Black Women Are Less Attractive

James Watson on race:

Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners - Science - News - The Independent

Celebrated scientist attacked for race comments: "All our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really"

James Watson, Unkotare, was the co-discoverer of DNA.

Watson was also a racist...go figure

Nobel winner in 'racist' claim row -

"The British government's skills minister, David Lammy, who is black, called the comments "deeply offensive" and said Watson would only succeed in providing oxygen for extremist political groups.

"'It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices," Lammy told CNN.'"

Sure, because the "skills minister" was the third guy there in the lab, discovering that DNA.
Nobel Prize winner in physics also believed that blacks were less intelligent:

William B. Shockley, 79, Creator of Transistor and Theory on Race

Fuck, people. Are we to believe that these uber-geniuses just all of a sudden became stupid when commenting on race? But they were a genius on everything else?

Could it be that they were actually RIGHT about race?

Could it be that you're just too scared to face up to that?
Funny, race comes up every day in the courts of America. Armies of lawyers go back and forth about it, all day long. Lawyers who will come up with the nuttiest of ideas, who don't hesitate to scrape up any argument they can find.

Not once have they ever said, "race does not exist."
I liked the letter writer to the NYT who commented that if one's academic career will be promoted upon professions that "race does not exist", we should be skeptical. I mean, look at James Watson -- you can't go higher in science. But look at the public reaction to his comment about African IQ -- and what happened to him professionally. Did any of that have to do with an honest assessment of the facts?

It's nothing but a climate of "racial equaliy" hysteria. We've created a state religion, with human egalitarianism as the prime idol. Actual science doesn't stand a chance.

You're ignoring the science I provided for you, because you are a pathetic fucking coward. How do you live with yourself knowning your entire life is based on fear and impotence? That's tragic.
Nobel Prize winner in physics also believed that blacks were less intelligent:

William B. Shockley, 79, Creator of Transistor and Theory on Race

Fuck, people. Are we to believe that these uber-geniuses just all of a sudden became stupid when commenting on race? But they were a genius on everything else?

Could it be that they were actually RIGHT about race?

Could it be that you're just too scared to face up to that?

Are we to believe that being a genius makes you an authority in all fields? Are we to believe that being a genius prevents you from being wrong? Are we to believe that, assuming there are geniuses who do not believe blacks are less intelligent, that THEY suddenly became stupid when commenting on race?

Whether or not they were right, your little appeal to authority here falls flat.
These people seriously believe humanity developed uniformly. It's like isolation or climate forcing had no effect. :eusa_shhh:
Are you claiming that whites, if raised under the same circumstances, would not have the same alleged depressed IQ scores?

When you say the inferiority is due to genetics, you're saying whites would perform better under the same circumstances.

That's correct. The point is that whites are INHERENTLY, as a group, more intelligent. The Bell Curve points that out nicely, with the backing data back to World War I, when testing first started. Over the ensuing century, there has not been much change.

Meanwhile, northern Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQ's than whites, as a group.

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

This does not mean that an Ashkenazi Jew who points that out is a "fucking coward" and a "failure of a human being". That would simply be an Ashkenazi Jew stating a fact.
It's amazing what crap people will accept as science if it reinforces their existing views.

Your race science is about as valid as AGW. :lol:
Nobel Prize winner in physics also believed that blacks were less intelligent:

William B. Shockley, 79, Creator of Transistor and Theory on Race

Fuck, people. Are we to believe that these uber-geniuses just all of a sudden became stupid when commenting on race? But they were a genius on everything else?

Could it be that they were actually RIGHT about race?

Could it be that you're just too scared to face up to that?
What is it about non-whites that terrifies you so?

If I lived in fear as much as you do, I think I'd shoot myself.
Satoshi Kanazawa Causes Firestorm After Claiming Black Women Are Less Attractive

The Huffington Post Hilary Moss
First Posted: 05/17/11 07:32 PM ET
Updated: 07/17/11

Psychology Today blogger Satoshi Kanazawa sparked a firestorm with his latest posting entitled, "A Look at the Hard Truths About Human Nature."

In it, the evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics argues that black women are less physically attractive than other women. The article was quickly removed from the site, but not before screenshots made their way onto BuzzFeed. Some excerpts:

What accounts for the markedly lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women? Black women are on average much heavier than nonblack women. The mean body-mass index (BMI) at Wave III is 28.5 among black women and 26.1 among nonblack women. (Black and nonblack men do not differ in BMI: 27.0 vs. 26.9) However, this is not the reason black women are less physically attractive than nonblack women. Black women have lower average level of physical attractiveness net of BMI. Nor can the race difference in intelligence (and the positive association between intelligence and physical attractiveness) account for the race difference in physical attractiveness among women. Black women are still less physically attractive than nonblack women net of BMI and intelligence. Net of intelligence, black men are significantly more physically attractive than nonblack men.

The only thing I can think of that might potentially explain the lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women is testosterone. Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races, and testosterone, being an androgen (male hormone), affects the physical attractiveness of men and women differently. Men with higher levels of testosterone have more masculine features and are therefore more physically attractive. In contrast, women with higher levels of testosterone also have more masculine features and are therefore less physically attractive. The race difference in the level of testosterone can therefore potentially explain why black women are less physically attractive than women of other races, while (net of intelligence) black men are more physically attractive than men of other races.


Satoshi Kanazawa Causes Firestorm After Claiming Black Women Are Less Attractive
That's not attractive? Is that what you're telling me? You wouldn't tap that if you had the chance?

Who you bullshitin'? You know god-damn well that bitch is so fine, you'd suck her daddy's dick!

I'll tap da puss, but you being liberal you can take care of her daddy's cock...

By the way you stinking loincloth, I didn't write the article, carry on...:D

how is this different? caucasian and asia populations are bottlenecks, unlike the africa populations left behind. yes, there is more variation in african populations. yes, african populations are genetically distinct from the less variable caucasian and asia populations.

It flat out proves that there are evolutionary forces within humanity's development. Disprove that. Why are only the poleward races that had to surface hostile climates=capable of modern civilization?
Wrong. What races are is sub-species.

You should take a basic biology class.

Look up the word "taxonomic," sparky.

Sub-species developed in geographic isolation and under certain environmental pressures for an extended period of time, leading to identifiable common traits and a level of genetic similarity. Whites and blacks are VERY DIFFERENT "dirty apes" on many levels: appearance, temperament, intelligence, etc.

Utter bullshit.

All know humans belong to a single taxonomic unit. Mapping of the human genome revealed that there is absolutely no genetic variation between races. You have all the genes needed to be black.

Live with the horror, Adolf.

Races prefer in-grouping: they mate amongst themselves. That's an observable fact.

Do they make full body pampers? You know, for people so full of shit that they spew - people like you...

Cavalli-Sforza made the best "map" of the genetic globe, showing that what we call races have high levels of genetic similarity -- and dissimilarity from others. Blacks are the most genetically distant -- actually, from all other races -- while whites and Asians were closer.

The University of Washington found zero genetic variation.

Here is what real scientists have to say on the subject.

Biological Aspects of Race — American Association of Physical Anthropologists

there is a lot of politically correct boiler plate in their lastest position on Race. they still put in
2. Biological differences between human beings reflect both hereditary factors and the influence of natural and social environments. In most cases, these differences are due to the interaction of both. The degree to which environment or heredity affects any particular trait varies greatly.

who could disagree? but realists state that the differences are roughly 50/50. race deniers state that there is no racial differences and no genetic component to intelligence.

I just looked at your citation. I am a little confused as to what you think it shows. in table 10 it has 20 markers differentiated into 24 human groups. and why does it say "African Americans, Caucasian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Cajun were disregarded in all statistical analyses"? basically it seems to be saying that any one marker cannot be used to differentiate the main racial groups. we already new that back in the 70's a la Lewontin. when you add more and more markers you get a definitive separation. even if you use alleles that split 49-51%, if you use enough of them you will get a distinct separation amongst continental cluster racial groupings. it is easy to identify race by genetics but there is no single gene that can be used by itself.
Nobel Prize winner in physics also believed that blacks were less intelligent:

William B. Shockley, 79, Creator of Transistor and Theory on Race

Fuck, people. Are we to believe that these uber-geniuses just all of a sudden became stupid when commenting on race? But they were a genius on everything else?

Could it be that they were actually RIGHT about race?

Could it be that you're just too scared to face up to that?

I think anyone that puts the truth over most everything will admit that blacks don't have the brain power to compete throughout the sciences, engineering and general thought. Remember this is a race that has 70% of its entire population living in abject poverty.

This is a race that's 80-90 points behind whites no matter the income level.
ACT 17 for black, nearly 23 for whites. Avgs of course.
5 times the murder rate and many times per population the poverty rate.

How the fuck could anyone that's honest say otherwise?
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I think anyone that puts the truth over everything will admit that blacks don't have the brain power to compete throughout the sciences, engineering and general thought.

Just as an example, demonstrate somehow that YOU can compete in those areas. Go ahead.
who could disagree? but realists state that the differences are roughly 50/50. race deniers state that there is no racial differences and no genetic component to intelligence.

There's a huge genetic component. Thomas Sowell clearly comes from a line of intellectually advanced people. Rosie O'Donnell clearly comes from a line of utter dolts.

But race? Nah, that doesn't have anything to do with it. Notice that I listed an extraordinarily intelligent black man, and an abysmally stupid white women.
who could disagree? but realists state that the differences are roughly 50/50. race deniers state that there is no racial differences and no genetic component to intelligence.

There's a huge genetic component. Thomas Sowell clearly comes from a line of intellectually advanced people. Rosie O'Donnell clearly comes from a line of utter dolts.

But race? Nah, that doesn't have anything to do with it. Notice that I listed an extraordinarily intelligent black man, and an abysmally stupid white women.

You have to consider things as a population. :eusa_shhh:

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