BLACKLISTED: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart....

Trump seems to be pro gay marriage. Conservatives were against that when the ruling came down from the SCOTUS last year.
Now they are for it? Who knew?

Trump seems to be okay with funding PP. Now the Conservatives are for it? Who knew?

Immigration and Trade and to a lesser extent not screwing around with Russia.

Those are the policies that supercharged Trump's campaign.

On each of them he has the position that best benefits America.

That is what Trump's candidacy is about.

Trade eh? What are we going to start magically exporting once your Messiah is elected that we’re not exporting now?

I think the focus is more protecting domestic manufacturing from unfair competition.

Strange you don’t know for sure…since it is why you’re supporting this boob.

Details are for the small minded.
Now there's some Irony right there.
'Conservative movement professionals in Washington, D.C. are plotting to form a “blacklist” of Donald Trump supporters that they can kick out of the movement, never to return.'

At least conservatives are consistent in their intolerance, and contempt for diversity, dissent, and differing points of view – preying even upon their own.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

What seems to be forgotten by some sanctimonious idiots, that Donald Trump is NOT running for the nomination on a CONSERVATIVE PARTY ticket, but a Republican Party ticket. They should have told Trump that he is not welcome when Trump first announced.

Also forgotten is the fact that in primaries the people's voice should be heard.
Also forgotten is, by the same idiots, that their choices for Republican nominee for the presidency in the past have ended up in resounding failures.
Also forgotten is that they send out their very same resounding failures (i.e. McCain and Romney) to preach about the evils of the People's Choice.
Also forgotten by these same idiots is that no matter how bad they perceive Trump to be, Hillary or Bernie are far worse.
Also forgotten by these perfection seekers that a half loaf of bread is better than starving to death.
Also forgotten is the fact that in politics are always in a state of flux, things change, evolve and eventually, IMPROVE.
Also forgotten that their historical equivalents, the dinosaurs became extinct, because, like them, they were incapable of or unwilling to change with the times.
Also forgotten that their idiocy will put politically correct yahoos on the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

Jefferson said that when government fears people, it is liberty. When people fear government it is tyranny.

Well, when people can choose their nominee for the presidency, it is liberty. When establishment moldy and past-their-due-date obsolete and insignificant pretenders choose the nominee for the presidency, it is tyranny.
Amanda Carpenter:

“Has anyone compiled the definitive list of conservatives who should be blackballed for supporting Trump? I will if it doesn't exist.”

Conservatives practicing old school authoritarianism – next up: reeducation camps and gulags.
Did you really link us to a Breitbart article, trying to use it as a credible source? Do you take us for idiots or something?
Yeah, because facts magically become unfacts if they come from Brietbart.

My gawd you people are fucking morons.
It's their lifeline statement. Only facts from their favorite stations are acceptable. It's why they are libturds.
Consumption and VAT taxes are generally preferred to tariffs because they don't discriminate and don't distort resource allocation. Tariffs on goods from Mexico and China implicitly subsidize industries and businesses that can't compete.
Why do you Free Trade zealots think American labor should compete against Third World serfs without subsidizing them?

Do yo understand economics? If our products are not subsidized, then the only other effect that can come about is the reduction of the American Middle Classes standard of living to that of Indonesia, which is what you really want, I take.

I have a degree in economics.

But thank you for parroting the AFL-CIO line of the past 100 years. Awake your inner leftist.
Nope. We are setting new world records for largest trade deficits ever, year in and year out.

Any change is going to be for the good.

So you think a tariff on, lets say, laptops made in China will not hurt the American consumers at all?

Strawman. I did not say that a conflict over trade would be painless for America.

I said any change would be for the better. THis implies overall for the majority of Americans.

Any change would be for the better; in other words, you think things could not get worse….am I correct?

Overall, yes.

That really should have been obvious.

Which as I said, does not imply that it would be painless.

Better does not equal easy.

If you want to attack my position honestly, this is where you claim that the change would be for the worse overall, and, if you are feeling ballsy, maybe even try to support that claim somehow.

And when Mr. Trump doesn’t explain a period of pain where there will be either mass shortages of imported goods or they will cost out the ass…is he being honest with his supporters?
He said 45% tax as a high watermark. His support understands, it's the rest that have been lied to over and over again.
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.

Leftists who don't understand capitalism usually are.

No, those who want to destroy the American Middle Classes prosperity are the leftists, like you, and those trying to defend it are the conservatives.

No, you are the leftist.

You don't get to redefine capitalism as leftist just because you want to.

Reagan was for free trade. Thatcher was for free trade. Friedman was for free trade.

Marxists are not.

Marxists want to protect labor using the exact same you are making. They said the same thing against Reagan, Thatcher and Friedman.

Hence, your argument is leftist.

Reagan was a flaming socialist. And a criminal.
btw, it is economics 101.
So are Trade Wars..
What about unfair trade? Slanted against you. Is that good for the economy?
I guarantee you, the Chinese are not going to be intimidated into changing their trade policies by a loud, undignified, obnoxious President who owes them $1.7T.

There are things that can be done through negotiation, but China is not a New York City concrete manufacturer or plumber's union. They can't be bullied into further damaging an economy that is already weakened by their decision to change its foundation.
Sure they will
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.

Leftists who don't understand capitalism usually are.

No, those who want to destroy the American Middle Classes prosperity are the leftists, like you, and those trying to defend it are the conservatives.

No, you are the leftist.

You don't get to redefine capitalism as leftist just because you want to.

Reagan was for free trade. Thatcher was for free trade. Friedman was for free trade.

Marxists are not.

Marxists want to protect labor using the exact same you are making. They said the same thing against Reagan, Thatcher and Friedman.

Hence, your argument is leftist.

Reagan was a flaming socialist. And a criminal.
A very respected one by the world. But why would you know.?
btw, it is economics 101.
So are Trade Wars..
What about unfair trade? Slanted against you. Is that good for the economy?
I guarantee you, the Chinese are not going to be intimidated into changing their trade policies by a loud, undignified, obnoxious President who owes them $1.7T.

There are things that can be done through negotiation, but China is not a New York City concrete manufacturer or plumber's union. They can't be bullied into further damaging an economy that is already weakened by their decision to change its foundation.
Guaranteed on a message board. Too funny. Means what's called jack shit. Hahahaha
Thanks for sharing what you think conservatives listeners of various conservative personalities should think.

I support Trump for his issues.

The fact that his victory would crush your hopes and dreams is just a bonus.

I’ve been told what they think.

Small government…right? Yet he is going to “strengthen the military” which means expanding it to everyone except the excuse you’ll now make that “he didn’t mean that”….and by having to increase the number of ICE jackbooted thugs to raid the houses of nannies and gardeners and send them a-packing.
I love how a libturd still doesn't understand economics 101.

First class of economics 101 - tariffs destroy wealth and are bad for the economy.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
I bet you believe in minimum wage increases right? Mr. Economics?
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.

Leftists who don't understand capitalism usually are.

No, those who want to destroy the American Middle Classes prosperity are the leftists, like you, and those trying to defend it are the conservatives.

No, you are the leftist.

You don't get to redefine capitalism as leftist just because you want to.

Reagan was for free trade. Thatcher was for free trade. Friedman was for free trade.

Marxists are not.

Marxists want to protect labor using the exact same you are making. They said the same thing against Reagan, Thatcher and Friedman.

Hence, your argument is leftist.

Reagan was a flaming socialist. And a criminal.
A very respected one by the world. But why would you know.?

Respected? By people who need to excuse criminal activity because he reminds them of their old grandpa. And pa pa has to be forgiven for being a criminal.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

Playing the victim has never been more in-style than it is in 2016 for the GOP.

That being said, alleged conservatives are going to have some explaining to do when Trump loses in November. Once the dust settles and they start talking about “conservative” principles once more…they will have no credibility with their viewers (or at least shouldn’t).

Thanks for sharing what you think conservatives listeners of various conservative personalities should think.

I support Trump for his issues.

The fact that his victory would crush your hopes and dreams is just a bonus.

I’ve been told what they think.

Small government…right? Yet he is going to “strengthen the military” which means expanding it to everyone except the excuse you’ll now make that “he didn’t mean that”….and by having to increase the number of ICE jackbooted thugs to raid the houses of nannies and gardeners and send them a-packing.
"Small government," the type that will register Muslims and investigate mosques
Do you have some sort of problem with investigating to gain knowledge? Try learning once, it doesn't hurt you, I promise.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

What seems to be forgotten by some sanctimonious idiots, that Donald Trump is NOT running for the nomination on a CONSERVATIVE PARTY ticket, but a Republican Party ticket. They should have told Trump that he is not welcome when Trump first announced.
Also forgotten is the fact that in primaries the people's voice should be heard.
Also forgotten is, by the same idiots, that their choices for Republican nominee for the presidency in the past have ended up in resounding failures.
Also forgotten is that they send out their very same resounding failures (i.e. McCain and Romney) to preach about the evils of the People's Choice.
Also forgotten by these same idiots is that no matter how bad they perceive Trump to be, Hillary or Bernie are far worse.
Also forgotten by these perfection seekers that a half loaf of bread is better than starving to death.
Also forgotten is the fact that in politics are always in a state of flux, things change, evolve and eventually, IMPROVE.
Also forgotten that their historical equivalents, the dinosaurs became extinct, because, like them, they were incapable of or unwilling to change with the times.
Also forgotten that their idiocy will put politically correct yahoos on the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

Jefferson said that when government fears people, it is liberty. When people fear government it is tyranny.

Well, when people can choose their nominee for the presidency, it is liberty. When establishment moldy and past-their-due-date obsolete and insignificant pretenders choose the nominee for the presidency, it is tyranny.

Uhh…Senator McCain and Governor Romney also were the people’s choices, neither are arch-conservatives and they got drummed out of the race; the same way Mr. Trump will.

People have chosen the nominee for their Party every year I’ve been alive. Sometimes they choose well; other times they choose Trump.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

What seems to be forgotten by some sanctimonious idiots, that Donald Trump is NOT running for the nomination on a CONSERVATIVE PARTY ticket, but a Republican Party ticket. They should have told Trump that he is not welcome when Trump first announced.
Also forgotten is the fact that in primaries the people's voice should be heard.
Also forgotten is, by the same idiots, that their choices for Republican nominee for the presidency in the past have ended up in resounding failures.
Also forgotten is that they send out their very same resounding failures (i.e. McCain and Romney) to preach about the evils of the People's Choice.
Also forgotten by these same idiots is that no matter how bad they perceive Trump to be, Hillary or Bernie are far worse.
Also forgotten by these perfection seekers that a half loaf of bread is better than starving to death.
Also forgotten is the fact that in politics are always in a state of flux, things change, evolve and eventually, IMPROVE.
Also forgotten that their historical equivalents, the dinosaurs became extinct, because, like them, they were incapable of or unwilling to change with the times.
Also forgotten that their idiocy will put politically correct yahoos on the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

Jefferson said that when government fears people, it is liberty. When people fear government it is tyranny.

Well, when people can choose their nominee for the presidency, it is liberty. When establishment moldy and past-their-due-date obsolete and insignificant pretenders choose the nominee for the presidency, it is tyranny.

Uhh…Senator McCain and Governor Romney also were the people’s choices, neither are arch-conservatives and they got drummed out of the race; the same way Mr. Trump will.

People have chosen the nominee for their Party every year I’ve been alive. Sometimes they choose well; other times they choose Trump.
This election is gonna be fun..............Trump does this to the GOP.....imagine what he will do to Hillary with the baggage.
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.

Leftists who don't understand capitalism usually are.

No, those who want to destroy the American Middle Classes prosperity are the leftists, like you, and those trying to defend it are the conservatives.

No, you are the leftist.

You don't get to redefine capitalism as leftist just because you want to.

Reagan was for free trade. Thatcher was for free trade. Friedman was for free trade.

Marxists are not.

Marxists want to protect labor using the exact same you are making. They said the same thing against Reagan, Thatcher and Friedman.

Hence, your argument is leftist.

Reagan was a flaming socialist. And a criminal.
And clearly a 'RINO' by today's rightist 'standards,' and would likely be among those opposed to the likes of Trump.

Reagan was wrong on most of the issues, and was fortunately outmaneuvered by a wily Tip O'Neill who succeeded to mitigate much of the damage caused by wrongheaded conservative dogma – but at least Reagan sought to pursue sound, responsible governance, however misguided.

Today most conservatives and republicans have become reckless and irresponsible, pursuing a reactionary agenda of bigotry and hate, working only to divide the American people – where consequently Trump is the perfect representative of republicans and the right.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
Playing the victim has never been more in-style than it is in 2016 for the GOP.
Really? That's why they are heckling others, taking over streets and causing mayhem? You have an odd world view.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

Playing the victim has never been more in-style than it is in 2016 for the GOP.

That being said, alleged conservatives are going to have some explaining to do when Trump loses in November. Once the dust settles and they start talking about “conservative” principles once more…they will have no credibility with their viewers (or at least shouldn’t).

Thanks for sharing what you think conservatives listeners of various conservative personalities should think.

I support Trump for his issues.

The fact that his victory would crush your hopes and dreams is just a bonus.

I’ve been told what they think.

Small government…right? Yet he is going to “strengthen the military” which means expanding it to everyone except the excuse you’ll now make that “he didn’t mean that”….and by having to increase the number of ICE jackbooted thugs to raid the houses of nannies and gardeners and send them a-packing.

Trump seems to be pro gay marriage. Conservatives were against that when the ruling came down from the SCOTUS last year.
Now they are for it? Who knew?

Trump seems to be okay with funding PP. Now the Conservatives are for it? Who knew?
Sounds like the world is bigger than you thought it was. I seem to remember a couple of years ago when all major Democrats were for traditional marriage. You must have been too young to remember.

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