Black Women Are Less Attractive

LIke it or not, it is the truth.

When a picture is adduced to "prove" that "Black is Beautiful" or some such proposition, it is invariably a picture of a woman who by any reasonable approximation is about 97% caucasian and 3% "Negro." Think, Halle Barry. Or some green-eyed "Black" guy with a narrow nose, small lips, light skin, and so on.

But if you look at pictures of Negro women whose genetics are NOT "polluted" by white ancestry, they are - to be kind - not pretty. I mean, I love Serena Williams, but if she were the only option, I'd choose celibacy.

OTOH, perceptions of beauty are largely cultural, and EVERYBODY in our culture is affected by the constant flow of images that DEFINES "beauty" as three or four basic types of white women. Blonde, brunette, red-head, whatever, but never a "negroid" Negro woman. In Africa, or maybe in some closed communities in the U.S., maybe there are some men who are acculturated to perceive Black as beautiful, but not in the greater society, either here or in Europe (or in Asia, for that matter).

Black women as porn stars? THe very idea is absurd. They are simply not attractive as sexual objects. Maybe if she is one of the aforementioned 97%er's...

White on Black rape? Non-existent. Even white sexual perverts have no interest in copulating with a black-black woman. (tangent: Black man charged recently in Beaver County, PA for raping an 85 year-old nun. White, of course).

The unattractiveness of black-black women is unfortunate, but true, and is also manifested in another related and unpleasant fact: When Black Men have their choice (consider high-profile professional athletes and entertainers), they choose to be "with" white women rather than black women. The later in life they are when they get married, the more likely they will marry a white woman. Think OJSimpson: got rich & famous, got himself a blonde-haired white woman! Indeed, our beloved President, before he chose to get into politics, showed this unremarkable preference in the girls he dated in college.

It's reality. Deal with it.

No it is not "reality" cocksucker.
I'm attracted to probably:

60% of hispanic women.
50% of white women
25% of asian women.
10% of black women.
0% of men of any race.

But that's just me. To each their own.
LIke it or not, it is the truth.

When a picture is adduced to "prove" that "Black is Beautiful" or some such proposition, it is invariably a picture of a woman who by any reasonable approximation is about 97% caucasian and 3% "Negro." Think, Halle Barry. Or some green-eyed "Black" guy with a narrow nose, small lips, light skin, and so on.

But if you look at pictures of Negro women whose genetics are NOT "polluted" by white ancestry, they are - to be kind - not pretty. I mean, I love Serena Williams, but if she were the only option, I'd choose celibacy.

OTOH, perceptions of beauty are largely cultural, and EVERYBODY in our culture is affected by the constant flow of images that DEFINES "beauty" as three or four basic types of white women. Blonde, brunette, red-head, whatever, but never a "negroid" Negro woman. In Africa, or maybe in some closed communities in the U.S., maybe there are some men who are acculturated to perceive Black as beautiful, but not in the greater society, either here or in Europe (or in Asia, for that matter).

Black women as porn stars? THe very idea is absurd. They are simply not attractive as sexual objects. Maybe if she is one of the aforementioned 97%er's...

White on Black rape? Non-existent. Even white sexual perverts have no interest in copulating with a black-black woman. (tangent: Black man charged recently in Beaver County, PA for raping an 85 year-old nun. White, of course).

The unattractiveness of black-black women is unfortunate, but true, and is also manifested in another related and unpleasant fact: When Black Men have their choice (consider high-profile professional athletes and entertainers), they choose to be "with" white women rather than black women. The later in life they are when they get married, the more likely they will marry a white woman. Think OJSimpson: got rich & famous, got himself a blonde-haired white woman! Indeed, our beloved President, before he chose to get into politics, showed this unremarkable preference in the girls he dated in college.

It's reality. Deal with it.
Oh, look: Another braindead racist who thinks his subjective opinion is objective fact.
What I find bizarre is that black female professionals don't get more action and I've seen this with black physicians. Not only does gold make white as the Brazilians say it also increases sex appeal but not for black chicks which I find confusing.
LIke it or not, it is the truth.

When a picture is adduced to "prove" that "Black is Beautiful" or some such proposition, it is invariably a picture of a woman who by any reasonable approximation is about 97% caucasian and 3% "Negro." Think, Halle Barry. Or some green-eyed "Black" guy with a narrow nose, small lips, light skin, and so on.

But if you look at pictures of Negro women whose genetics are NOT "polluted" by white ancestry, they are - to be kind - not pretty. I mean, I love Serena Williams, but if she were the only option, I'd choose celibacy.

OTOH, perceptions of beauty are largely cultural, and EVERYBODY in our culture is affected by the constant flow of images that DEFINES "beauty" as three or four basic types of white women. Blonde, brunette, red-head, whatever, but never a "negroid" Negro woman. In Africa, or maybe in some closed communities in the U.S., maybe there are some men who are acculturated to perceive Black as beautiful, but not in the greater society, either here or in Europe (or in Asia, for that matter).

Black women as porn stars? THe very idea is absurd. They are simply not attractive as sexual objects. Maybe if she is one of the aforementioned 97%er's...

White on Black rape? Non-existent. Even white sexual perverts have no interest in copulating with a black-black woman. (tangent: Black man charged recently in Beaver County, PA for raping an 85 year-old nun. White, of course).

The unattractiveness of black-black women is unfortunate, but true, and is also manifested in another related and unpleasant fact: When Black Men have their choice (consider high-profile professional athletes and entertainers), they choose to be "with" white women rather than black women. The later in life they are when they get married, the more likely they will marry a white woman. Think OJSimpson: got rich & famous, got himself a blonde-haired white woman! Indeed, our beloved President, before he chose to get into politics, showed this unremarkable preference in the girls he dated in college.

It's reality. Deal with it.

Another clown that doesn't know anything. White guys love Black women. They certainly took advantage of being able to rape them during slavery as evidence by many African Americans having white DNA. They couldn't get with them any other way.

He also drank the Kool Aid on the myth Black men don't like black women. Of course we are not above turning down a white woman for sex but we marry Black women.

While plenty of rap stars, athletes and and other celebrities may choose to date or marry interracially after reaching fame, the opposite is true for most successful black men. When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister, according to Toldson’s census research.
In fact, 85 percent of black male college graduates wed black women, and 88 percent of married black men – of all education and income levels – have black wives.
It’s safe to say that most brothers still prefer black women over other races.
When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister.

Now that's keeping it in the family. I will make sure to avoid being married when my salary gets to six figures because I want to avoid the obvious temptation it brings to marry my sister.
When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister.

Now that's keeping it in the family. I will make sure to avoid being married when my salary gets to six figures because I want to avoid the obvious temptation it brings to marry my sister.

Some white people are clueless.

Most are. And no living ones ever owned a slave. So why do you hate them but love their cars?
LIke it or not, it is the truth.

When a picture is adduced to "prove" that "Black is Beautiful" or some such proposition, it is invariably a picture of a woman who by any reasonable approximation is about 97% caucasian and 3% "Negro." Think, Halle Barry. Or some green-eyed "Black" guy with a narrow nose, small lips, light skin, and so on.

But if you look at pictures of Negro women whose genetics are NOT "polluted" by white ancestry, they are - to be kind - not pretty. I mean, I love Serena Williams, but if she were the only option, I'd choose celibacy.

OTOH, perceptions of beauty are largely cultural, and EVERYBODY in our culture is affected by the constant flow of images that DEFINES "beauty" as three or four basic types of white women. Blonde, brunette, red-head, whatever, but never a "negroid" Negro woman. In Africa, or maybe in some closed communities in the U.S., maybe there are some men who are acculturated to perceive Black as beautiful, but not in the greater society, either here or in Europe (or in Asia, for that matter).

Black women as porn stars? THe very idea is absurd. They are simply not attractive as sexual objects. Maybe if she is one of the aforementioned 97%er's...

White on Black rape? Non-existent. Even white sexual perverts have no interest in copulating with a black-black woman. (tangent: Black man charged recently in Beaver County, PA for raping an 85 year-old nun. White, of course).

The unattractiveness of black-black women is unfortunate, but true, and is also manifested in another related and unpleasant fact: When Black Men have their choice (consider high-profile professional athletes and entertainers), they choose to be "with" white women rather than black women. The later in life they are when they get married, the more likely they will marry a white woman. Think OJSimpson: got rich & famous, got himself a blonde-haired white woman! Indeed, our beloved President, before he chose to get into politics, showed this unremarkable preference in the girls he dated in college.

It's reality. Deal with it.

Another clown that doesn't know anything. White guys love Black women. They certainly took advantage of being able to rape them during slavery as evidence by many African Americans having white DNA. They couldn't get with them any other way.

He also drank the Kool Aid on the myth Black men don't like black women. Of course we are not above turning down a white woman for sex but we marry Black women.

While plenty of rap stars, athletes and and other celebrities may choose to date or marry interracially after reaching fame, the opposite is true for most successful black men. When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister, according to Toldson’s census research.
In fact, 85 percent of black male college graduates wed black women, and 88 percent of married black men – of all education and income levels – have black wives.
It’s safe to say that most brothers still prefer black women over other races.

Another clown that doesn't know anything.


That was to EZ, your just as fucked up as DGS49...:lol:
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LIke it or not, it is the truth.

When a picture is adduced to "prove" that "Black is Beautiful" or some such proposition, it is invariably a picture of a woman who by any reasonable approximation is about 97% caucasian and 3% "Negro." Think, Halle Barry. Or some green-eyed "Black" guy with a narrow nose, small lips, light skin, and so on.

But if you look at pictures of Negro women whose genetics are NOT "polluted" by white ancestry, they are - to be kind - not pretty. I mean, I love Serena Williams, but if she were the only option, I'd choose celibacy.

OTOH, perceptions of beauty are largely cultural, and EVERYBODY in our culture is affected by the constant flow of images that DEFINES "beauty" as three or four basic types of white women. Blonde, brunette, red-head, whatever, but never a "negroid" Negro woman. In Africa, or maybe in some closed communities in the U.S., maybe there are some men who are acculturated to perceive Black as beautiful, but not in the greater society, either here or in Europe (or in Asia, for that matter).

Black women as porn stars? THe very idea is absurd. They are simply not attractive as sexual objects. Maybe if she is one of the aforementioned 97%er's...

White on Black rape? Non-existent. Even white sexual perverts have no interest in copulating with a black-black woman. (tangent: Black man charged recently in Beaver County, PA for raping an 85 year-old nun. White, of course).

The unattractiveness of black-black women is unfortunate, but true, and is also manifested in another related and unpleasant fact: When Black Men have their choice (consider high-profile professional athletes and entertainers), they choose to be "with" white women rather than black women. The later in life they are when they get married, the more likely they will marry a white woman. Think OJSimpson: got rich & famous, got himself a blonde-haired white woman! Indeed, our beloved President, before he chose to get into politics, showed this unremarkable preference in the girls he dated in college.

It's reality. Deal with it.

Another clown that doesn't know anything. White guys love Black women. They certainly took advantage of being able to rape them during slavery as evidence by many African Americans having white DNA. They couldn't get with them any other way.

He also drank the Kool Aid on the myth Black men don't like black women. Of course we are not above turning down a white woman for sex but we marry Black women.

While plenty of rap stars, athletes and and other celebrities may choose to date or marry interracially after reaching fame, the opposite is true for most successful black men. When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister, according to Toldson’s census research.
In fact, 85 percent of black male college graduates wed black women, and 88 percent of married black men – of all education and income levels – have black wives.
It’s safe to say that most brothers still prefer black women over other races.

Another clown that doesn't know anything.


That was to EZ...:lol:

Evidently it was quite a difficult feat. It wasn't even funny and you seem to have trouble spelling "too" and "easy".
Another clown that doesn't know anything. White guys love Black women. They certainly took advantage of being able to rape them during slavery as evidence by many African Americans having white DNA. They couldn't get with them any other way.

He also drank the Kool Aid on the myth Black men don't like black women. Of course we are not above turning down a white woman for sex but we marry Black women.

Another clown that doesn't know anything.


That was to EZ...:lol:

Evidently it was quite a difficult feat. It wasn't even funny and you seem to have trouble spelling "too" and "easy".

You're a fucking liberal idiot with the spelling...:lol:
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Another clown that doesn't know anything.


That was to EZ...:lol:

Evidently it was quite a difficult feat. It wasn't even funny and you seem to have trouble spelling "too" and "easy".

You're a fucking idiot...:lol:

Dont quit your day job cleaning toilets to become a comedian. Honestly you are not the slightest bit funny. Go find Tank to up your funny quotient. You really need his help.
Evidently it was quite a difficult feat. It wasn't even funny and you seem to have trouble spelling "too" and "easy".

You're a fucking idiot...:lol:

Dont quit your day job cleaning toilets to become a comedian. Honestly you are not the slightest bit funny. Go find Tank to up your funny quotient. You really need his help.

When it comes to married brothers with six-figure annual incomes, 83 percent of them tied the knot with a sister.

Now that's keeping it in the family. I will make sure to avoid being married when my salary gets to six figures because I want to avoid the obvious temptation it brings to marry my sister.

Some white people are clueless.
Some people have no sense of humor. :lol:
Satoshi Kanazawa Causes Firestorm After Claiming Black Women Are Less Attractive

The Huffington Post Hilary Moss
First Posted: 05/17/11 07:32 PM ET
Updated: 07/17/11

Psychology Today blogger Satoshi Kanazawa sparked a firestorm with his latest posting entitled, "A Look at the Hard Truths About Human Nature."

In it, the evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics argues that black women are less physically attractive than other women. The article was quickly removed from the site, but not before screenshots made their way onto BuzzFeed. Some excerpts:

What accounts for the markedly lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women? Black women are on average much heavier than nonblack women. The mean body-mass index (BMI) at Wave III is 28.5 among black women and 26.1 among nonblack women. (Black and nonblack men do not differ in BMI: 27.0 vs. 26.9) However, this is not the reason black women are less physically attractive than nonblack women. Black women have lower average level of physical attractiveness net of BMI. Nor can the race difference in intelligence (and the positive association between intelligence and physical attractiveness) account for the race difference in physical attractiveness among women. Black women are still less physically attractive than nonblack women net of BMI and intelligence. Net of intelligence, black men are significantly more physically attractive than nonblack men.

The only thing I can think of that might potentially explain the lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women is testosterone. Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races, and testosterone, being an androgen (male hormone), affects the physical attractiveness of men and women differently. Men with higher levels of testosterone have more masculine features and are therefore more physically attractive. In contrast, women with higher levels of testosterone also have more masculine features and are therefore less physically attractive. The race difference in the level of testosterone can therefore potentially explain why black women are less physically attractive than women of other races, while (net of intelligence) black men are more physically attractive than men of other races.


Satoshi Kanazawa Causes Firestorm After Claiming Black Women Are Less Attractive

What the author doesn't seem to have taken into account is that in African culture, heavier women ARE more attractive. He's judging another culture's ideas of beauty by his own. Something every first year anthropology student knows is junk science. There are even tribes that deliberately fatten up soon to be brides with force-feeding. Logic being I guess the fatter the weathier. That that practice may persist into non-African blacks shouldn't come as a surprise.

Can only assume this guy's intent was a change in career. His assumptions are worthless nonsense.

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