Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

Note to #BLM members and supporters: Notice there are no riots, no demonstrators blocking traffic or other unlawful public events to incite racial tension? That's because law abiding citizens...well, abide by the law. Law abiding citizens look to the law and to the courts, not to the streets, for justice.
Aww, ain't that sweet. Konservatves know they are going to get justice so they have no need to riot. People protest when there is an uncertainty about receiving justice. White people own the system so they trust those who they put in charge to defend all that is White. Blacks and Hispanics don't have that luxury.
"but i read online that you cant be racist towards white People" said one of the teens who kidnapped a handicap man to their public defender
I am so glad these idiotic pieces of shit broadcast the whole thing live.

Otherwise, snowflakes would claim this was fake news and lies.
I think a good civil rights lawyer (racist) could use the fact that they broadcast the whole thing live as proof that those animals did not have sufficient mental capacity to know what they were doing was wrong.

That guy who was tortured was allegedly their "friend".

Maybe I am old school, but I don't think you should treat friends that way.
I dont know man, was he bogarting the joint?

Well, that would be reason enough...if that evidence comes to light, they should walk. If he doesn't know PUFF PUFF GIVE, he should be tortured:420:
Note to #BLM members and supporters: Notice there are no riots, no demonstrators blocking traffic or other unlawful public events to incite racial tension? That's because law abiding citizens...well, abide by the law. Law abiding citizens look to the law and to the courts, not to the streets, for justice.
Aww, ain't that sweet. Konservatves know they are going to get justice so they have no need to riot. People protest when there is an uncertainty about receiving justice. White people own the system so they trust those who they put in charge to defend all that is White. Blacks and Hispanics don't have that luxury.

You're not a good troll. Night Night.
5 hours they tortured this poor kid. Five hours! He must have thought he was going to die a hundred times.

It's not the black vermin's fault, they were high on marijuana. That makes it all better.

Execute them. A bullet right in the forehead. They will never get high again.
Weed has nothing to do with this behavior. That's just plain silly. Weed doesn't stop animals from acting like animals.
It helps them act like animals. If we executed druggies including pot heads, these four would have been fertilizer already.
I am inclined to believe you really would like to see pot heads murdered. You are one creepy MF!
Note to #BLM members and supporters: Notice there are no riots, no demonstrators blocking traffic or other unlawful public events to incite racial tension? That's because law abiding citizens...well, abide by the law. Law abiding citizens look to the law and to the courts, not to the streets, for justice.
Aww, ain't that sweet. Konservatves know they are going to get justice so they have no need to riot. People protest when there is an uncertainty about receiving justice. White people own the system so they trust those who they put in charge to defend all that is White. Blacks and Hispanics don't have that luxury.

You're not a good troll. Night Night.
Thanks! In my heart I always knew it!
Obama should invite the victim to the WHITE HOUSE like he invited the CLOCK BOY.

One was a REAL hate crime.....the other was bullshit.
Given the limited information t hand, I am compelled to agree with the charge. However, if it turns out the victim is a carbon copy of Dylan Roof, [users= Meathead[/users] or [users=Shootspeeders[/users], I would contribute to the defense fund of those 4.
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
You guys are going wildly off course. FWIW, Rwanda was a lot closer in time, only 22 years ago as opposed to 70+ years ago. Neither of which applies to the US or this crime.
My response was to a universal stab at Blacks everywhere. The mention of Black misdeeds in this thread automatically assumes an intrinsic character that marks Blacks everywhere.
Let's see if we can guess which group comprising 14% of the population commits 52% of the homicides.
Thats it, come on out of that closet BOY! Let me hear that racism roar.Now that Trump has taken this country back (tee hee) you feel masculine again. (from behind your keyboard)
A person who WASN'T A COWARD would take on & confront racism in REAL LIFE.

Trust me, I don't run from racists or racism in real life or in cyberspace.
Tell me more snowflake.
Snowflakes are White and don't survive well when things get heated. I am a kiln dried brown brick hurled by God to smash through racism everywhere I encounter it. Look are directly in the path of my trajectory.
Snowflakes are white? Pretty funny.....racist cocksucker. How about this one.....Coons Are For Hunting. Do like the sound of that? Fucking racist dipshit.
what are you mad about? You aren't one is. And people of my race have never been associated with coons. Did you think I am Black? heh heh heh! I have never revealed my race... I am ALL of them... just call me human... go on! attack THAT race..heh heh heh!
Given the limited information t hand, I am compelled to agree with the charge. However, if it turns out the victim is a carbon copy of Dylan Roof, [users= Meathead[/users] or [users=Shootspeeders[/users], I would contribute to the defense fund of those 4.
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
You guys are going wildly off course. FWIW, Rwanda was a lot closer in time, only 22 years ago as opposed to 70+ years ago. Neither of which applies to the US or this crime.
My response was to a universal stab at Blacks everywhere. The mention of Black misdeeds in this thread automatically assumes an intrinsic character that marks Blacks everywhere.
Let's see if we can guess which group comprising 14% of the population commits 52% of the homicides.
In the world or in Salt Lake City?
A person who WASN'T A COWARD would take on & confront racism in REAL LIFE.

Trust me, I don't run from racists or racism in real life or in cyberspace.
Tell me more snowflake.
Snowflakes are White and don't survive well when things get heated. I am a kiln dried brown brick hurled by God to smash through racism everywhere I encounter it. Look are directly in the path of my trajectory.
Snowflakes are white? Pretty funny.....racist cocksucker. How about this one.....Coons Are For Hunting. Do like the sound of that? Fucking racist dipshit.
what are you mad about? You aren't one is. And people of my race have never been associated with coons. Did you think I am Black? heh heh heh! I have never revealed my race... I am ALL of them... just call me human... go on! attack THAT race..heh heh heh!

Weird. The white nationalist movement supported Donald Trump...
Weird. All of the racism and the violence keeps coming from the left. Every single week we are seeing horrific attacks by progressives because of the false narrative that you people keep pushing. Certainly didn't see any conservatives horribly attacking people because Obama was elected (and he actually is racist).
This one is truly awful. The kid was handicapped too. Democrats should be ashamed of the evil they've spawned. This kind of tragedy is a result of Obama and Democrat constant incitement. All their shameful Race-Baiting is gonna lead to much more violence. Expect more senseless Democrat violence like this.

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