BLACKLISTED: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart....

These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart

Playing the victim has never been more in-style than it is in 2016 for the GOP.

That being said, alleged conservatives are going to have some explaining to do when Trump loses in November. Once the dust settles and they start talking about “conservative” principles once more…they will have no credibility with their viewers (or at least shouldn’t).

Thanks for sharing what you think conservatives listeners of various conservative personalities should think.

I support Trump for his issues.

The fact that his victory would crush your hopes and dreams is just a bonus.

I’ve been told what they think.

Small government…right? Yet he is going to “strengthen the military” which means expanding it to everyone except the excuse you’ll now make that “he didn’t mean that”….and by having to increase the number of ICE jackbooted thugs to raid the houses of nannies and gardeners and send them a-packing.

Trump seems to be pro gay marriage. Conservatives were against that when the ruling came down from the SCOTUS last year.
Now they are for it? Who knew?

Trump seems to be okay with funding PP. Now the Conservatives are for it? Who knew?
Sounds like the world is bigger than you thought it was. I seem to remember a couple of years ago when all major Democrats were for traditional marriage. You must have been too young to remember.
That just depends on who they are talking to...............In the South they develop an accent all of a sudden and the sheep eat it up.
Why? Germany has healthy manufacturing sector, and so does Japan. Are we somehow inferior to them?

Germany has seen a decline in manufacturing employment, just like in America.

Percent of Employment in Manufacturing in Germany (DISCONTINUED)

Japan is a basketcase. Japan's GDP per capita is the same as it was 20 years ago.

The US has a healthy manufacturing sector. We produce more manufactured goods than we ever have.

Manufacturing Sector: Real Output

You confuse labor with output.

What has happened is that low-productivity manufacturing jobs have moved offshore. Those aren't coming back. All tariffs will do is accelerate automation.

With a declining population, are you sure about Japan's per capita GDP being the same?

Yes, Japan is in trouble. But not because they don't have a strong manufacturing base. Their percentage of manufacturing employment is 16.6%

No, I do not confuse labor with output. I want that labor, for American workers.

Low productivity or not.

You have not supported your opinion that we cannot get any of those jobs back.
btw, it is economics 101.
So are Trade Wars..
What about unfair trade? Slanted against you. Is that good for the economy?
I guarantee you, the Chinese are not going to be intimidated into changing their trade policies by a loud, undignified, obnoxious President who owes them $1.7T.

There are things that can be done through negotiation, but China is not a New York City concrete manufacturer or plumber's union. They can't be bullied into further damaging an economy that is already weakened by their decision to change its foundation.

If China has any sense they will be intimidated by a nation who's trade is vital to their economic and political well being and with a leader who doesn't think his job is to be their bitch.

THey will negotiate in good faith to make our trade less one sided or they risk being ruined.
The economic outcome of current trade has been engineered against US.

No, it has not.

A trade surplus does not mean a country is "winning." Japan has had a trade surplus forever and they are one of the weakest economies in the developed world.

People who think trade is a win/lose proposition fundamentally do not understand economics and capitalism. The losers in every country think that trade deals are bad.

And I don't say "losers" as a pejorative. Capitalism creates winners and losers. Always has, always will.

Trade may have been bad for you, but that doesn't mean it has been bad for everyone else.

Japan's problems are not caused by decades of trade surpluses.

China, with it's massive trade surpluses is certainly a winner in it's trade with the US.

If Trade and associated policies are leading, say to, generations long stagnation of wages for the Middle Class, then those policies are "bad" for the US.
'Conservative movement professionals in Washington, D.C. are plotting to form a “blacklist” of Donald Trump supporters that they can kick out of the movement, never to return.'

At least conservatives are consistent in their intolerance, and contempt for diversity, dissent, and differing points of view – preying even upon their own.

Your opinion is based on nothing but confirmation bias.

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