black woman arrested for buring down a 7-eleven during geroge floy protests

here ia her buddies that helped. and looted. wow there actually going after the black folok who did crimes then. usu7ally its only whites. no this a start.
The BLM caused tens of billions in damages, killed dozens and made life a living hell for months on end...But you know, the media will always cover for these terrorist.
they are slowly prosicuting them. course ther all going to pleade no guiltly. thry need the book thrown at them/.
Maybe they can take a dollar a month out of their fucking welfare checks to help pay for the brainless destruction they've caused.

They cause more problems than all of the other people in this country, combined. They're absolutely fucking worthless.
Maybe ghetto lottery winners, distant relatives of felons who attack cops, get shot, and the city cuts a check for $25,000,000 or so should step up and help rebuild the ghetto which were thriving cities, before their kind took over the areas.
What makes anyone think that burning a building down will help them score whatever it is that they are hoping to get?

God bless you always!!!

they are slowly prosicuting them. course ther all going to pleade no guiltly. thry need the book thrown at them/.
The Progressive Socialist Politicians are in league with Antifa and BLM and any anarchy that does not give a whisper of hate pushback and let this happen. All of them need to be prosecuted. We sure know that mom and dad of school children will. I tell you Non Progs that law enforcement fiefdoms need to be vetted for allegiance. The DOJ, the FBI, the CIA and Homeland Security have a lot of powerful unelected people who love their gravy train the way it is. Will Blue face off with Blue!!!
Who am I to be a grammar Nazi?

I never considered high-school literacy to be a Gestapo tactic, JG! I'm only concerned with our member's ability to fill out applications well enough to get hired as a dishwasher or not being shamed by or shaming America in general in the eyes of the rest of the world where other countries generally learn two languages or more fluently by the time they reach 12th grade!

After all, literacy is the basis of making good, sound reasoning and decisions like who you vote for. As all the Lefties demonstrate here daily-- -- what you don't use, you lose.

Besides, it is kind of bred in me since my days as both editor and publisher for the high-school newspaper I put out in the 1970s. :smile:

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