Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

look at these bratty punks! DESPICABLE HUMANS!

And they call the victim "disabled." I doubt these 4 have a combined IQ in the triple digits.
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.

These kids are going to get off. You are aware of that aren't you.
Howard will serve no jail time.
The state attorney general said reports were exaggerated and an actual sexual assault didn't take place.

Of course he will get off. All he did was shove a coat hanger up a handicapped Black guy's ass. You didn't expect the prosecutor to ruin this reprobate's life by giving him a criminal record with sexual assault attached to it did you? Hell, he will grow up to be a good konservative. All this was was a little training session...RIGHT???? See how your fucked up system works???
And RW zombies complain about Black Lives Matter protesting over shit like this. This is proof that there is no justice in America for Blacks in many places but there is "Just Us" when a Black victim seeks redress after a White animal does something to him/her.

Hate to burst your bubble but I went to Church in dietrich for 25 Years and my kids went to school there.
I'm not justifying what happened. If fact I posted what happened on this forum a year ago.
But Howard was sentenced to 3 years probation by the states attorney general.
The court records are sealed, so know one actuallly knows what happened.
Did you know a federal attorney has been overlooking this case.
But to say the hanger was actuallly shoved up his ass is a bit dubious. I don't care what the news sez

You aren't bursting MY bubble. All you are doing is deflecting. I am not impressed by whitewashed accounts concocted by RW state attorney generals. Some of them are just as racist as the people who put them in office. BTW, if the injuries sustained in the attack were evidence enough to warrant a plea bargain deal those same injuries would IMHO be enough to justify a trial for sexual assault.

Deflect??? Come on man.
The kid deserves every cent he sues for.
There's no question the kid was assaulted. And I originally thought the coat hanger penetrated his anus. But given the time frame and how hard that would actually be, I'm not so sure. A coat hanger down his pants doesn't mean a coat hanger up is anus. But you want maximum affect don't you.
The only people on the AG's side are the people in Dietrich. I'm sure the plea deal was he is never to come back to Idaho again.
People outside the community are furious.
I personally know every single person involved in this and I've never heard racist stuff from the parents.
It's obvious you have a narrative and your sticking with it.
You know whats missing? Whites rioting in the streets. Had 4 white teens tortured a retarded black teen, niggerrs would be wall to wall on every main street in America.

But whites are obviously more civilized.
Thats it, come on out of that closet BOY! Let me hear that racism roar.Now that Trump has taken this country back (tee hee) you feel masculine again. (from behind your keyboard)
A person who WASN'T A COWARD would take on & confront racism in REAL LIFE.

Trust me, I don't run from racists or racism in real life or in cyberspace.
Tell me more snowflake.
Snowflakes are White and don't survive well when things get heated. I am a kiln dried brown brick hurled by God to smash through racism everywhere I encounter it. Look are directly in the path of my trajectory.
Maybe you guys should be spending more time on smashing through books.
I treat good books with respect, I don't smash thought them. Is that what YOU do? It shows!
Wow. This looks like the biggest victimhood orgasm that the Trump-snowflakes have ever had.

Trump-thugs, it is unseemly for you all to be convulsing in rapture over this crime. It makes you look like disgusting human beings. I mean, even more so than usual.
Not all Democrats are thugs, but all thugs are Democrats.
I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.
These kids are going to get off. You are aware of that aren't you.
Howard will serve no jail time.
The state attorney general said reports were exaggerated and an actual sexual assault didn't take place.
Of course he will get off. All he did was shove a coat hanger up a handicapped Black guy's ass. You didn't expect the prosecutor to ruin this reprobate's life by giving him a criminal record with sexual assault attached to it did you? Hell, he will grow up to be a good konservative. All this was was a little training session...RIGHT???? See how your fucked up system works???
And RW zombies complain about Black Lives Matter protesting over shit like this. This is proof that there is no justice in America for Blacks in many places but there is "Just Us" when a Black victim seeks redress after a White animal does something to him/her.
Hate to burst your bubble but I went to Church in dietrich for 25 Years and my kids went to school there.
I'm not justifying what happened. If fact I posted what happened on this forum a year ago.
But Howard was sentenced to 3 years probation by the states attorney general.
The court records are sealed, so know one actuallly knows what happened.
Did you know a federal attorney has been overlooking this case.
But to say the hanger was actuallly shoved up his ass is a bit dubious. I don't care what the news sez
You aren't bursting MY bubble. All you are doing is deflecting. I am not impressed by whitewashed accounts concocted by RW state attorney generals. Some of them are just as racist as the people who put them in office. BTW, if the injuries sustained in the attack were evidence enough to warrant a plea bargain deal those same injuries would IMHO be enough to justify a trial for sexual assault.
Deflect??? Come on man.
The kid deserves every cent he sues for.
There's no question the kid was assaulted. And I originally thought the coat hanger penetrated his anus. But given the time frame and how hard that would actually be, I'm not so sure. A coat hanger down his pants doesn't mean a coat hanger up is anus. But you want maximum affect don't you.
The only people on the AG's side are the people in Dietrich. I'm sure the plea deal was he is never to come back to Idaho again.
People outside the community are furious.
I personally know every single person involved in this and I've never heard racist stuff from the parents.
It's obvious you have a narrative and your sticking with it.
Yo still haven't explained the plea bargain and probation. Why charge the assailant at all if there was no evidence to support the allegations against him?
I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed
Did you hear these guys laughing?

They get orgasmic joy in brutalizing others.

Go lecture these wandering shreds of subhuman debris.
Psychopaths of any stripe deserve the scorn of all of us. That includes White and Black ones. My agenda here is a call for equality under the law. I am no apologist for wrongdoing from anyone.
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.

Hopefully the least they get is life in prison.

You want LIFE sentences for Blacks who beat up a White kid but you are silent on the hand slap konservative John Howard received after sexually assaulting a handicapped Black kid
with a coat hanger. You damn racist bastards are making America look more like Nazi Germany every day.

Did I say anything about the coat hangar case? No you friggin retard. He should have gotten life also.

That is my point ya friggin' moron. You DIDN"T say anything about my comparison of those two cases. Don't be shy in the future, Spit it out so I will know where you stand... If you don't , I'll get on your ass just likeI would any other racist bahs-turd lurking hereabouts.

You getting on my ass doesn't scare me one bit, as long as you don't think I am your boyfriend.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.
A link to the clothes hanger story would provide more facts.

Slager, Scott's shooter, is being retried by South Carolina and is now also facing Federal charges, so your declared that he was "saved" is premature.
I gave a link to the clothes hanger story. See the post I submitted that is dominated by a picture of the culprit beaming like trapped rat into the lens of a police camera.
No one but trolls give a fuck about your "story"

Post on topic troll
My story has relevance because it exposes the double standard that prompted your attention to this thread.
There is no double standard jackass. Blacks fake racism to have a reason to act out. You are no different.
Blacks FAKE racism? BWHAHAHAHA! Racism is so endemic in this country through social conditioning your konservative mind doesn't even process it when it happens.

Well, I agree, the culprits ought to be taken to task. I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed.
Stories reversed? Do you have a story about a group of white teens torturing a black guy?
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
You guys are going wildly off course. FWIW, Rwanda was a lot closer in time, only 22 years ago as opposed to 70+ years ago. Neither of which applies to the US or this crime.
These kids are going to get off. You are aware of that aren't you.
Howard will serve no jail time.
The state attorney general said reports were exaggerated and an actual sexual assault didn't take place.
Of course he will get off. All he did was shove a coat hanger up a handicapped Black guy's ass. You didn't expect the prosecutor to ruin this reprobate's life by giving him a criminal record with sexual assault attached to it did you? Hell, he will grow up to be a good konservative. All this was was a little training session...RIGHT???? See how your fucked up system works???
And RW zombies complain about Black Lives Matter protesting over shit like this. This is proof that there is no justice in America for Blacks in many places but there is "Just Us" when a Black victim seeks redress after a White animal does something to him/her.
Hate to burst your bubble but I went to Church in dietrich for 25 Years and my kids went to school there.
I'm not justifying what happened. If fact I posted what happened on this forum a year ago.
But Howard was sentenced to 3 years probation by the states attorney general.
The court records are sealed, so know one actuallly knows what happened.
Did you know a federal attorney has been overlooking this case.
But to say the hanger was actuallly shoved up his ass is a bit dubious. I don't care what the news sez
You aren't bursting MY bubble. All you are doing is deflecting. I am not impressed by whitewashed accounts concocted by RW state attorney generals. Some of them are just as racist as the people who put them in office. BTW, if the injuries sustained in the attack were evidence enough to warrant a plea bargain deal those same injuries would IMHO be enough to justify a trial for sexual assault.
Deflect??? Come on man.
The kid deserves every cent he sues for.
There's no question the kid was assaulted. And I originally thought the coat hanger penetrated his anus. But given the time frame and how hard that would actually be, I'm not so sure. A coat hanger down his pants doesn't mean a coat hanger up is anus. But you want maximum affect don't you.
The only people on the AG's side are the people in Dietrich. I'm sure the plea deal was he is never to come back to Idaho again.
People outside the community are furious.
I personally know every single person involved in this and I've never heard racist stuff from the parents.
It's obvious you have a narrative and your sticking with it.
Yo still haven't explained the plea bargain and probation. Why charge the assailant at all if there was no evidence to support the allegations against him?
The plea bargain was "crime against a child."
and 3 years probation.
Depends on the evidence on the plea deal.
Forcible penetration that was thought to have occurred maybe didn't occur so they went for the lessor.
No one really knows cause it's sealed.
Believe me when even a scintilla of news surfaces about this case it's on the 6;00 news.

The Ward kid still has another date with the Judge.
I don't know the fate of the minor. And the court won't release his name. Although I know who it is.
You refer to us as Konservatives. That's not the case. This area is pissed about this.They want the Daniels to get their day in court.
The Daniels have a 20 million dollar judgement.
I hope they win 40 million.
They've move from Dietrich to Hansen I know that.

Well, I agree, the culprits ought to be taken to task. I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed.
Stories reversed? Do you have a story about a group of white teens torturing a black guy?
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
But the Crusades! The Crusades!

Sorry wrong minority.

Tim McVeigh! Tim McVeigh! !!

It has been rumored, unchallenged, that Hitler and Goebbles were fond of pumpernickel bread. Therefore everyone who likes pumpernickel bread is Hitler and Goebbles, both.

God Bless Jefferson Davis.
I actually hope you got his tone right and I misunderstood it. I would be much happier giving an apology than to think someone actually thought that way. Hopefully he will come back and clear it up.
I just did a search of his recent posts. Looks like your and Lucy's instincts were right. He's a lib.
I just don't understand what the big deal here is. I mean the white American police are always beating up black people and Trump says racist things all the time. So it would make sense that the people would rise up from their oppression and take action like these folks did. It's not like they weren't provoked
You are an incredibly thoughtless and stupid little racist. Aren't you.

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