black women die from pregnancy-related issues nearly four times as often as white women

No, we don't know. "Genetics" in this case is just another way of shrugging and saying, "Don't know why".

I could get you a detailed explanation of EXACTLY what happens in the human body as it grows obese to cause it to develop diabetes. But no one as yet can give you a similar explanation of why a BLACK body is more likely than a white one to get diabetes under the same circumstances. Simply saying, "genetics" at that point is like saying, "because he's black". Thanks, Captain Obvious, but that's not helpful.
I get that you are observing the dictates of political correctness, but it is decidedly foolish to believe that all races or people must be equal. Nature does not worship at the alter of PC even if you do. Genetics dictate a great deal of a person's intelligence and health and ones race dictates ones genetics Madam Oblivious. Save that for snowflakes.
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
What did I say that was racist?
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
What did I say that was racist?
Cecille was just providing FACTS. You insisted on taking umbrage to that so you could hold on to your pet opinion that African American women are somehow responsible for and chosing these heartbreaking outcomes. Sure, there are drug addicts--but there are as many white ones as black ones, so that's sure not it. There are genetic factors at work here that we don't have figured out yet, and with the gutting of Obamacare, less of these women will have an opportunity for the level of prenatal care that could make a difference. Illegitimacy has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I know you didn't write that, but I sure hope you get that.
It’s unacceptable & it’s preventable.
It is preventable, but so are all consequences of poor life-style choices.

No one is forced to smoke crack.

It isn't necessarily due to poor lifestyle choices. The infant mortality rate among black mothers with college educations and good jobs is still higher than that among white mothers who dropped out of high school.
Well what do you think it is? Racism in utero?

No, as I've already said - which you would know if you were really the "nice person" you want to flatter yourself that you are, instead of a hypersensitive, over-aggressive ass napkin looking for a fight - the human body is very complex, and its problems and frailties are equally complex. There are presumably genetic factors at work, but we don't really know enough yet to identify them. This would explain why so many health indicators in American blacks are similar to those in black people from other nations.

Most likely, there are also cultural and socioeconomic factors in play to varying extents, but again, no one is sure yet how much effect that has. And reverse racism is actually a problem here, because doing scientific studies on fundamental differences between races and ethnicities is a touchy proposition in this day and age.
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
What did I say that was racist?
Cecille was just providing FACTS. You insisted on taking umbrage to that so you could hold on to your pet opinion that African American women are somehow responsible for and chosing these heartbreaking outcomes. Sure, there are drug addicts--but there are as many white ones as black ones, so that's sure not it. There are genetic factors at work here that we don't have figured out yet, and with the gutting of Obamacare, less of these women will have an opportunity for the level of prenatal care that could make a difference. Illegitimacy has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I know you didn't write that, but I sure hope you get that.
WHAT did I type that was racist? Stay on point.
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
What did I say that was racist?
Cecille was just providing FACTS. You insisted on taking umbrage to that so you could hold on to your pet opinion that African American women are somehow responsible for and chosing these heartbreaking outcomes. Sure, there are drug addicts--but there are as many white ones as black ones, so that's sure not it. There are genetic factors at work here that we don't have figured out yet, and with the gutting of Obamacare, less of these women will have an opportunity for the level of prenatal care that could make a difference. Illegitimacy has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I know you didn't write that, but I sure hope you get that.
WHAT did I type that was racist? Stay on point.
I already answered you.
First, "nice people" don't lead off with calling total strangers douches for no reason. I
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

And stupidity is the worst, which is what's at play when you mistake rudeness and aggression for "honesty".

Second, if I have "failed to take note of" an OP other than your post, that usually means I can't see it, because I have the person on ignore. Possibly before assuming OTHER people are stupid, you should try making certain YOU aren't being so.
Now I have proof you're a douche.

Most people are when over-aggressive ass napkins attack them for no reason, and then try to justify it so they can still pretend they are someone to be proud of being. Here's a hint: if you have to work that hard to like yourself, you don't deserve to.

And third, as I mentioned to someone else, the higher infant mortality rate among blacks remains even when the mother has not been making those "poor life choices".
How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

Because my information comes from studies aimed at illuminating that very question, and so they studied women who have not been making the "poor life choices" simpleminded, judgemental - but very "nice" about it! - people like to leap to in order to dismiss the subject.

Black people in general seem to form the low end of the "good health" scale all across the board, and none of the obvious reasons provides sufficient explanation. It's a source of confusion and frustration to the medical community.
You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?

You are what I like to call a hypocritical imbecile. No wonder you have to announce that you're a "nice person": otherwise, people would be too busy telling you what a complete dickhead you are to ever consider it.
No, we don't know. "Genetics" in this case is just another way of shrugging and saying, "Don't know why".

I could get you a detailed explanation of EXACTLY what happens in the human body as it grows obese to cause it to develop diabetes. But no one as yet can give you a similar explanation of why a BLACK body is more likely than a white one to get diabetes under the same circumstances. Simply saying, "genetics" at that point is like saying, "because he's black". Thanks, Captain Obvious, but that's not helpful.
I get that you are observing the dictates of political correctness, but it is decidedly foolish to believe that all races or people must be equal. Nature does not worship at the alter of PC even if you do. Genetics dictate a great deal of a person's intelligence and health and ones race dictates ones genetics Madam Oblivious. Save that for snowflakes.

You can think you "get" whatever you want. Far be it from me to EVER try to force complex, intellectual thought on people who aren't equipped for it, and I'm well aware of how allergic the two-digit IQ crowd is to facts and reality.

Since you're clearly incapable of even noticing the words I'm actually saying, and since doing so would only make it harder for you to pretend I am the eeeevil PC opponent you came here determined to find (even if you have to create it out of your own imagination), and since I make it a policy not to converse with ignorant bigots, you are dismissed.
There are presumably genetic factors at work, but we don't really know enough yet to identify them. This would explain why so many health indicators in American blacks are similar to those in black people from other nations.
Citation...preferably peer reviewed.

Most likely, there are also cultural and socioeconomic factors in play to varying extents, but again, no one is sure yet how much effect that has.

"The five most commonly selected causes of fetal death are
the same by race and Hispanic origin, but their ranking differs
...Unspecified cause was the most common cause
selected for non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black fetal
deaths, whereas placenta, cord, and membrane complications
was the most common cause selected for Hispanic fetal deaths" (p.6).

Though blacks overall have a higher rate of perinatal mortality (Table I, p.24) there is nothing innately biological given for cause either known or unknown.
If there is any group who could cite a biological issue which led to perinatal mortality it would be Hispanics. Even that would be pushing it statistically. As you can clearly see from the chart the three racial groups cited have almost identical biological causality rates.'re still a douchebag.
Honesty is the nicest quality a person can have.

Now I have proof you're a douche.

How in the hell would you know what life choices individuals make? Obviously if their mortality rates are high and they are educated then they are probably making bad choices. What else is causing children to abort, in utero racism?

You are what I like to call...shitlib dense. Are you comfy in your fantasy land precious?
I never realized you were a racist. Now I know.
What did I say that was racist?
Cecille was just providing FACTS. You insisted on taking umbrage to that so you could hold on to your pet opinion that African American women are somehow responsible for and chosing these heartbreaking outcomes. Sure, there are drug addicts--but there are as many white ones as black ones, so that's sure not it. There are genetic factors at work here that we don't have figured out yet, and with the gutting of Obamacare, less of these women will have an opportunity for the level of prenatal care that could make a difference. Illegitimacy has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I know you didn't write that, but I sure hope you get that.
WHAT did I type that was racist? Stay on point.
I already answered you. babbled. Cite me one example from this thread which is racist.
No, we don't know. "Genetics" in this case is just another way of shrugging and saying, "Don't know why".

I could get you a detailed explanation of EXACTLY what happens in the human body as it grows obese to cause it to develop diabetes. But no one as yet can give you a similar explanation of why a BLACK body is more likely than a white one to get diabetes under the same circumstances. Simply saying, "genetics" at that point is like saying, "because he's black". Thanks, Captain Obvious, but that's not helpful.
I get that you are observing the dictates of political correctness, but it is decidedly foolish to believe that all races or people must be equal. Nature does not worship at the alter of PC even if you do. Genetics dictate a great deal of a person's intelligence and health and ones race dictates ones genetics Madam Oblivious. Save that for snowflakes.

You can think you "get" whatever you want. Far be it from me to EVER try to force complex, intellectual thought on people who aren't equipped for it, and I'm well aware of how allergic the two-digit IQ crowd is to facts and reality.

Since you're clearly incapable of even noticing the words I'm actually saying, and since doing so would only make it harder for you to pretend I am the eeeevil PC opponent you came here determined to find (even if you have to create it out of your own imagination), and since I make it a policy not to converse with ignorant bigots, you are dismissed.
Pathology and paranoia are other matters and I believe not genetic whereas adherence to PC is strictly a matter of choice. I cannot help you on any count.
Lack of healthcare.

The sad part is that Republicans don't care at all about babies. Not a scoatch. They only care about the fetus. After that, they not only lose interest, their odious policies seem designed to make children's lives as difficult as possible.
Lack of healthcare.

The sad part is that Republicans don't care at all about babies. Not a scoatch. They only care about the fetus. After that, they not only lose interest, their odious policies seem designed to make children's lives as difficult as possible.

Only problem is that even in upper class Blacks there's still glaring disparities...
Hispanics in the U.S.A presumably have even worse healthcare coverage than Blacks, and similar poverty rates.

Yet, Hispanics in comparison to Blacks also have much lower rates of infant morality / pregnancy complications...
Yeap...after they are born as well
  • African Americans have 2.2 times the infant mortality rate as non-Hispanic whites.
  • African American infants are 3.2 times as likely to die from complications related to low birthweight as compared to non-Hispanic white infants.
  • African Americans had over twice the sudden infant death syndrome mortality rate as non-Hispanic whites, in 2014.
  • In 2014, African American mothers were 2.2 times more likely than non-Hispanic white mothers to receive late or no prenatal care
Infant Health & Mortality - The Office of Minority Health

Keep in mind that Black women have higher fertility, and twinning rates, that Black babies are born earlier too, and then Black babies walk earlier too.

This might all support that they just have a different birth cycle, one that depends on large numbers for survival. (Quantity of births, rather than quality of births)
I know they tend to have high blood pressure, which can be fatal during pregnancy, but why else? Poor health care? Is it worse than anyone else's?

there are issues of poor self-care, and very young pregnancies and lack
of family and community support and living in lousy neighborhoods
I know they tend to have high blood pressure, which can be fatal during pregnancy, but why else? Poor health care? Is it worse than anyone else's?

there are issues of poor self-care, and very young pregnancies and lack
of family and community support and living in lousy neighborhoods

But, Hispanics have these same socio-economic problems, and also have much less of these kind of infant mortality / pregnancy complications...
I know they tend to have high blood pressure, which can be fatal during pregnancy, but why else? Poor health care? Is it worse than anyone else's?

there are issues of poor self-care, and very young pregnancies and lack
of family and community support and living in lousy neighborhoods

But, Hispanics have these same socio-economic problems, and also have much less of these kind of infant mortality / pregnancy complications...

not exactly-----my anecdotal observation informs me that pregnancy in Hispanic families is far more a JOINT FAMILY enterprise than for black families. The social system seems (to my informal observation) ---- very matriarchal----with ALL the related women being highly involved-----from the girl's female relatives AND the boys'. As to the paternal side------
there is also an ongoing relationship--------- there is a
weird kind of PRIDE for the Hispanic father which keeps him attached to
his kids. Black families seem to fracture more than do Hispanic families.
In sum----more pregnant black women DO IT ALONE than do Hispanic
women (I have no real stats)

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