Black woman who demanded reparations gets knocked out, police charge her with disorderly conduct.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
What a beautiful story.

I mean how deranged can one be to walk into a store and say you aren’t paying and you demand “reparashunz”?

Dems have these people brainwashed.

Why did she demand reparations? Should could have just stolen it, and the store would just let her walk out with the merchandise. The very reason many stores are closing down because of crime, shoplifting and looting -- primarily by minority groups.

I guess they are getting dumber and dumber.
Just a cheap extortion attempt is all. Keep encouraging the feral animals, deviants; soon they will turn on you when you don't deliver on all those idiotic promises you've made to these hood rats. lol they already target Jews, latinos, asians, and faggots, your entire 'rainbow family' of dysfunctional sociopaths and freak shows.
The fact that this one incident is getting so much attention is proof that she is just one nutbag acting out. Reparations is a complex discussion with points for and against both sides of the discussion. Her absurd behavior is similar to gun nuts carrying high powered rifles into a restaurant, just to elicit a response.
The fact that this one incident is getting so much attention is proof that she is just one nutbag acting out. Reparations is a complex discussion with points for and against both sides of the discussion. Her absurd behavior is similar to gun nuts carrying high powered rifles into a restaurant, just to elicit a response.

It's just more proof how insane and stupid you deviants and commies are. it gets attention because your water buffalo wanted it. She's having her 'Rosa Parks Moment' n stuff! Almost got a grand in free loot! Why wait for a riot when you can set off a looting spree just for fun?
The fact that this one incident is getting so much attention is proof that she is just one nutbag acting out. Reparations is a complex discussion with points for and against both sides of the discussion. Her absurd behavior is similar to gun nuts carrying high powered rifles into a restaurant, just to elicit a response.
If, as you claim, there are points for repartitions, please explain why people who have never owned slaves nor condoned slavery and whose parents have never owned slaves should be forced to give money to people who have never been slaves and whose parents were never slaves.
If, as you claim, there are points for repartitions, please explain why people who have never owned slaves nor condoned slavery and whose parents have never owned slaves should be forced to give money to people who have never been slaves and whose parents were never slaves.
The debt is not individually owed by today's citizens, but the country is obligated to repay what was lost by our unfair treatment. An old debt is still a debt. No, I don't think there should be cash payments to anybody, but we should at least have programs to allow the black community to reach the level it would have been if the country hadn't denied their ancestors equal opportunity.
The debt is not individually owed by today's citizens, but the country is obligated to repay what was lost by our unfair treatment. An old debt is still a debt. No, I don't think there should be cash payments to anybody, but we should at least have programs to allow the black community to reach the level it would have been if the country hadn't denied their ancestors equal opportunity.
Someone else’s old debt is not my debt you emotetard fool.
The debt is not individually owed by today's citizens, but the country is obligated to repay what was lost by our unfair treatment. An old debt is still a debt. No, I don't think there should be cash payments to anybody, but we should at least have programs to allow the black community to reach the level it would have been if the country hadn't denied their ancestors equal opportunity.
1. Debts of the country are debts of the citizens.
2. Programs such as you describe are already in place, but require some effort on the part of the recipient and are so not wholly used by all effected as intended.
There are too many minority success stories to just write off all those who fail as someone else's fault and reward them for not putting forth the effort to succeed.
The fact that this one incident is getting so much attention is proof that she is just one nutbag acting out. Reparations is a complex discussion with points for and against both sides of the discussion. Her absurd behavior is similar to gun nuts carrying high powered rifles into a restaurant, just to elicit a response.
There is no for side for reparations. There is a for side for making blacks pay for the advantages of living in a civilization incomparably superior to anything they have created on their own, or maintained.
The debt is not individually owed by today's citizens, but the country is obligated to repay what was lost by our unfair treatment. An old debt is still a debt. No, I don't think there should be cash payments to anybody, but we should at least have programs to allow the black community to reach the level it would have been if the country hadn't denied their ancestors equal opportunity.
Where is the money coming from?
I'm against reparations, but I would be willing to chip in to buy tickets to Africa for those who want to go home and not be allowed to come back.
I'm against reparations, but I would be willing to chip in to buy tickets to Africa for those who want to go home and not be allowed to come back.

I'd be willing to take all the MAGAs who hate this country and want our foreign adversaries to win just because they can't stand losing elections and send them to Antarctica. That would be cool. They could have their own country then. They'd have almost no vegetation and have a strictly meat diet with any penguins, walruses, or whales they kill. Hell they could even keep their slogan "MAGA": Make Antarctica Great Again

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