Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
You guys are going wildly off course. FWIW, Rwanda was a lot closer in time, only 22 years ago as opposed to 70+ years ago. Neither of which applies to the US or this crime.

Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
5 hours they tortured this poor kid. Five hours! He must have thought he was going to die a hundred times.

It's not the black vermin's fault, they were high on marijuana. That makes it all better.

Execute them. A bullet right in the forehead. They will never get high again.
Weed has nothing to do with this behavior. That's just plain silly. Weed doesn't stop animals from acting like animals.
It helps them act like animals. If we executed druggies including pot heads, these four would have been fertilizer already.
I am inclined to believe you really would like to see pot heads murdered. You are one creepy MF!
Oh my. You don't know. I'm sure someone will be happy to enlighten you.
What do you mean, "enlighten me?"
How about a white guy pouring lighter fluid down the throat of a black girl then setting her on fire. Is there a story for that one.
Does that equate to White guys gassing millions of White people in makeshift gas chambers and then burning the bodies in crematories?
You guys are going wildly off course. FWIW, Rwanda was a lot closer in time, only 22 years ago as opposed to 70+ years ago. Neither of which applies to the US or this crime.

Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
I understand that race pimps like yourself find this a very difficult situation.
P@triot, can't you just take your beatings like a man, instead of following me around and crying?
"Beating"? You've spent two straight months crying your snowflake little eyes out over Hitlery Clinton and looking stupid with your "predictions". Say it with me now: President Trump. :lol:
No doubt there are too many racists on this forum
We agree on that!

Still, far too many Lefties claim "racism" is purely a White against Black thing and won't admit that racism is divisive, institutionalized with programs like Affirmative Action and that no particular group has a monopoly on idiocy nor racism.

I don't know any lefties so I can;t comment on any claims a lefty makes. Yo are starting to wander off topic a bit so allow me to guide you back to the subject. Two separate brutal cases of handicap abuse have been revealed to you. One of the victims was White and one victim was Black. The multiple perpetrators in each case were the opposite race of their victims.
Affirmative Action had nothing to do with either case so why did you bring it up?

Here is my take on racism. Race is a social construct started by a German over 300 years ago.Until then, the concept of race did not exist. The inventor of race, having explored the world around him was motivated to impress upon his fellows the blessings of having a fair skin. The world has never recovered from that. White men invented race and have carried it with them everywhere they go.No reason exists for use of race other than to express dominance of the White race over all others. Reactions to race and racism by people of color do not, IMHO, meet the prerequisites of racism athough the end results of their actions might be the same as that of a racist.
Best tactic: Blame Trump hate speech for ruining these fine young black people's lives.
Speaking of race pimp", they ought to call you Meathead the Mack. Looking at your many posts I see most are top heavy with racist slurs and innuendo... That is understandable, you just don't know anything else...
I think there is a job for the original guys in the hood (in prison of course)

I think it's a reflection of just how far gone from humanity these "kids" are. It's what happens after a decade of teaching them that "white people" are oppressing them and letting the "bad boy" image cool factor get completely out of hand. Sprinkle in a little drugs and you get instant "monsters" who have no respect for much of anything, including life and in fact thing they believe they do deserve a medal for such antics - the sick part is that back in the "gang of homies" they probably are praised for it. Unfortunately we're not allowed to "fix" the problem because "us white folks don't know nuffin" and/or it's "racist" to point out what's going on in the ghetto slums these punks come from.

In other news, my husbands reaction to this was to start looking into AK47s lol (he's been attempting to fill every possible need with a gun since the last kidlet is 18 this month - I think he's making up for lost time)

He was like, "Ya know hon... the ammo for assault rifle's is dirt cheap... Plus I don't want to have to pull the trigger so much if a pack shows up." I was like "Okay honey." Then a few minutes later he was like, "This one goes into the knife category. You can't shoot it, unless the attackers happen to be up in the trees." HAHAHA

(Household joke/rules, I'm not allowed to touch knives because I nearly cut the tip of my finger off some years ago; the children immediately instated a MNK ban ("Mom no knives") and have held me to it for the past decade or so. They would scream like little girls and run out of the kitchen if I picked up a steak knife doing dishes or whatever )
Talking about hate crimes in this thread is relevant no matter what era or geographical location. We have to do that to find some modicum of understanding why these things happen.

If we just single out those hate crimes that victimize people that look like us, we tend to place more emphasis on those types and demonize the entire race of the perpetrator. My grievance is directed at the unequal dispensation of justice in similar cases with perps and victims of different races. You see, White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning that makes my opening sentence relevant here. Given that sobering analysis, few options for acquiring a sense of justice are open to people of color in this country. All they have is a show of force through protests.

Having said that. I hereby condemn the actions of those 4 Black cretins for any part they took in the heinous acts they perpetrated upon their hapless victim. But I am tired of seeing White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence.
1) Hate crimes in general, yes, but as a tit-for-tat. The "modicum of understanding" is that some people are fucking assholes. No matter what group, profession, nationality, state, "race" or any other group of human beings the fact remains a small portion of them are going to do brutal stupid shit like this incident. Unless you want to exert complete control over human beings with machines reading their minds at all times you won't be able to stop that portion of society that does stuff like this.

2) "White prosecutors, White judges and jurors reflect the social conditioning" Translation: It's Whitey's fault. Bullshit. As it happens, the US is about 74% white, so it's no surprise there are more judges, prosecutors and jurors who are white. The problem you are seeing isn't a race one no matter how hard you want it to be, it's a local/state one. The prosecutor in question is in Dietrich, Idaho, population under 400. There's outrage across the state for this idiot: Dietrich High athletes raped black, mentally disabled teammate, lawsuit claims The four torturers in the OP are Chicago, IL. In a nation of 320+ Million, anyone who expects justice to be dispensed exactly the same is dreaming. Unless we allow machines to do it that won't happen. Even Federal courts vary because of judges and courts. In the Idaho case, I hope the Feds get involved and I also hope the prosecutor loses his job.

3) "White people do similar things to Black victims without consequence" How often does that happen? Sure you can find instances of it, but the same can be said of black offenders for the reasons I mentioned above: local/state circumstances. A year ago a Paradise, CA cop killed a drunk motorist (see the video below). The prosecutor let the cop off. Both ended up losing their jobs. Both cop and victim were white. Did you hear about this? Did you protest about it? Or do you only care when it's a white harming a black?

The shooting is at 1:10. The blurred part is the body of a woman who was thrown clear of the crash. Notice the cop not checking the bodies. Instead, he's looking for the shell casing of the shot he just fired.

Ex-Paradise police officer to stand trial in fatal on-duty shooting

What does this have to do with your points? To prove that bad shit happens regardless of race. Yes, you can go into thousands of murders and pick out only the ones where a white kills a black then pick out only the ones where the white wasn't convicted. It wouldn't surprise me if you found a dozen of them....out of thousands. What does that prove? Nothing except you are cherry-picking the evidence to prove your point. You're not the only one who does this. Other racists do the same thing with black on white murders. It's bullshit. A better source is the FBI statistics or other reliable sources.
The double standard in our country couldn't be more clear than this.

These white kids did even worse, yet the oldest of the bunch got probation and 300 hours of community service. Where was the outrage by the self-righteous alt-right about that one?

Ex-Idaho football player avoids jail time for violent sexual assault of disabled teammate
Regional differences as I mentioned above. One case is in small town Idaho where people all across the state are outraged. The other is in Chicago, Illinois. What is your proposed solution?
I think it's a reflection of just how far gone from humanity these "kids" are. It's what happens after a decade of teaching them that "white people" are oppressing them and letting the "bad boy" image cool factor get completely out of hand. Sprinkle in a little drugs and you get instant "monsters" who have no respect for much of anything, including life and in fact thing they believe they do deserve a medal for such antics - the sick part is that back in the "gang of homies" they probably are praised for it. Unfortunately we're not allowed to "fix" the problem because "us white folks don't know nuffin" and/or it's "racist" to point out what's going on in the ghetto slums these punks come from.

In other news, my husbands reaction to this was to start looking into AK47s lol (he's been attempting to fill every possible need with a gun since the last kidlet is 18 this month - I think he's making up for lost time)

He was like, "Ya know hon... the ammo for assault rifle's is dirt cheap... Plus I don't want to have to pull the trigger so much if a pack shows up." I was like "Okay honey." Then a few minutes later he was like, "This one goes into the knife category. You can't shoot it, unless the attackers happen to be up in the trees." HAHAHA

(Household joke/rules, I'm not allowed to touch knives because I nearly cut the tip of my finger off some years ago; the children immediately instated a MNK ban ("Mom no knives") and have held me to it for the past decade or so. They would scream like little girls and run out of the kitchen if I picked up a steak knife doing dishes or whatever )
I have a couple of AKs and love them. Be sure to get soft-point or hollow point ammo. It's just slightly more expensive, but most ranges don't allow FMJ and it makes a better round for hunting or shooting home invaders.
Not my department. :p (I'm pretty sure we could pull some strings and shoot on the training range. Husband is a vet and my father's a four star and prior commander of the base heh)

Funny related story, my father made me learn how to jack up a pickup and change the tires, I had to learn how to put chains on my one wheeled wonder, had to haul around a HUGE 5' tall jack and an ice chest full of chains that I couldn't move for the life of me (I'm 5'8" and 125# or so wet.) He made me learn how to change shingles on the roof, clean gutters, chop wood, and a million other things - yet... I've never shot a gun in all my 43 years. I even worked on the gun range for like five years. lol I blame my mother, while she's not an anti-gun nutter, she is an "old school" liberal who panics about me doing 'dangerous' things (like going out without bodyguards and stuff.)

My husband's home protection advice is to wait until I can stick the gun in their face before I pull the trigger because I might not get two shots cause I'll drop the gun hahaha

Joking aside, he's pushing me hard to go shoot this little gun he bought for me:

Adorable right?!? It takes up almost no room on my desk so it'll always be handy even if my husband's out, and surely one of the 10 police officers on our street will hear it go off and come save me. He said it probably won't get brain matter on my Van Zyle prints either \o/ ( I would be very annoyed; those are all signed by the artist before he became famous )

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