Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

Mandatory 30 years in prison with no early release. Hey the libs wanted a special category and strict punishment for "hate crimes" so here ya go. See ya chumps in 30 years LMFAO

Toss kidnapping on top of that, and they should never see the light of day again.

Which is good. Let's face it, these people will never contribute anything to society. Best we can hope for is that they sit quietly on the government dime until they die of old age.
Mandatory 30 years in prison with no early release. Hey the libs wanted a special category and strict punishment for "hate crimes" so here ya go. See ya chumps in 30 years LMFAO

Toss kidnapping on top of that, and they should never see the light of day again.

Which is good. Let's face it, these people will never contribute anything to society. Best we can hope for is that they sit quietly on the government dime until they die of old age.
Don't know. They could get an "inner city" jury with the intelligence that sprang OJ. Lots of potential jurors in Chicago.
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Because this isn't a hate crime...every time a nigga fucks with a white person, which is what, every 10 years.....
Every ten years is wildly incorrect. How about over 400 murders of whites by black offenders per year? This obviously doesn't cover assaults, rapes, robberies and other violent crimes.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
So what do you want to do bout it? They're in jail...get over the rage.

THe race baiting and lies that told them that Trump was worthy of responding to with violence, is still out there.

Ever fucking day, every fucking where.

Ideas have consequences and you lefties are pushing a lot of bad ones.
The fact you think this heinous act is 'no big deal',

You went over the top with that lie. Putting "no big deal" in quotes is you claiming that I said those words, when I said no such thing, and implied no such thing. That makes it an outright lie on your part.

So, why did you tell that lie? In your mind, how do you justify lying like that?

Do you just embrace out-of-control "The ends always justify the means for me and my own side!" relative morality to justify lying?

Or are you a sociopath, someone without a conscience who doesn't even see a need to justify it?

You've repeatedly dismissed this heinous attack as being 'no big deal.' You've ridiculed the victim, and those who've expressed concern. But hey, you wanna lie about that now, that's fine. I'm sure constant lying is another symptom of your illness. Seriously, you should seek some help. I'm not just saying that as an insult. I mean it. If you don't get the help you need, you're in for a very dark future. God Bless you.
The double standard in our country couldn't be more clear than this.

These white kids did even worse, yet the oldest of the bunch got probation and 300 hours of community service. Where was the outrage by the self-righteous alt-right about that one?

Ex-Idaho football player avoids jail time for violent sexual assault of disabled teammate
Reading the article, the case for torture was not strong. The prosecutors did not prove up all the elements.

This disabled young man was held for 48 hours. He was slashed, scalped, burned with cigarettes and his clothes were cut off. The perpetrators laughed at the amount of blood. His bleeding head was shoved in a toilet and forced to drink the water.

The noise caused neighbors to call the police. That's when this disabled man was put out on the street in a slashed up tshirt and shorts. He was put out in a bitterly cold Chicago January.

Do you see the difference?
Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
1) Hate crimes in general, yes, but as a tit-for-tat. The "modicum of understanding" is that some people are fucking assholes. No matter what group, profession, nationality, state, "race" or any other group of human beings the fact remains a small portion of them are going to do brutal stupid shit like this incident. Unless you want to exert complete control over human beings with machines reading their minds at all times you won't be able to stop that portion of society that does stuff like this.

2) "White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning" Translation: It's Whitey's fault. Bullshit. As it happens, the US is about 74% white, so it's no surprise there are more judges, prosecutors and jurors who are white. The problem you are seeing isn't a race one no matter how hard you want it to be, it's a local/state one. The prosecutor in question is in Dietrich, Idaho, population under 400. There's outrage across the state for this idiot: Dietrich High athletes raped black, mentally disabled teammate, lawsuit claims The four torturers in the OP are Chicago, IL. In a nation of 320+ Million, anyone who expects justice to be dispensed exactly the same is dreaming. Unless we allow machines to do it that won't happen. Even Federal courts vary because of judges and courts. In the Idaho case, I hope the Feds get involved and I also hope the prosecutor loses his job.

3) "White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence" How often does that happen? Sure you can find instances of it, but the same can be said of black offenders for the reasons I mentioned above: local/state circumstances. A year ago a Paradise, CA cop killed a drunk motorist (see the video below). The prosecutor let the cop off. Both ended up losing their jobs. Both cop and victim were white. Did you hear about this? Did you protest about it? Or do you only care when it's a white harming a black?

The shooting is at 1:10. The blurred part is the body of a woman who was thrown clear of the crash. Notice the cop not checking the bodies. Instead, he's looking for the shell casing of the shot he just fired.

Ex-Paradise police officer to stand trial in fatal on-duty shooting

What does this have to do with your points? To prove that bad shit happens regardless of race. Yes, you can go into thousands of murders and pick out only the ones where a white kills a black then pick out only the ones where the white wasn't convicted. It wouldn't surprise me if you found a dozen of them....out of thousands. What does that prove? Nothing except you are cherry-picking the evidence to prove your point. You're not the only one who does this. Other racists do the same thing with black on white murders. It's bullshit. A better source is the FBI statistics or other reliable sources.

1. Behavioral Science exists to obtain a modicum of understanding of why people do bad things to themselves or each other..I think we agree that such atrocious violent behavior is relatively rare. But consider this. It is not the misdeed itself that

threatens national peace and tranquility. It is t White public reaction to it.

The cop, prosecutor or judge has been as socially conditioned as the rest of us to believe that White is superior and Back is inferior. ANd it matters not that any of the aforementioned are Black or White. Justice is dispensed in the manner dictated by social conditioning more often than not. I am surprised that you haven't bothered to research what you have been told. You might have found this:

"Even if most prosecutors are not intentional bad actors, like the rest of us, they suffer from unconscious bias. In several studies, white subjects viewed blacks as social threats automatically and without conscious intent. Indeed, this same phenomenon has been documented in virtually every area in which it has been studied.

3 professors have a radical idea for how to remove bias from the criminal justice system

It is the racial component attached to it that sparks virulence and a thirst for "vengeance that starts by demonizes any one who looks like the perp.

Overall, I join you in the wish for justice to be meted out equally without regard to race but the links I provided show that is not the case. A national pattern of bias permeates the justice system at virtually every every state. As with the test case I introduced in comparison to the op case, justice is often dispensed differently for similar crimes depending on racial factors.

White perpetrator are more likely to receive less harsh outcomes for crimes committed against Blacks than Blacks committing similar crimes on ANYONE . That is not a blanket indictment but is, instead , a general reality.

2. I think I addressed your dismissal of social conditioning being an agent in the national pattern of racial bias in the justice system. The prosecutor's actions in the sodomy case undoubtably can be classified or indexed under the national paradigm wrought by studies in my links. No pun intended but the "bottom line" comes to this: The prosecutor took measures to protect the reputation of a racist sex criminal who established a history of chronic abuse against a handicapped person. ending on tragedy.

3, Rather than respond to unfounded assertions and ambiguities I'll defer to the link you provided. Let the readers decide if my comparative analysis of two similar incidents have merit in exposing inequality in the justice system.

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 12.50.11 PM.png

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Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
1) Hate crimes in general, yes, but as a tit-for-tat. The "modicum of understanding" is that some people are fucking assholes. No matter what group, profession, nationality, state, "race" or any other group of human beings the fact remains a small portion of them are going to do brutal stupid shit like this incident. Unless you want to exert complete control over human beings with machines reading their minds at all times you won't be able to stop that portion of society that does stuff like this.

2) "White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning" Translation: It's Whitey's fault. Bullshit. As it happens, the US is about 74% white, so it's no surprise there are more judges, prosecutors and jurors who are white. The problem you are seeing isn't a race one no matter how hard you want it to be, it's a local/state one. The prosecutor in question is in Dietrich, Idaho, population under 400. There's outrage across the state for this idiot: Dietrich High athletes raped black, mentally disabled teammate, lawsuit claims The four torturers in the OP are Chicago, IL. In a nation of 320+ Million, anyone who expects justice to be dispensed exactly the same is dreaming. Unless we allow machines to do it that won't happen. Even Federal courts vary because of judges and courts. In the Idaho case, I hope the Feds get involved and I also hope the prosecutor loses his job.

3) "White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence" How often does that happen? Sure you can find instances of it, but the same can be said of black offenders for the reasons I mentioned above: local/state circumstances. A year ago a Paradise, CA cop killed a drunk motorist (see the video below). The prosecutor let the cop off. Both ended up losing their jobs. Both cop and victim were white. Did you hear about this? Did you protest about it? Or do you only care when it's a white harming a black?

The shooting is at 1:10. The blurred part is the body of a woman who was thrown clear of the crash. Notice the cop not checking the bodies. Instead, he's looking for the shell casing of the shot he just fired.

Ex-Paradise police officer to stand trial in fatal on-duty shooting

What does this have to do with your points? To prove that bad shit happens regardless of race. Yes, you can go into thousands of murders and pick out only the ones where a white kills a black then pick out only the ones where the white wasn't convicted. It wouldn't surprise me if you found a dozen of them....out of thousands. What does that prove? Nothing except you are cherry-picking the evidence to prove your point. You're not the only one who does this. Other racists do the same thing with black on white murders. It's bullshit. A better source is the FBI statistics or other reliable sources.

1. Behavioral Science exists to obtain a modicum of understanding of why people do bad things to themselves or each other..I think we agree that such atrocious violent behavior is relatively rare. But consider this. It is not the misdeed itself that

threatens national peace and tranquility. It is t White public reaction to it.

The cop, prosecutor or judge has been as socially conditioned as the rest of us to believe that White is superior and Back is inferior. ANd it matters not that any of the aforementioned are Black or White. Justice is dispensed in the manner dictated by social conditioning more often than not. I am surprised that you haven't bothered to research what you have been told. You might have found this:

"Even if most prosecutors are not intentional bad actors, like the rest of us, they suffer from unconscious bias. In several studies, white subjects viewed blacks as social threats automatically and without conscious intent. Indeed, this same phenomenon has been documented in virtually every area in which it has been studied.

3 professors have a radical idea for how to remove bias from the criminal justice system

It is the racial component attached to it that sparks virulence and a thirst for "vengeance that starts by demonizes any one who looks like the perp.

Overall, I join you in the wish for justice to be meted out equally without regard to race but the links I provided show that is not the case. A national pattern of bias permeates the justice system at virtually every every state. As with the test case I introduced in comparison to the op case, justice is often dispensed differently for similar crimes depending on racial factors.

White perpetrator are more likely to receive less harsh outcomes for crimes committed against Blacks than Blacks committing similar crimes on ANYONE . That is not a blanket indictment but is, instead , a general reality.

2. I think I addressed your dismissal of social conditioning being an agent in the national pattern of racial bias in the justice system. The prosecutor's actions in the sodomy case undoubtably can be classified or indexed under the national paradigm wrought by studies in my links. No pun intended but the "bottom line" comes to this: The prosecutor took measures to protect the reputation of a racist sex criminal who established a history of chronic abuse against a handicapped person. ending on tragedy.

3, Rather than respond to unfounded assertions and ambiguities I'll defer to the link you provided. Let the readers decide if my comparative analysis of two similar incidents have merit in exposing inequality in the justice system.

View attachment 105465


How about if we skip all the social psychology and just hang these motherfuckers.
Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
1) Hate crimes in general, yes, but as a tit-for-tat. The "modicum of understanding" is that some people are fucking assholes. No matter what group, profession, nationality, state, "race" or any other group of human beings the fact remains a small portion of them are going to do brutal stupid shit like this incident. Unless you want to exert complete control over human beings with machines reading their minds at all times you won't be able to stop that portion of society that does stuff like this.

2) "White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning" Translation: It's Whitey's fault. Bullshit. As it happens, the US is about 74% white, so it's no surprise there are more judges, prosecutors and jurors who are white. The problem you are seeing isn't a race one no matter how hard you want it to be, it's a local/state one. The prosecutor in question is in Dietrich, Idaho, population under 400. There's outrage across the state for this idiot: Dietrich High athletes raped black, mentally disabled teammate, lawsuit claims The four torturers in the OP are Chicago, IL. In a nation of 320+ Million, anyone who expects justice to be dispensed exactly the same is dreaming. Unless we allow machines to do it that won't happen. Even Federal courts vary because of judges and courts. In the Idaho case, I hope the Feds get involved and I also hope the prosecutor loses his job.

3) "White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence" How often does that happen? Sure you can find instances of it, but the same can be said of black offenders for the reasons I mentioned above: local/state circumstances. A year ago a Paradise, CA cop killed a drunk motorist (see the video below). The prosecutor let the cop off. Both ended up losing their jobs. Both cop and victim were white. Did you hear about this? Did you protest about it? Or do you only care when it's a white harming a black?

The shooting is at 1:10. The blurred part is the body of a woman who was thrown clear of the crash. Notice the cop not checking the bodies. Instead, he's looking for the shell casing of the shot he just fired.

Ex-Paradise police officer to stand trial in fatal on-duty shooting

What does this have to do with your points? To prove that bad shit happens regardless of race. Yes, you can go into thousands of murders and pick out only the ones where a white kills a black then pick out only the ones where the white wasn't convicted. It wouldn't surprise me if you found a dozen of them....out of thousands. What does that prove? Nothing except you are cherry-picking the evidence to prove your point. You're not the only one who does this. Other racists do the same thing with black on white murders. It's bullshit. A better source is the FBI statistics or other reliable sources.

1. Behavioral Science exists to obtain a modicum of understanding of why people do bad things to themselves or each other..I think we agree that such atrocious violent behavior is relatively rare. But consider this. It is not the misdeed itself that

threatens national peace and tranquility. It is t White public reaction to it.

The cop, prosecutor or judge has been as socially conditioned as the rest of us to believe that White is superior and Back is inferior. ANd it matters not that any of the aforementioned are Black or White. Justice is dispensed in the manner dictated by social conditioning more often than not. I am surprised that you haven't bothered to research what you have been told. You might have found this:

"Even if most prosecutors are not intentional bad actors, like the rest of us, they suffer from unconscious bias. In several studies, white subjects viewed blacks as social threats automatically and without conscious intent. Indeed, this same phenomenon has been documented in virtually every area in which it has been studied.

3 professors have a radical idea for how to remove bias from the criminal justice system

It is the racial component attached to it that sparks virulence and a thirst for "vengeance that starts by demonizes any one who looks like the perp.

Overall, I join you in the wish for justice to be meted out equally without regard to race but the links I provided show that is not the case. A national pattern of bias permeates the justice system at virtually every every state. As with the test case I introduced in comparison to the op case, justice is often dispensed differently for similar crimes depending on racial factors.

White perpetrator are more likely to receive less harsh outcomes for crimes committed against Blacks than Blacks committing similar crimes on ANYONE . That is not a blanket indictment but is, instead , a general reality.

2. I think I addressed your dismissal of social conditioning being an agent in the national pattern of racial bias in the justice system. The prosecutor's actions in the sodomy case undoubtably can be classified or indexed under the national paradigm wrought by studies in my links. No pun intended but the "bottom line" comes to this: The prosecutor took measures to protect the reputation of a racist sex criminal who established a history of chronic abuse against a handicapped person. ending on tragedy.

3, Rather than respond to unfounded assertions and ambiguities I'll defer to the link you provided. Let the readers decide if my comparative analysis of two similar incidents have merit in exposing inequality in the justice system.

View attachment 105465


How about if we skip all the social psychology and just hang these motherfuckers.

In both cases that is a tempting proposition. At least that outcome would be EQUAL JUSTICE for similar crimes regardless of race.:beer:
Don Lemon: Suspects just "bad home training." I can't thank my parents enough for teaching me it's wrong to kidnap/torture mentally impaired
Obama on Facebook torture: If I had 2 sons they would look like ... oh wait!
Of course not. His hypothetical son would have to be a victim of a Hispanic-American rather than a perpetrator of a race crime.

I suppose his hypothetical son could only be the former.

That's disgusting. But I'm sure that's Trump's fault.
The Rev Jesse Jackson is a racist ass. He's asked on MSNBC now about the Chicago kidnapping, and all he talks about is violence against blacks.

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