Blacklisted Chinese Military Manufacturer Acquired U.S. Stealth Technology, CFIUS Approval Through Relationship With Hunter and Joe Biden

And what did Ethel and Julius Rosenberg do to get executed? What the Biden's did are no different. They've colluded with a foreign adversary to help them aquire our stealth technology.

The 'Bidens', huh? The best they could manage in the Red State blog post....was to accuse Joe of having coffee with Jonathan Li in 2013.

That's literally it.

You're suggesting execution over a cup of coffee?

That really doesn't seem like a capital offense.
And what did Ethel and Julius Rosenberg do to get executed? What the Biden's did are no different. They've colluded with a foreign adversary to help them aquire our stealth technology.

Yup, hunter got 1.5 billion to buy up companies that were otherwise off limits to the Chinese.

I have brought this up many times and our resident poo flingers remain silent.
So what about that cup of coffee do y'all believe is worthy of execution?

Were there State Secrets in the coffee?
The 'Bidens', huh? The best they could manage in the Red State blog post....was to accuse Joe of having coffee with Jonathan Li in 2013.

That's literally it.

You're suggesting execution over a cup of coffee?

That really doesn't seem like a capital offense.
The technologies we have given for some coin from traitors to other nations over the years costs us trillions of dollars as taxpayers.
The Biden sellouts and their Marxist Democrat sidekicks are dangerous for our country. They'll take the money every time and to hell with the people.
We've known that since 1993. It amazes me that the MSMedia is rooting for the CCP and has since Vietnam!!!!

The Chinese have had a Stealth Fighter since 2011.

Development started in the 1990's, and was probably given a huge boost when the Chinese acquired the wreckage of an F117 that was shot down over Serbia in 1999.
And what did Ethel and Julius Rosenberg do to get executed? What the Biden's did are no different. They've colluded with a foreign adversary to help them aquire our stealth technology.

Why in the world is Biden still sitting in the Oval office in his spare time from all that vacationing and doing anything aside from his job in the WH? He's let the fentanyl sellers kill Americans at the rate of 100,000 per year. That's 100,000 dead bodies laying at the feet of the fake POTUS, and you can better believe he got into the WH with the anti-American branch of the Deep State Democrats, power mongers and profiteers. They don't give a damn about the Middle Class who is so easy to pickpocket by using ill-gained money that is TOO DAMN EASY TO RAID by getting a point man to threaten them based on his committee status gained from lying to the American public by corrupt people who think nothing of taking millions of dollars per annum from the Foreign Aid Fiasco conducted by Joseph Robinette Biden, almost exclusively for a likely 40-plus years. How much money did he steal from the Middle Class Americans who have money taken out of their paychecks constantly to the tune of however much the Democrats spend, which is now in the trillions of dollars per years. And how long does it take to count to a trillion dollars? My sources say: If you count one dollar per second, it would take 31688 years to count one trillion dollars. Divide that by an average lifespan of 70 years, and you get 462.68 lifetimes. And the Democrats act as if they have no clue how easy it would be to steal a trillion dollars the way Joe Biden stole from the Foreign Aid packages he reviewed by flying to the destination and threatening the hell out of heads of states of THIRD WORLD IMPOVERISHED COUNTRIES being threatened by larger atheist societies like Russia. The Third World countries automatically accept the 30% fee the threatener demands like Joe Biden did of the issue of demanding a 30% of their Foreign Aid package to go out on Air Force Two back when he was providing for the lavish lifestyle he planned on enjoying by paying people off at compromised precincts in this nation that made him seem to have won the 2020 election. With all that omerta spread around, you can better believe he bought the election because he couldn't draw more than a hundred people to his fizzled-out rallies, compared to the enthusiastic thousands who rallied with Trump who kept his promises to make America function FOR THE PEOPLE after 8 years of Obama/Biden MAGA People are to be PUNISHED omerta style blacklisting through the IRS information they can access with all that power they have acquired from destroying the vote of the American people with the aid of George Soros and Silicon Valley moguls who lavish a lot of pay-to-play omerta maneuvers to keep their businesses in the money, their purvue being to hell with the people who voted for honest conservatives running for Congress and the presidency, who cannot be bought. :cranky:
Why in the world is Biden still sitting in the Oval office in his spare time from all that vacationing and doing anything aside from his job in the WH? He's let the fentanyl sellers kill Americans at the rate of 100,000 per year. That's 100,000 dead bodies

Why in the world is Biden still sitting in the Oval office in his spare time from all that vacationing and doing anything aside from his job in the WH? He's let the fentanyl sellers kill Americans at the rate of 100,000 per year. That's 100,000 dead bodies laying at the feet of the fake POTUS, and you can better believe he got into the WH with the anti-American branch of the Deep State Democrats, power mongers and profiteers. They don't give a damn about the Middle Class who is so easy to pickpocket by using ill-gained money that is TOO DAMN EASY TO RAID by getting a point man to threaten them based on his committee status gained from lying to the American public by corrupt people who think nothing of taking millions of dollars per annum from the Foreign Aid Fiasco conducted by Joseph Robinette Biden, almost exclusively for a likely 40-plus years. How much money did he steal from the Middle Class Americans who have money taken out of their paychecks constantly to the tune of however much the Democrats spend, which is now in the trillions of dollars per years. And how long does it take to count to a trillion dollars? My sources say: If you count one dollar per second, it would take 31688 years to count one trillion dollars. Divide that by an average lifespan of 70 years, and you get 462.68 lifetimes. And the Democrats act as if they have no clue how easy it would be to steal a trillion dollars the way Joe Biden stole from the Foreign Aid packages he reviewed by flying to the destination and threatening the hell out of heads of states of THIRD WORLD IMPOVERISHED COUNTRIES being threatened by larger atheist societies like Russia. The Third World countries automatically accept the 30% fee the threatener demands like Joe Biden did of the issue of demanding a 30% of their Foreign Aid package to go out on Air Force Two back when he was providing for the lavish lifestyle he planned on enjoying by paying people off at compromised precincts in this nation that made him seem to have won the 2020 election. With all that omerta spread around, you can better believe he bought the election because he couldn't draw more than a hundred people to his fizzled-out rallies, compared to the enthusiastic thousands who rallied with Trump who kept his promises to make America function FOR THE PEOPLE after 8 years of Obama/Biden MAGA People are to be PUNISHED omerta style blacklisting through the IRS information they can access with all that power they have acquired from destroying the vote of the American people with the aid of George Soros and Silicon Valley moguls who lavish a lot of pay-to-play omerta maneuvers to keep their businesses in the money, their purvue being to hell with the people who voted for honest conservatives running for Congress and the presidency, who cannot be bought. :cranky:

How could you be so sick?
As pathetic as that picture is, it is very descriptive of what pleasures you about destroying honesty in America for a pat on the back by the Big Guy.
I'm living my best life ever.

If you are miserable, that's a personal choice.

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