BLACKLISTED: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart....


Great Graph if it's a ski resort.

And what is The Don going to do to rectify that? Oh yeah, tariff goods, drive the costs of what we buy upward and maybe once a Ford Fiesta costs $75,000, they may consider making them in the US again….perhaps.

13 Domestic Cars Made Almost Entirely Overseas

Meanwhile, ironically, Toyotas are made in Texas, Hyundais are made in Mississippi and Georgia if I recall, Mercedes are made in Alabama.

When you have a consumer driven economy and wages are not raising, you have economic problems. Good thing Donald is for higher wages.

Oh wait:

Donald Trump said wages are 'too high' in his opening debate statement

Turns out he thinks you make too much money.

Never mind. He has nothing.
Show me where it costs that much for a are grasping at straws...........and even going completely against your normal party stance on Free Trade, unless you are up the establishments ass.
Yeah, that was some hyperbole…look it up in “The Art of the Deal”…Trump says to use it.

Once you slap tariffs on it, it will cost more to import them. $13,200 is the sticker price. A 50% tariff will jack it up to $19,800. Also keep in mind the profit of the dealer, financing over 60 months, etc… You’re looking at about 25K

Still waiting to hear what Mr. Trump will do….
Where did you come up with 50%.............did you pull it out of your ass. Who the hell said that would be the final deal. Before Free Trade countries sat down and negotiated some lose some, but in the end it was one on one and finally deals were made.

Cruz wants to add 16% to the cost of everything..........the Tariff doesn't do that.

FInally, who the hell can live on the wages they pay in Mexico here. It guarantees our companies leave.

A 45% tariff on goods from China and Mexico would increase prices more than a VAT.

A 45% tariff would probably also cause the Dow to fall 3000-5000 points as investors would worry about trade wars and a retreat from globalization. A VAT would not.
Who the hell said it would be a 45% tariff................again we negotiated these deals before and we are still here............since then the jobs...........not so much.

Common sense tells you that when you ship millions of jobs out of the country you fuck our workers and create jobs elsewhere.........You can preach it all you want. We will never agree.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
Did you really link us to a Breitbart article, trying to use it as a credible source? Do you take us for idiots or something?
I love how a libturd still doesn't understand economics 101.

First class of economics 101 - tariffs destroy wealth and are bad for the economy.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
Stay in China and Mexico the next time your business moves out of country. You can come back in but it'll cost you...........of course it will cost the customer as well..........but maybe mom and pop will beat your ass in the local shop.

Non sequitur.

What a bizarre world it has become where "conservatives" argue for less economic freedom and higher taxes.
No, jobs and competitive playing field. We used to have sweat shops and we got rid of those and China and Mexico came around. The question to you is, do you want jobs back in the US? Perhaps you're content with nobody working right?, ahhh, The true libturd
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These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
Did you really link us to a Breitbart article, trying to use it as a credible source? Do you take us for idiots or something?
I love how a libturd still doesn't understand economics 101.

First class of economics 101 - tariffs destroy wealth and are bad for the economy.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
Stay in China and Mexico the next time your business moves out of country. You can come back in but it'll cost you...........of course it will cost the customer as well..........but maybe mom and pop will beat your ass in the local shop.

Non sequitur.

What a bizarre world it has become where "conservatives" argue for less economic freedom and higher taxes.
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.
First class of economics 101 - tariffs destroy wealth and are bad for the economy.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
Stay in China and Mexico the next time your business moves out of country. You can come back in but it'll cost you...........of course it will cost the customer as well..........but maybe mom and pop will beat your ass in the local shop.

Non sequitur.

What a bizarre world it has become where "conservatives" argue for less economic freedom and higher taxes.
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.
We got suckered!
First class of economics 101 - tariffs destroy wealth and are bad for the economy.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
Stay in China and Mexico the next time your business moves out of country. You can come back in but it'll cost you...........of course it will cost the customer as well..........but maybe mom and pop will beat your ass in the local shop.

Non sequitur.

What a bizarre world it has become where "conservatives" argue for less economic freedom and higher taxes.
No, jobs and competitive playing field. We used to have sweat shops and we got rid of those and China and Mexico came around. The question to you is, do you want jobs back in the US? Perhaps you're content with nobody working right?, ahhh, The true libturd

Thank you for displaying economic ignorance that is usually associated with liberals.

Your leftist liberal ignorance is duly noted.
they are? hmmmmmmmmm prove it.

Take an Econ 101 class.
Stay in China and Mexico the next time your business moves out of country. You can come back in but it'll cost you...........of course it will cost the customer as well..........but maybe mom and pop will beat your ass in the local shop.

Non sequitur.

What a bizarre world it has become where "conservatives" argue for less economic freedom and higher taxes.
No, jobs and competitive playing field. We used to have sweat shops and we got rid of those and China and Mexico came around. The question to you is, do you want jobs back in the US? Perhaps you're content with nobody working right?, ahhh, The true libturd

Thank you for displaying economic ignorance that is usually associated with liberals.

Your leftist liberal ignorance is duly noted.
Silence from you on my questions, how very libturd of you
I've been against Free Trade since the beginning. Take it how you like.

Leftists who don't understand capitalism usually are.
Jeff Sessions doesn't like them either...............Guess anyone who doesn't believe as you do is leftist............Might work on someone else but not me.................

Did you find someone willing to work for Tacos yet.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
It's all for the cause of freedom, the fate of humanity and the continuing existence of our universe so that we dont fall prey to the Klingons. /sarc

Yes, I would not be surprised if they invoke actual science fiction now.
These primaries are chock full of delicious goodies. The "conservative's" are compiling a enemy list that support Trump and they are going to be forever banished from their little club :lol: :lol: :lol:

The annoying Amanda Carpenter got the ball rolling. Full story and list of everyone banished from the kingdom is here >>> Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
Poor establishment. They don't like eating the canvas............They just got their asses kicked in this election.
Here they are talking about it.

So they will cheat and change the rules to defraud Trump and his supporters because that is what Establishments do; win at any and all costs.
I need a scorecard.

This is all very confusing.

Maybe you guys could wear uniforms.

The Democrats are going to go into this election more or less behind Hillary.

The Republicans are going into this election tearing themselves apart over a nominee who is receiving the highest negatives ever recorded in polling history.

Trumps negatives are the result of $65 million spent against him in attack adds since last August.

With that kind of money, the brainless morons that cant resist such bullshit would be ready to crucify Christ again.
Consumption and VAT taxes are generally preferred to tariffs because they don't discriminate and don't distort resource allocation. Tariffs on goods from Mexico and China implicitly subsidize industries and businesses that can't compete.
Why do you Free Trade zealots think American labor should compete against Third World serfs without subsidizing them?

Do yo understand economics? If our products are not subsidized, then the only other effect that can come about is the reduction of the American Middle Classes standard of living to that of Indonesia, which is what you really want, I take.
And what is The Don going to do to rectify that? Oh yeah, tariff goods, drive the costs of what we buy upward and maybe once a Ford Fiesta costs $75,000, they may consider making them in the US again….perhaps.

13 Domestic Cars Made Almost Entirely Overseas

Meanwhile, ironically, Toyotas are made in Texas, Hyundais are made in Mississippi and Georgia if I recall, Mercedes are made in Alabama.

When you have a consumer driven economy and wages are not raising, you have economic problems. Good thing Donald is for higher wages.

Oh wait:

Donald Trump said wages are 'too high' in his opening debate statement

Turns out he thinks you make too much money.

Never mind. He has nothing.

Yeah, cause nobody can possibly untangle that crap.

Did you really link us to a Breitbart article, trying to use it as a credible source? Do you take us for idiots or something?
Yeah, because facts magically become unfacts if they come from Brietbart.

My gawd you people are fucking morons.

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