

I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes

"I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes"

Many Liberals also are probably masturbating just thinking about a white person being set upon by the Liberals original favourite pets.

The blacks have competition though from the Liberals latest favourite pets, the Kebabs.
A white man being tied up and tortured is Lib porn.
I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes

"I bet liberals gave it a whole bunch of likes"

Many Liberals also are probably masturbating just thinking about a white person being set upon by the Liberals original favourite pets.

The blacks have competition though from the Liberals latest favourite pets, the Kebabs.
A white man being tied up and tortured is Lib porn.

"A white man being tied up and tortured is Lib porn."

A shocking video shows a white man bound, gagged and bloody as a gang of racist black thugs force him to say “f**k Donald Trump” and “f**k white people”.

The video was uploaded to Facebook live yesterday by a user named Brittany Herring, the African-American woman who appears in the clip.

The 30 minute video shows a young man tied up in a corner with blood coming from his head. The man’s mouth is gagged as thugs humiliate and abuse him.

The victim is repeatedly kicked and hit while forced to denounce white people and Donald Trump.

Chicago police tell Fox 32 that four people are in custody and authorities are conducting further investigation.

The young man seen in the clip is now in hospital and is being treated for ................................


This is the mentality and brutal ways of TRUMP haters they will go to any extent to prove how much they hate Trump. Which is sickening they seriously are mentally ill, abusive, vicious , mean, verbally attack people all to prove their devotion to a bastard who doesn't even give a damn about their pathetic asses.
These lunatics act like they are fighting for a real cause like fending for a family member, or a child.
Liberal Illness at it's finest and this is not the first case of these lunatics pulling stunts like this.
And yes this includes ALL TRUMP HATERS OF ALL COLORS.

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