Blacklisted Chinese Military Manufacturer Acquired U.S. Stealth Technology, CFIUS Approval Through Relationship With Hunter and Joe Biden

the CIC was Clinton ....

ABB corp was a Swedish company. Oops.

I'm living my best life ever.

If you are miserable, that's a personal choice.
The real problem is the pursuit of happiness has tuned into a Loony Toons cartoon while charging everyone for it.
And what did Ethel and Julius Rosenberg do to get executed? What the Biden's did are no different. They've colluded with a foreign adversary to help them aquire our stealth technology. is a card-carrying fake news site with no credibility whatsoever.

If such were the case, Hunter, Biden would’ve been charged, but with espionage by the Trump administration during the five years that they fucking investigated him.

The fact that you come running, like Pavlov‘s dog every time another baseless allegation is made against someone named Biden.


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