Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

can Chicago PD crack the case??????


Well, I agree, the culprits ought to be taken to task. I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed.
Stories reversed? Do you have a story about a group of white teens torturing a black guy?
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
Nice example at all, but do you have anything from this century, preferably on this continent? If you have to go to the distant past to find examples, then clearly those of us that are actually alive today, are doing pretty fucking good, so what the fuck do you have to complain about?
The fact you think this heinous act is 'no big deal',

You went over the top with that lie. Putting "no big deal" in quotes is you claiming that I said those words, when I said no such thing, and implied no such thing. That makes it an outright lie on your part.

So, why did you tell that lie? In your mind, how do you justify lying like that?

Do you just embrace out-of-control "The ends always justify the means for me and my own side!" relative morality to justify lying?

Or are you a sociopath, someone without a conscience who doesn't even see a need to justify it?

The white nationalist movement supported Donald Trump...

Only after they got their checks from bob craemer and scott foval...the democrat thugs who admitted on video that they were paid by the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign to hire people to incite violence at Trump rallies.....which they admitted to doing on video....

So after the few guys who said they would say they were white nationalists cashed those checks...they did what the democrats wanted....
Funny how Dylan Roof shooting 9 black Christians at their church to start a race war is an insolated incident . But these fools represent the left ??! lies matter...and their sympathizers who are shooting police officers represent the left......
Heck.....they're just kids making stupid mistakes.

I expect alot more kids will be making similar mistakes in the future because they buy into the media and the Dems inflammatory election year rhetoric.
Mistake? You don't accidentally lose your empathy and humanity. They are also adults; every one of them. These are simply evil people who should spend their lives in a cell.

The left is complaining about the right politicizing the incident. Their playbook is so fucking shallow. If nothing is there, cry racism. When something is there, cry politics.
It's always interesting to see what is emphasized in these threads: the plight of the victim? or the racial/ethnic/religious identification of the perpetrator(s). it! I'm a "snowflake" for not celebrating black Dumbocrats torturing a white special needs individual like you are doing.

No, you're a snowflake because you're such a delicate little thing. Duh.

And you're a liar for saying I "celebrated", but that's a separate issue. Snowflakes don't have to be liars, and liars don't have to be snowflakes. You just happen to be both.
Well so far snowflake - all you've done is denounce anyone who has shown contempt for this evil crime by Dumbocrats. You have absolutely celebrated and supported it. Believe me mammy - nobody is surprised. We expected as much from you.
It's always interesting to see what is emphasized in these threads: the plight of the victim? or the racial/ethnic/religious identification of the perpetrator(s).
Both should be. How do you prevent crime if you don't identify who is responsible for it? You can play the liberal and pretend all you want - but the fact is almost all terrorism is committed by muslim males between the ages of 18-42. It doesn't make sense to be on the look out for a 97 year old great grandmother from Nebraska.
It's always interesting to see what is emphasized in these threads: the plight of the victim? or the racial/ethnic/religious identification of the perpetrator(s).

I was thinking about this like 20 minutes ago. There have been news reports on it all evening and all they have been discussing is if it is ACTUALLY a HATE CRIME. There was nothing mentioned about sympathy for the victim that I recall at all.
You have absolutely celebrated and supported it.

So, you're proudly doubling down on being a lying shitstain.

You're in the running for the "most dishonest person on the board". There are a couple other strong contenders, so keep up the hard work. The pissy mewling quality of your lies is what might give you the edge.

Oh, you understand that, due to your consistently vile behavior, you're going to burn in Hell for eternity, right? You'll probably dream about the fires of Hell tonight. That's God, giving you a warning.
It's always interesting to see what is emphasized in these threads: the plight of the victim? or the racial/ethnic/religious identification of the perpetrator(s).

I was thinking about this like 20 minutes ago. There have been news reports on it all evening and all they have been discussing is if it is ACTUALLY a HATE CRIME. There was nothing mentioned about sympathy for the victim that I recall at all.

That all seems rather secondary to me. They were predators taking advantage of a vulnerable person. How can you better protect people like that?
It's always interesting to see what is emphasized in these threads: the plight of the victim? or the racial/ethnic/religious identification of the perpetrator(s).

I was thinking about this like 20 minutes ago. There have been news reports on it all evening and all they have been discussing is if it is ACTUALLY a HATE CRIME. There was nothing mentioned about sympathy for the victim that I recall at all.

That all seems rather secondary to me. They were predators taking advantage of a vulnerable person. How can you better protect people like that?

There is a ton of blame to go around for this incident. At the end of the day, it should be obvious that it's bad to kidnap and torture someone for many hours and stream it live on Facebook.

I wonder if these scumbags will be laughing and giggling at sentencing.
You have absolutely celebrated and supported it.

So, you're proudly doubling down on being a lying shitstain.

You're in the running for the "most dishonest person on the board". There are a couple other strong contenders, so keep up the hard work. The pissy mewling quality of your lies is what might give you the edge.

Oh, you understand that, due to your consistently vile behavior, you're going to burn in Hell for eternity, right? You'll probably dream about the fires of Hell tonight. That's God, giving you a warning.
And there goes mammy parroting the words of a conservative. Your IQ has to be in the 70's. I've never seen anyone so incapable of an original thought.

(Now watch as she makes a comment to me about my IQ and original thoughts) :lmao:
Wow. This looks like the biggest victimhood orgasm that the Trump-snowflakes have ever had.

Trump-thugs, it is unseemly for you all to be convulsing in rapture over this crime. It makes you look like disgusting human beings. I mean, even more so than usual.

I see a crime that should be punished. The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT. IT's simply not true. This incident proves it.

There are sick pieces of shit on both ideological's not that tough to understand. Speaking in superlatives usually exposes one's stupidity.
I see a crime that should be punished. The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT. IT's simply not true. This incident proves it.

There are sick pieces of shit on both ideological's not that tough to understand. Speaking in superlatives usually exposes one's stupidity.

I think that speaking in absolutes exposes stupidity far more plainly.

One example of that would be saying something like "The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT.". That would be the bullshit.
Wow. This looks like the biggest victimhood orgasm that the Trump-snowflakes have ever had.

Trump-thugs, it is unseemly for you all to be convulsing in rapture over this crime. It makes you look like disgusting human beings. I mean, even more so than usual.
I see a crime that should be punished. The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT. IT's simply not true. This incident proves it.

There are sick pieces of shit on both ideological's not that tough to understand. Speaking in superlatives usually exposes one's stupidity.
Be as politically correct as you want - but history has proven that the left almost has the exclusive rights on violence, racism, and crime.

Who created the KKK? The Democrat Party. Who riots in the streets over just a political rally? The Democrat Party. Who closed down a political rally in Chicago because they can't handle free speech or different views? The Democrat Party. I could go on all day.
I see a crime that should be punished. The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT. IT's simply not true. This incident proves it.

There are sick pieces of shit on both ideological's not that tough to understand. Speaking in superlatives usually exposes one's stupidity.

I think that speaking in absolutes exposes stupidity far more plainly.

One example of that would be saying something like "The discourse is because of the bullshit narrative by the left that HATE CRIMES are only RIGHT ON LEFT.". That would be the bullshit.
Aww....the precious little libtard snowflake continues to have her meltdown. Say it with me now mamooth: President Trump. :lol:

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