Blacks again complain about all-white Oscars. What about the NBA?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Sorry blacks but there is no giant conspiracy to deny you jobs. Some professions are mostly black and some are mostly white.

Another All-White Oscars? This Is Bullshit.

jan 14 2016 Last year was the whitest Oscars in two decades, sparking wild outrage. This year, it’s the same situation. Why the white-washed, male-dominated Oscars really, well, just sucks.

In a year when diversity, representation, opportunity, and normalization was the driving conversation of show business—and rightfully so—we can now say that this is the whitest Oscars ever. If you’re looking for a benchmark, this is the whitest Oscars since last year. Isn’t that disgusting?

Not a single acting nominee this year is a person of color.
I haven't seen enough films in recent years to ascertain, but perhaps no black actors have produced works that the Academy voters feel are of Oscar caliber?

I mean, unlike Democrats, artists don't vote for people just because they're black.
Hollywood is nothing but liberal. It seems they tell us "little people" all the time about how "enlightened" they are, and that we should be more inclusive.

As usual, liberals living they way they want while telling the rest of us how to live.

At least this will give Al Sharpton a chance to get back in front of the tv cameras again.
We just need to implement Oscar redistribution. Those privileged White actors with multiple Oscars have to hand over those extra Oscars they don't deserve and give them to deserving Black actors. Problem solved!
Were any of them faggots? Lately this has been sort of the time of the the queers in tinsel town . . . .

I don't really care enough to read the article, and I don't care about celebrity shit to look into it.
Blacks want affirmative action and quotas on the Oscars now!!! Where will this black privilege end?

Liberals readily accept that blacks are generally better at things like playing football, basketball and boxing.
Liberals accept that Asians are generally smarter in classrooms.
Liberals generally accept that Hispanics are excellent and per capita better at playing baseball and soccer.

Liberals do NOT accept that whites are generally anything.
"Blacks again complain about all-white Oscars. What about the NBA?"


The stupidity of this is as remarkable as it is entertaining.
"Blacks again complain about all-white Oscars. What about the NBA?"


The stupidity of this is as remarkable as it is entertaining.

Ok. Explain. How can they bitch about underrepresentation in one thing....but be perfectly accepting of vast OVER representation in another?
So the idea here I thought was to vote for who you believe to have been the years best actor, actress, director, etc.
I didn't realize that voters needed to take in skin color as part of their voting criteria.
Silly me.
"Blacks again complain about all-white Oscars. What about the NBA?"


The stupidity of this is as remarkable as it is entertaining.

Really ?
So in an organization like the NBA, it's perfectly fine to put together your team based solely on talent, however when choosing an award recipient, race needs to be considered ?
Time to impose Affirmative Action quotas?

Blacks comprise 12% of the US population.

They get 12% of the NBA slots.

They get 12% of the NFL slots.

They get 12% of the MLB slots.

They get 12% of the government slots.

Etc... etc... etc...

The most fair way to ensure that they get their fair share...

That means Latinos get 16% of all of that...

After all, Hispanics have lept ahead of Blacks, and are now the dominant Minority in the United States...

Time to start paying less attention to Blacks and more attention to Hispanics...

The dominance of Blacks as THE Minority voice is coming to an end...

Just as well...

After 150 years of Dominant Minority status, and Blacks not doing much of anything worthwhile with it, they were getting stale and whiny and boring, anyway...

There's a new Dominant Minority according to the US Census Bureau... Hispanics.

Time to pass the Minority Leadership baton...
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"Blacks again complain about all-white Oscars. What about the NBA?"

The stupidity of this is as remarkable as it is entertaining.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. You have no answer because even you know it is hypocritical for blacks to complain about all white oscars but not all black NBA teams.

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