Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

The Rev Jesse Jackson is a racist ass. He's asked on MSNBC now about the Chicago kidnapping, and all he talks about is violence against blacks.
Well. someone has to show the disparity in concern for Black victims of similar crimes committed by White thugs! This case offered an excellent opportunity for Jackson to do just that. But the media sought him out. I doubt if he volunteered to speak on the matter. Damn that race baiting media....
Because this isn't a hate crime...every time a nigga fucks with a white person, which is what, every 10 years.....
Every ten years is wildly incorrect. How about over 400 murders of whites by black offenders per year? This obviously doesn't cover assaults, rapes, robberies and other violent crimes.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
So what do you want to do bout it? They're in jail...get over the rage.
No rage here. Just correcting your false statement.
.....It is t White public reaction to it.

The cop, prosecutor or judge has been as socially conditioned as the rest of us to believe that White is superior and Back is inferior........
Annnnnd we're back to your racist views. Fine. Want to see the world, literally, in Black and White? I can't stop you. I just don't have to accept it as an accurate picture of reality.
.....It is t White public reaction to it.

The cop, prosecutor or judge has been as socially conditioned as the rest of us to believe that White is superior and Back is inferior........
Annnnnd we're back to your racist views. Fine. Want to see the world, literally, in Black and White? I can't stop you. I just don't have to accept it as an accurate picture of reality.
Go on, hide your head in the sand around your Ivory tower. You don't have to worry about bias in the justice system because it doesn't affect YOU or yours. I post links validating my views and you call my views racist. What kind of blind logic is THAT? Also when the title of the op began with the word "Black", those of us who responded had already committed to discussing race
Go on, hide your head in the sand around your Ivory tower. You don't have to worry about bias in the justice system because it doesn't affect YOU or yours. I post links validating my views and you call my views racist. What kind of blind logic is THAT? Also when the title of the op began with the word "Black", those of us who responded had already committed to discussing race
Thanks. Now I view you just like I do white racist idiots. Doesn't it feel great to be treated equally? LOL
I am a kiln dried brown brick hurled by God to smash through racism everywhere I encounter it. Look are directly in the path of my trajectory
Sorry, but shit doesn't make good bricks. Dried shit easily crumbles.
At least shit lasts longer than a snowflake and provides nourishment for plants as well. Snowflakes just dry up and evaporate.
Go on, hide your head in the sand around your Ivory tower. You don't have to worry about bias in the justice system because it doesn't affect YOU or yours. I post links validating my views and you call my views racist. What kind of blind logic is THAT? Also when the title of the op began with the word "Black", those of us who responded had already committed to discussing race
Thanks. Now I view you just like I do white racist idiots. Doesn't it feel great to be treated equally? LOL
Well, gee, cup cakes, I really care about what a snake like you thinks. No need to pretend you love Blacks or Hispanics. Your undying "love" for them is seen when ever you post about race..
You are just more subtle than most racists.
Speaking of assholes, didn't you read my post about the RW "patriot" criminal perverts that sodomized a handicapped Black kid with a clothes hanger? didn't you see a murderous rogue konservative cop shoot and kill Walter Scott as he was running away. The prosecutor in the sodomy case was fawning all over the White culprits, spanked their "wittle" white hands and sent them home with a warning. Nothing in their records will indicate the brutal sexual assault they perpetrated.

The killer cop was saved by ONE fucking RW asshole juror like YOU who could never convict a White man, especially a cop, of murdering a Black man under ANY circumstances.

I have no problem with that person being shot twice in the face and left in the street.

If you are looking for conservatives to defend disgusting pieces of shit who torture and kill people, you are likely looking in the wrong place. Typically speaking, CONSERVATIVES believe in accountability and personal responsibility. We don't usually like to portray the CRIMINALS as VICTIMS.
You are no conservative, dope. You are a fucking POS K-K-Konservative. You don't even know what you are. Trump-Bots have rejected conservatism and have been fooled into replacing it
with populism. Trump and gang will have you populist caucs voting republican for the next 200 years while they steal you blind and blame the theft on Blacks and Hispanics.

What are your conservative ideals? Specifically?
I espouse Christian values.
Are you a white boy pretending to be black? Ya know, down with the cause yo...
I am an American star, from the Southwest I rise; wielding Occam's razor to slay your racist lies.
A poster on another thread here, just said this about what the Chicago Four did:

I see a bunch of kids who did something really stupid, as kids are wont to do.

There is something really wrong when someone is willing to say this. On multiple levels.

That's disturbing. I wish I hadn't seen that.
I have no problem with that person being shot twice in the face and left in the street.

If you are looking for conservatives to defend disgusting pieces of shit who torture and kill people, you are likely looking in the wrong place. Typically speaking, CONSERVATIVES believe in accountability and personal responsibility. We don't usually like to portray the CRIMINALS as VICTIMS.
You are no conservative, dope. You are a fucking POS K-K-Konservative. You don't even know what you are. Trump-Bots have rejected conservatism and have been fooled into replacing it
with populism. Trump and gang will have you populist caucs voting republican for the next 200 years while they steal you blind and blame the theft on Blacks and Hispanics.

What are your conservative ideals? Specifically?
I espouse Christian values.
Are you a white boy pretending to be black? Ya know, down with the cause yo...
I am an American star, from the Southwest I rise; wielding Occam's razor to slay your racist lies.
You're a clown.
live streaming it and shouting racist and anti trump messages

Chicago Police: 4 in custody after man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

They are allowed to do this sort of thing because of the Slave Trade which ended hundreds of years ago or whatever :rolleyes-41:

Blacks seem to have a problem of trying to get over the past. It just goes on and on. I guess that to keep it alive they can get something out of it from the government, and old whitey.

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