Black teens kidnap And torture white teen


Well, I agree, the culprits ought to be taken to task. I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed.
Or to the zealots on both ends who Just. Keep. Screaming.
Hey asshole. I don't see the right committing crimes like this, marching, protesting, demonizing their enemies. YOU are part of the problem by pretending it's a 50/50 problem. You lie and smear everybody and think it makes you superior in some way.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.
A link to the clothes hanger story would provide more facts.

Slager, Scott's shooter, is being retried by South Carolina and is now also facing Federal charges, so your declared that he was "saved" is premature.
I gave a link to the clothes hanger story. See the post I submitted that is dominated by a picture of the culprit beaming like trapped rat into the lens of a police camera.
No one but trolls give a fuck about your "story"

Post on topic troll
My story has relevance because it exposes the double standard that prompted your attention to this thread.
Yo, you forgot? They worship the Devil!!!
They Will Tell You This If You Join The Democrat Party:

Which kids are you referring to. The sodomy kids or the beat down bunch? Both groups appear to have listened to Trump or his surrogates!
Or to the zealots on both ends who Just. Keep. Screaming.
Hey asshole. I don't see the right committing crimes like this, marching, protesting, demonizing their enemies. YOU are part of the problem by pretending it's a 50/50 problem. You lie and smear everybody and think it makes you superior in some way.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.
A link to the clothes hanger story would provide more facts.

Slager, Scott's shooter, is being retried by South Carolina and is now also facing Federal charges, so your declared that he was "saved" is premature.
I gave a link to the clothes hanger story. See the post I submitted that is dominated by a picture of the culprit beaming like trapped rat into the lens of a police camera.
1) I saw your post claiming a link but there was no link. Nonetheless, I found one: John R.K. Howard & Tanner Ward: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

2) Those three idiots are rapists and deserved prison.

3) Just because a douchebag Idaho prosecutor let those three idiots get away with rape and assault doesn't mean the four idiots in the OP should get away with their crimes.

4) There's still the lawsuit and, possibly, federal prosecution.
Why can't some of these feral coons ever use one of THESE ^^ coon lovers as their victims...then I wouldn't feel so pissed off..they would get what they deserved.
Thats it, come on out of that closet BOY! Let me hear that racism roar.Now that Trump has taken this country back (tee hee) you feel masculine again. (from behind your keyboard)
A person who WASN'T A COWARD would take on & confront racism in REAL LIFE.

Trust me, I don't run from racists or racism in real life or in cyberspace.
Tell me more snowflake.
Snowflakes are White and don't survive well when things get heated. I am a kiln dried brown brick hurled by God to smash through racism everywhere I encounter it. Look are directly in the path of my trajectory.
Maybe you guys should be spending more time on smashing through books.
Hey asshole. I don't see the right committing crimes like this, marching, protesting, demonizing their enemies. YOU are part of the problem by pretending it's a 50/50 problem. You lie and smear everybody and think it makes you superior in some way.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.
A link to the clothes hanger story would provide more facts.

Slager, Scott's shooter, is being retried by South Carolina and is now also facing Federal charges, so your declared that he was "saved" is premature.
I gave a link to the clothes hanger story. See the post I submitted that is dominated by a picture of the culprit beaming like trapped rat into the lens of a police camera.
No one but trolls give a fuck about your "story"

Post on topic troll
My story has relevance because it exposes the double standard that prompted your attention to this thread.
There is no double standard jackass. Blacks fake racism to have a reason to act out. You are no different.
5 hours they tortured this poor kid. Five hours! He must have thought he was going to die a hundred times.

It's not the black vermin's fault, they were high on marijuana. That makes it all better.

Execute them. A bullet right in the forehead. They will never get high again.
Funny how Dylan Roof shooting 9 black Christians at their church to start a race war is an insolated incident . But these fools represent the left ??!
Wow. This looks like the biggest victimhood orgasm that the Trump-snowflakes have ever had.

Trump-thugs, it is unseemly for you all to be convulsing in rapture over this crime. It makes you look like disgusting human beings. I mean, even more so than usual.
Or to the zealots on both ends who Just. Keep. Screaming.
Hey asshole. I don't see the right committing crimes like this, marching, protesting, demonizing their enemies. YOU are part of the problem by pretending it's a 50/50 problem. You lie and smear everybody and think it makes you superior in some way.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.

I have no problem with that person being shot twice in the face and left in the street.

If you are looking for conservatives to defend disgusting pieces of shit who torture and kill people, you are likely looking in the wrong place. Typically speaking, CONSERVATIVES believe in accountability and personal responsibility. We don't usually like to portray the CRIMINALS as VICTIMS.
You are no conservative, dope. You are a fucking POS K-K-Konservative. You don't even know what you are. Trump-Bots have rejected conservatism and have been fooled into replacing it
with populism. Trump and gang will have you populist caucs voting republican for the next 200 years while they steal you blind and blame the theft on Blacks and Hispanics.

What are your conservative ideals? Specifically?
I espouse Christian values.

Well, I agree, the culprits ought to be taken to task. I just wish peole like you would be more sympathetic when the skin colors are reversed.
Stories reversed? Do you have a story about a group of white teens torturing a black guy?
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
How about a story about a group of Republican voters ripping a hillary supporter out of his car and kicking the shit out of him while one is carjacking him.
Hey asshole. I don't see the right committing crimes like this, marching, protesting, demonizing their enemies. YOU are part of the problem by pretending it's a 50/50 problem. You lie and smear everybody and think it makes you superior in some way.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.

I have no problem with that person being shot twice in the face and left in the street.

If you are looking for conservatives to defend disgusting pieces of shit who torture and kill people, you are likely looking in the wrong place. Typically speaking, CONSERVATIVES believe in accountability and personal responsibility. We don't usually like to portray the CRIMINALS as VICTIMS.
You are no conservative, dope. You are a fucking POS K-K-Konservative. You don't even know what you are. Trump-Bots have rejected conservatism and have been fooled into replacing it
with populism. Trump and gang will have you populist caucs voting republican for the next 200 years while they steal you blind and blame the theft on Blacks and Hispanics.

What are your conservative ideals? Specifically?
I espouse Christian values.
Are you a white boy pretending to be black? Ya know, down with the cause yo...

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